The 70s and After The Times They Are A ’Changin
The 1970s Era Begins 1969 is the year Richard Nixon became President of the United States 1969 is the year Richard Nixon became President of the United States He faced issues at home, domestic, abroad, foreign, and personally. He faced issues at home, domestic, abroad, foreign, and personally.
Nixon was elected by a narrow margin and conservatives elected him. Nixon was elected by a narrow margin and conservatives elected him. Nixon promised to restore law and order to America Nixon promised to restore law and order to America The conservatives wanted the “Great Society” of LBJ shrunk quickly The conservatives wanted the “Great Society” of LBJ shrunk quickly
Economic Issues Large amounts of money went into the war in Vietnam and The Great Society Large amounts of money went into the war in Vietnam and The Great Society Inflation – a rise in the prices of goods and services across the economy Inflation – a rise in the prices of goods and services across the economy
The Nixon Years New Conservatism New Conservatism Tried to help people feel a new sense of order in a divided country Tried to help people feel a new sense of order in a divided country
The Nixon Years New Federalism New Federalism Give a portion of federal power to state governments Give a portion of federal power to state governments Revenue sharing – state and local government could spend federal dollars the way they wanted, within limits Revenue sharing – state and local government could spend federal dollars the way they wanted, within limits
Nixon Years Welfare Reform Welfare Reform Family Assistance Program – required family members to take jobs- defeated by Senate Family Assistance Program – required family members to take jobs- defeated by Senate Helped several Federal programs as he dismantled others Helped several Federal programs as he dismantled others
Economic Help Nixon cut spending – saw earlier Nixon cut spending – saw earlier Placed a temporary freeze on wage and price increase Placed a temporary freeze on wage and price increase Inflation dropped and the economy was looking up Inflation dropped and the economy was looking up
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised prices and cut shipments of oil to the United States Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised prices and cut shipments of oil to the United States
OPEC Actions taken to protest America’s support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973 Actions taken to protest America’s support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973 US inflation and unemployment grew US inflation and unemployment grew Gas shortage occurred Gas shortage occurred
Nixon Eases Cold War Sec. of State Henry Kissinger was asked to arrange talks with China Sec. of State Henry Kissinger was asked to arrange talks with China February 1972 President Nixon visited China February 1972 President Nixon visited China
Nixon and Mao 1972 trip opened doors of diplomacy and trade with China 1972 trip opened doors of diplomacy and trade with China Soviet Union having conflicts with China and grew concerned Soviet Union having conflicts with China and grew concerned
Soviet Visit May of 1972 President Nixon visited Moscow May of 1972 President Nixon visited Moscow Soviet – American relations improved Soviet – American relations improved
International Triumphs Détente – an easing of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War Détente – an easing of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Talks held and treaty signed in 1972 SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Talks held and treaty signed in 1972
How Could All This Positive Fall Apart? Richard Nixon was a control freak and could not leave well enough alone. Richard Nixon was a control freak and could not leave well enough alone Race for President his opponent was very liberal Democrat George McGovern 1972 Race for President his opponent was very liberal Democrat George McGovern Listening devices were placed in Democratic headquarters Listening devices were placed in Democratic headquarters One group was caught One group was caught
What and Why Watergate? Watergate Hotel Watergate Hotel June 17, 1972, five men were caught breaking into Democratic headquarters June 17, 1972, five men were caught breaking into Democratic headquarters The trail led to the White House The trail led to the White House
Election of 1972 Nixon won by a landslide! Nixon won by a landslide!
Nixon’s Downfall Two Washington Post reporters refused to let go of the Watergate story Two Washington Post reporters refused to let go of the Watergate story Woodward and Bernstein kept digging for information... AND! Woodward and Bernstein kept digging for information... AND!
His Image Was Tarnished
Daily Images The print media kept the Watergate story alive The print media kept the Watergate story alive There was a difference of opinion within the nation There was a difference of opinion within the nation
The Beginning of the End
August 9, 1974 Richard Milhous Nixon resigns as 37 th President of the United States Richard Milhous Nixon resigns as 37 th President of the United States srv/national/longterm /watergate/articles/ htm srv/national/longterm /watergate/articles/ htm
Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the 38 th President of the United States Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the 38 th President of the United States He is the only President to date that was not elected by the American people. He is the only President to date that was not elected by the American people.
Announcement of Pardon September 8, 1974 Nixon was issued a pardon –granting of the release from punishment or legal consequences of a crime September 8, 1974 Nixon was issued a pardon –granting of the release from punishment or legal consequences of a crime American people angry American people angry
Election of 1976 James Earl Carter, took the office of President of the United States on January 20, 1977 James Earl Carter, took the office of President of the United States on January 20, 1977 Democrat – former Governor of Georgia Democrat – former Governor of Georgia
Domestic Issues Creation on national energy policy Creation on national energy policy Streamlined some government agencies Streamlined some government agencies Environmental legislation Environmental legislation Olympic boycott Olympic boycott
Foreign Affairs Strengthened relations with China Strengthened relations with China Camp David Accords Camp David Accords Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Panama Canal Treaty Panama Canal Treaty Iranian Hostages Iranian Hostages
Pop Culture All was not dull and political in the 1970s All was not dull and political in the 1970s The disco movement started early in the decade The disco movement started early in the decade Discotheques opened Discotheques opened
Staying Alive In 1977 John Travolta reminded the era that we were Staying Alive with disco In 1977 John Travolta reminded the era that we were Staying Alive with disco
Pet Rocks Gary Dahl introduces a pet that never demanded anything. Gary Dahl introduces a pet that never demanded anything. The fad was short lived, but made Dahl a millionaire The fad was short lived, but made Dahl a millionaire
Moving into the 1980s As this decade ended, there was plenty over which to have concern. As this decade ended, there was plenty over which to have concern. There were also successes over which to rejoice. There were also successes over which to rejoice. What happens next? What happens next?