John 12:20-26
“Sir, we wish to see Jesus”
“Now there were certain Greeks…” [v. 20] Proselytes: “strangers”, “curious seekers” “Greeks” – uncircumsized; unable to participate in the temple sacrifices, etc. Even so, they had come “to worship at the feast” – cp. Acts 8:27-28 “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 A desire to know and serve God, but having an incomplete knowledge [cp. Rom. 10:1-3] – Their desire led them to the Christ [cp. Jn. 5:39]
“…they came to Philip…” [v. 21] “Philip” a Greek name; perhaps felt a connection John 1:43-46 – Philip himself had already sought the Christ; had been studying Moses, Law, Prophets [1:45] “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – Philip was committed to following Christ [1: 43] – Philip then helped Nathanael to “come and see” Jesus, examine for himself if He is Christ [1:46]
“Sir, we wish to see Jesus” [v. 21] They needed help from His disciple to “see” Him; cp. 1 John 1:1-3 Jesus distant, within temple; they could not go in “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – cp. another Philip [Acts 8:29-31] – a disciple’s responsibility: help guide people to Christ [cp. 2 Tim. 2:24-26; Acts 11:26; etc.] Philip knew Him; had access to Him; could help Jew-Gentile relations a barrier [cp. Acts 10:28]
“Andrew and Philip told Jesus” [v. 22] Philip sought Andrew’s help; okay to bring Greeks to see the Master? Andrew called before Philip, had closer friendship with Jesus [cp. Jn 1:35-40; Mk. 1:29; 13:3-4; etc.] “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – disciples help each other bring people to Jesus; cp. Acts 11:24-26; Mark 6:7, 12 Andrew, Philip worked together before [Jn. 6:3-9] Andrew also already had experience [Jn. 1:40-42]
“The hour has come” [v. 23] Jesus’ response is bigger than their request! The Greeks’ desire reminds Jesus of why He has come, offers teaching opportunity – For the first time Jesus declares “it is time”; cp. John 2:4; 7:2-9, 30; 8:19-20; etc. “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – His glorification will make access possible for all; John 3:16; 4:39-42; 8:12; 10:14-16; Eph. 2:11-18 Jesus’ response is exactly what the Greeks desire!
“Unless a grain…dies, it remains alone” [v. 24] In order to be glorified, bring in Greeks, He must die Apostles needed to hear; still didn’t understand – He had been teaching them this for months; now an occasion to make it a practical lesson “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – If He did not die as a sacrifice, His work would have ended with Himself Jesus’ death is absolutely a part of our being able to “see” Him! [cp. John 12:31-34; Eph. 2:18]
“If [a grain] dies, it produces much grain” [v. 24] The result of His death would be a harvest in glory True plant can only grow once the SEED has died – cp. 1 Cor. 15:35-37 “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – cp. Heb. 2:9-10, 14-15; Rom. 8:29; 1 Co. 15:20-23 Jesus died as the firstfruit, proof of more!
“He who loves his life, will lose it…” [v. 25] Jesus’ focus when it comes to seeing Him is spiritual The Greeks had asked to see Jesus; He responded with teaching on eternal life! “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – cp. Rom. 6:1-3, 7-11; 12:1-2 (daily) Seeing Jesus demands dying, just as He died
“follow Me…where I am…My servant will be” [v. 26] To be a true servant, must be where the Master is; cp. Colossians 3:2-3; Philippians 3:20 There is more to “seeing” Jesus than just seeing! – They would have to follow Jesus into the temple “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – Jesus Himself the only way [Jn. 14:6; Hb. 4:16] – cannot serve without following; cannot follow without serving; cp. Mt. 10:38; 16:24; etc. Serving and following are inextricably linked
“If anyone serves Me…My Father will honor” [v. 26] The result of serving Christ is access to the Father, honor from Him [cp. John 14:23] This is exactly what these Greeks were seeking – That’s why they went to Jerusalem for Passover, even knowing they couldn’t enter the temple “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 All who seek access to and honor from God must serve Christ; cp. Acts 4:12; John 14:6
“Do YOU wish to see Jesus” All of us have at one time or another been outsiders Ephesians 2:11-12 – “aliens”, “strangers”, “no hope”, “without God” “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” John 12:20-26 – However, Ephesians 2:13-18 This hour You too can be “brought near by the blood of Christ”!