Comenius Assistantship action Žana Orlova Induction meeting for Incoming Comenius and Grundtvig assistants Vilnius November, 2011
Statistical data
Comenius Assistantship To give future teachers the opportunity to: gain a better understanding of the European dimension to teaching and learning; enhance their knowledge of foreign languages, other European countries and their education systems; improve their teaching skills.
Key aspects - 1 Maintain cultural and linguistic diversity and practice the right to live and work anywhere in Europe PRIORITY less widely used and less taught languages
Key aspects - 2 To introduce or reinforce a European dimension in the host school and community BY Raising learners’ awareness of another European culture and helping break down prejudice
Key aspects - 3 Assistants concentrate mainly on work in the classroom BUT There are opportunities to develop more unusual or innovative activities while: teaching own language and culture (language and non- language lessons) extra-curricular activities activities in the local community
Good practice guide 4.1 Before leaving for the assistantship 4.2 Integration into the school 4.3 Integration into the local community 4.4 In and beyond the classroom
Preparing the assistantship Agree an outline timetable Make sure the timetable is for 12–16 hours per week Use the chance to teach your mother tongue Understand the host education system Learn the language Investigate the possibility of obtaining student status Get insurance Key aspect: invest time and thought
Integration into the school Respect cultural and educational differences Introduce yourself to all staff Understand teachers are sometimes very busy Use the induction period to think carefully about the assistantship Offer to help teachers during the induction period Offer to help with extra-curricular activities — sport, clubs, etc. Meeting with your supervisor at the end of the induction period If you have problems, speak to your supervisor first Key aspect: observe and be sensitive
Integration in the local community Be aware of cultural and religious differences Try to use the local language wherever possible Find out about language classes or exchanges Consider joining a local club or evening class Do not miss the induction meeting Ask the host national agency for a list of other Comenius assistants Complete all necessary formalities (health, etc.) Key aspect: be active
In and beyond the classroom Aim for informality but ensure respect Plan all lessons thoroughly, with the teacher if possible Speak mainly the language (in which) you are teaching Speak clearly but usually at normal speed Discuss with teachers how you should correct learners’ mistakes Gain as much experience as possible with different types of class Suggest activities and materials
In and beyond the classroom Try not to be limited to the traditional classroom If you have discipline problems, speak to your supervisor Every week evaluate with the supervisor what you have achieved Keep a file on your assistantship Key aspects: consider cultural and educational differences and do not enter in conflict with the policy of the school
Anexes I and II Annex I — Accommodation Tips: living with a family, student residences, sharing flats or houses Annex II — Resources assistants can bring Are you going home for Christmas? Take a look at this annex
Some ideas for activities Part I: In the language classroom all ages primary school secondary school Part II: Beyond the language classroom Subjects other than languages, extra-curricular activities Clubs Projects special weeks
Responsibilities Assistants’ responsibilities: do his/her best to fulfill his/her tasks in a committed way; carefully prepare for his/her assistantship; support the school to establish contacts to his/her home country; accept all school rules and regulations relevant for employees; inform the school in cases of illness or unforeseen absence; inform the school as early as possible if due to unforeseen circumstances the assistantship can not be completed as agreed upon.
Responsibilities Host schools’ responsibilities: regular weekly meetings with the supervisor; introduce the assistant to all staff; allow observation for an induction period; draw a timetable which takes into account the professional interests of the assistant; allow for teaching his/her mother tongue; integrate the CA in the school life; inform him/her about all rules and regulations; support the assistant to their best; facilitate contacts; help the CA to take part in the induction meeting.
When you go back... 1 Ensure a certificate signed by the head of the Host School, stating full name, dates and place of the assistantship Keep in touch with the LT contacts (& other CAs) for future partnerships or projects
When you go back... 2 fill-in the final report and: - send a copy to your and LT NA’s within 30 days, together with a copy of the signed agreement; - leave a copy with your host school. promote and disseminate the experience: be aware of Europass CV, Language Passport and Europass Mobility as European mobility tools:
Your questions are welcome
References Education Exchanges Support Foundation Good practice guide for host schools and assistants (first document) eikejams/comenius_asistentams_ir_priimancioms_m okykloms_skirtas_gerosios_praktikos_vadovas_en Erasmus intensive language courses in Lithuania rasmus_intensive_language_courses_eilc_in_lithua nia rasmus_intensive_language_courses_eilc_in_lithua nia Europass documents
Education Exhanges Support Foundation Gelezinio Vilko str. 12, Vilnius Tel. (8~5) Fax. (8~5)