Structure and Function of Local Government: Challenges of Urban Growth Population and Housing –keep properties from declining –Urban renewal –Created less affordable houses, creating higher rent –Housing Discrimination –Coping with Housing Shortages low interest loans offered to renovate houses for low income groups
Social Problems –Homelessness Private and religious charitable organizations contribute most to relieve homelessness –Drug Abuse Inner-city teenagers could not find jobs, justified selling drugs Hoped to escape poverty Structure and Function of Local Government: Challenges of Urban Growth
Meeting Future Challenges –Infrastructure Beginning to show signs of wear –Mass Transit Maintain a sound transportation network –Need for Economic Development Stimulate economic development –Revitalization – governments invest in new facilities to promote economic growth Tax incentives for industries to relocate Structure and Function of Local Government: Challenges of Urban Growth
Gentrification New people move into a neighborhood, forcing out those who live there Changes the area’s character New Federal and State Priorities Shifting from city problems to suburban opportunities Reorganize governments into a metropolitan government to serve the entire region Structure and Function of Local Government: Challenges of Urban Growth