Psalm 19—The Self Revelation of God.
Music/Song Enriches our spirit Lifts our hopes Expresses our love in a more explicit and resplendent way. Expresses our sorrows in a memorable way.
Psalm: “Any sacred song that is or may be sung in religious worship; a hymn, especially in biblical use.” (Oxford English Dictionary) All psalms are songs, but not all songs are psalms. (Dee Bowman, Studies in the Psalms: Essays in Honor of D. Philip Roberts) Psalm: “Any sacred song that is or may be sung in religious worship; a hymn, especially in biblical use.” (Oxford English Dictionary) All psalms are songs, but not all songs are psalms. (Dee Bowman, Studies in the Psalms: Essays in Honor of D. Philip Roberts)
Psalm 19 God has revealed Himself through the material world. (vv.1-6) God has revealed Himself through His expressed will. (vv.7-9) David’s reaction to God’s revelation. (vv ) God has revealed Himself through the material world. (vv.1-6) God has revealed Himself through His expressed will. (vv.7-9) David’s reaction to God’s revelation. (vv )
God Has Revealed Himself Through Natural Revelation The expense declares the work of God. (v.1) Day and night tirelessly declare in a language other than words the glory of their Maker. (vv.2-3) Their voice (ESV) goes throughout all the earth. (v.4) God has given the sun its dwelling place (4), and it runs its course day by day. (5-6) The expense declares the work of God. (v.1) Day and night tirelessly declare in a language other than words the glory of their Maker. (vv.2-3) Their voice (ESV) goes throughout all the earth. (v.4) God has given the sun its dwelling place (4), and it runs its course day by day. (5-6)
Doy Moyer: “One would be thought a fool if he contended that a computer came into being through blind chance—for instance, putting all the right parts into a box and shaking them up so that they form a computer (even then, who does the shaking?). If we found a copy of the United States Constitution, would it be reasonable to think that a monkey just happened to sit down and type it out, or that some unknown chance put all the letter in the right positions? The only possible explanation for it would be intelligence. How foolish it would be to argue that a car, with all of its complexities, originated through some chance happening. How much more incredible would it be to believe that this vast universe, with all of its unique complexity, came about by chance? How incredible would it be to believe that the human body, which dwarfs a computer by comparison, came about by mere chance? Some complex is this universe that it would be virtually impossible for it to have come about by chance.” (Standing on Solid Ground, page 22)
God Has Spoken Through Specific Revelation Six Titles for God’s Word: – Psalm 19:7-9-- a The law of the L ORD is 1b perfect, c restoring the soul; – The testimony of the L ORD is d sure, making e wise the simple. – 8 The precepts of the L ORD are a right, b rejoicing the heart; – The commandment of the L ORD is c pure, d enlightening the eyes. – 9 The fear of the L ORD is clean, enduring forever; – The judgments of the L ORD are a true; they are b righteous altogether. Six Titles for God’s Word: – Psalm 19:7-9-- a The law of the L ORD is 1b perfect, c restoring the soul; – The testimony of the L ORD is d sure, making e wise the simple. – 8 The precepts of the L ORD are a right, b rejoicing the heart; – The commandment of the L ORD is c pure, d enlightening the eyes. – 9 The fear of the L ORD is clean, enduring forever; – The judgments of the L ORD are a true; they are b righteous altogether.
Six Descriptions of God’s Word Psalm 19:7-9-- a The law of the L ORD is 1b perfect, c restoring the soul; The testimony of the L ORD is d sure, making e wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the L ORD are a right, b rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the L ORD is c pure, d enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the L ORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the L ORD are a true; they are b righteous altogether. Psalm 19:7-9-- a The law of the L ORD is 1b perfect, c restoring the soul; The testimony of the L ORD is d sure, making e wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the L ORD are a right, b rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the L ORD is c pure, d enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the L ORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the L ORD are a true; they are b righteous altogether.
Six Results of God’s Word Psalm 19:7-9-- a The law of the L ORD is 1b perfect, c restoring the soul; The testimony of the L ORD is d sure, making e wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the L ORD are a right, b rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the L ORD is c pure, d enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the L ORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the L ORD are a true; they are b righteous altogether. Psalm 19:7-9-- a The law of the L ORD is 1b perfect, c restoring the soul; The testimony of the L ORD is d sure, making e wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the L ORD are a right, b rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the L ORD is c pure, d enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the L ORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the L ORD are a true; they are b righteous altogether.
Dee Bowman: “It is as if, having taken a prism, he lets the light of God’s word pass through it so that all the various hues and colors of His revelation are brilliantly displayed, splashing beautifully across the varied needs of mankind. His descriptions are not only apt, but beautiful indeed.” (Studies in the Psalms Essays in the Honor D. Philip Roberts, page 321)
David’s Reaction to God’s Revelation Psalm 19:10-- They are more desirable than a gold, yes, than much fine gold; b Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Dee Bowman “The word of God has an immeasurable significance for mankind. Only by and through it is he able to reach out and embrace eternity. The word of God is the basis for his faith, the shining ray of his hope, the totality of God’s love in his life. It alone identified who God is and how He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him. Only the word of God defines the means and measures necessary to seek after and please Him. No wonder He speaks of its value in such resplendent terms. Gold may buy the finest of earth’s treasures, but the only word of God will buy treasure in heaven.” Psalm 19:10-- They are more desirable than a gold, yes, than much fine gold; b Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Dee Bowman “The word of God has an immeasurable significance for mankind. Only by and through it is he able to reach out and embrace eternity. The word of God is the basis for his faith, the shining ray of his hope, the totality of God’s love in his life. It alone identified who God is and how He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him. Only the word of God defines the means and measures necessary to seek after and please Him. No wonder He speaks of its value in such resplendent terms. Gold may buy the finest of earth’s treasures, but the only word of God will buy treasure in heaven.”
God’s Word Does Three Things God’s word includes deterrents to sin. God’s word examines and identifies weakness and recommends actions for both prevention and correction. God’s word identifies what is acceptable worship to God. God’s word includes deterrents to sin. God’s word examines and identifies weakness and recommends actions for both prevention and correction. God’s word identifies what is acceptable worship to God.