Go-Geo! - A Geo-data Portal Go-Geo! will be a resource discovery tool that tells users what geo-spatial data and related resources exist for a given area phase II demonstrator project JISC funded, commenced June 2002, 1 year duration joint project between EDINA and HDS aim: develop a demonstrator service suitable for extension to full service links with national effort, the NGDF network uses HE/FE extension to NGDF metadata discovery guidelines to describe geo-spatial datasets need to migrate to use ISO 19115 in time built upon Z39.50 technologies
Vision promote greater awareness of geo-spatial data within HE increasing amounts of geo-spatial data being created help make more (effective) use of these data promote greater awareness of geo-spatial data within the wider GI community in the UK an access point to geographically related resources obvious things (software, learning resources, training, etc.) BUT ALSO case studies, articles, images and projects, mail lists etc all tied together by location portal becomes a geographically oriented access point to the JISC Information Environment long term, if it becomes a service, extend to support access and data fusion
Statistical Account of Scotland NUMBER XIII. PARISH OF CULLEN. (COUNTY OF BANFF, SYNOD OF ABERDEEN, PRESBYTERY OF FORDYCE.) By the Rev. Mr. ROBERT GRANT. Royalty, Extent, Climate, etc. CULLEN, as appears from old charters, was originally called Inverculan, because it stands upon the bank of the Burn of Cullen, which, at the N. end of the town, falls into the sea: but now it is known by the name of Cullen on- ly. Cullen is a royal burgh, formerly a constabulary, of which the Earl of Findlater was hereditary constable. The set, as it is called, of the council, consists of 19, in which num- ber are included the Earl of Findlater, hereditary preses, 3 bailies, a treasurer, a dean-of-guild, and 13 counsellors. The parish extends from the sea fouthward, about 2 English miles in length. Geo-spatial data “data that have some form of spatial or geo-graphic reference that enables them to be located in two- or three-dimensional space”
Go-Geo! portal architecture GE:source Geo-data Gateway Other IE Content Providers NGDF Network Local go-geo database Go-Geo! portal architecture Metadata or resource servers Geo-data Network (proposed)
Challenges creation of metadata how do we encourage documentation of geo-spatial data? how do we ensure metadata is comprehensive, current? discovery is all very well but what about access researchers and lecturers unable to handle requests for data require mechanism for 'publishing' their data integrating existing geo-spatial data descriptions e.g. HDS uses DDI not NGDF metadata guidelines spatial searching for related resources majority of services within JISC IE have no geo-referencing even if they were, the Z39.50 software employed either doesn't support appropriate profiles e.g. GILS, GEO doesn't have functionality to undertake spatial searching
Cross-searching the JISC IE: 1 initiate search ('Edinburgh') Gazetteer Server crosswalk spatial component return result set Go-Geo! gateway geo-parse records content geo- referenced customised requests standard request Content Provider 1 Content Provider 2 Content Provider 3 Content Provider 4 content not geo-referenced JISC IE
Cross-searching the JISC IE: 2 Find me resources about my study area Map area: 340900, 392300 - 347217, 397660 Services registry Go-Geo! gateway Place names Content Provider 1 Knowsley, (Kirkby, Prescot) L34 BX003 Postcodes Content Provider 2 Parish names geoXwalk Server Content Provider 3
The services registry Need to know service provider service details e.g. name, description, contacts service details e.g. service name, description, access point, content type technical details of the service e.g. protocol (Z39.50), profile (geo), element set details additional information e.g. spatial domain form of geo-referencing spatial search attributes geographic MBR of contents time coverage metadata standard and mappings which software Using UDDI approach businessEntity businessService bindingTemplate tModels + xml extensions stored in bindingTemplate tmodel instance details instance details instance parameters for internal geo-portal service use only still early stages of thinking
JISC Information Environment Content providers Provision layer Shared services Fusion layer Authentication Authorisation Broker/Aggregator geo-X-walk Collect’n Desc Portal Portal Go-Geo! Portal Portal Service Desc Presentation layer Resolver Inst’n Profile End-user
Contacts Dr David Medyckyj-Scott EDINA web site: http://edina.ac.uk Manager, Research and Geo-Data Services Email: d.j.medyckyj-scott@ed.ac.uk EDINA web site: http://edina.ac.uk Tel.: +44 (0)131 650 3302 Fax: +44 (0)131 650 3308