Project Independence
Project Independence is a new innovative model that provides supportive housing for people with an intellectual disability The ACT Government has supported the scheme by finding 3 sites, including land in Latham Up to ten tenants in 3 separate dwellings The houses will have larger than normal bedrooms and one house will have a large living area so that people can gather to meet and share meals The houses will be adaptable and accessible and energy efficient The ACT Government will be funding the construction of the dwellings on 2 of the sites Project Independence will be required to become a registered supportive housing provider
Project Independence
Working with tenants in setting rules and activities Developing housing pathways for tenants Providing tenants with the opportunity to invest in their property Revenues from the project which will be used to provide further housing developments Caretaker will be present on site Nutritionally balanced meal to provided once a day Informal and formal support will be available to the people living there The ACT Government has supported innovative methods in housing people with a disability – Getting a Life/Intentional Community Consistent with principles of National Disability Insurance Scheme