1 “Ecobuilding Club” Panorama of the Italian situation in Ecobuilding field Anna Danzi FINCO The Federation of Italian Building Material Producers International.


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Presentation transcript:

1 “Ecobuilding Club” Panorama of the Italian situation in Ecobuilding field Anna Danzi FINCO The Federation of Italian Building Material Producers International final dissemination Meeting – Paris december the 3 rd 2009

2 FINCO Overview FINCO is the “umbrella” organisation of the Italian Building Material Producers and other minor sectors linked to construction FINCO is a Federation made by 31 National Associations of Manufacturers that represent about companies and workers

3 Represented Sectors Aggregates Thermal insulating materials Steel Construction and Products Expanded Clay Curtain and Sun Shading Systems Aluminium Curtain Wall and Windows Marble and Marble Equipments Ceramics Lime, Gypsum and Mortar Glass and Plastic Roofs Asphalt and Bitumen Systems to evacuate Heat and Smoke Security Devises Distributors of building materials and construction site machines Installers of technological equipments

Economic Weight of the Sector In the Italian economy, the whole Construction Sector produces about 10% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product ) Almost half of this 10% is made by manufacturers for construction 90% of the Italian manufacturers are SMEs 4

FINCO Tasks 1.Provide services to Associations 2.Represent Sectors towards Public and Private Institutions 3.Realize projects to improve the sector 5

3. Realize Projects to improve the sector Studies on sector’s trend Actions to improve the quality of the cities (Destroy suburbs in order to build up in a better way) Initiatives to develop and reinforce: Industrial construction system Qualification of processes Enterprise culture Initiatives on Energy Saving (ex: White Book on building energy consumption; promotion and support of energetic requalification of building; etc) Participation in environmental projects (Like, ECOBUILDING CLUB project) 6

7 Eco-building Project “Eco-Building International Club for advanced European sustainable energy technology dissemination in Europe and China”

Eco-building Project 8 International network of subjects working in the eco- building sector Good link between Industry and Research in order to find and spread the best results among the innovative and efficient products and systems able to reduce energy building consumption Great tool to collect and to disseminate information in eco- building sector

9 Project Partners 1 ENEA Italia 2 ISNOVAItalia 3 FINCO Italia 4 CRES Grecia 5 EBHEGrecia 6 ADEME Francia 7 ZERICina 8 SECBulgaria 9 GPREC Grecia 10 DTI Danimarca 11 BI Danimarca

10 Why it is important the participation of a Federation, like FINCO, in a wide international initiative like Eco-Building Club project ? The main point

The easy answer Because the involvement of the Federation and the connected Associations in the environment initiatives is great and Finco is working a lot in order to support good initiatives able to: 11

12 Finco’s Strategy for the Environment Reduce the CO2 emission during the production process Reduce the CO2 emission and energy consumption in house management Develop the culture of saving energy and natural resources Improve construction quality Promote a sustainable development of construction sector

13 Why the construction sector is interested to environment The construction sector is one of the main subject in the environment field because: It uses up non renewable resources It influences the availability of soil It consumes energy during all its life cycle: production of materials, management of the buildings, demolition and reuse of raw and secondary materials

14 What else pushes the sector The emergency at environment level it is important, but there is something else: High energy costs Need to apply Kyoto Protocol Need to work for new goal of “ Strategy” Will to follow a new business

15 The Strategy On march the 9 th 2007 the UE Council decided a new object to reach in environment field by 2020: 1.Grow up to 20% the renewable energies 2.Grow up to 20% the energy efficiency 3.Reduce of 20% of gasses that produce global warming 4.Grow up to 20% the production of bio-fuel

16 What happens in Italy In Italy the strategy to fight pollution and save energy in building sector started long time ago because: Italy imports more than 85% of energy from abroad and because More than 40% of national energy is used in buildings(materials production and displacement, building construction, management, demolition, etc.)

17 Italy: Energy saving Legislation/1 Law 373/1976 ( Thermal Insulation, maximum power of installations ) Law 10/1991 (Save and rational use of energy) Decree July 2005 (Regulation of energy consumption throw energy dispersion levels - application of L. 10/91)

18 Italy: Energy saving Legislation/2 Legislative Decree 192/2005 (National implementation of European Directive 2002/91/CE - Energy Performance of Buildings ) Legislative Decree 311/2006 ( Integration of D.L.vo 192/05 – It introduced a mandatory energy certification of buildings) Presidential Decree 59/2009 (Calculation and minimum building energy performance ) Regulation 26 June 2009 (Guide Line to certify energy performance of buildings)

19 Italy: Energy saving Legislation/3 Financial Law 2007 and 2009 (Economic support to energetic renew of building- tax reduction of 55% and VAT of 10% on materials) Local Regulation (Regions and Cities approved buildings regulation to improve the energy quality of cities) “Project House 2” - April 2009 (Agreement between Government and Regions to demolish houses and rebuild them with an increase of 35% of volume if low energy houses)

20 What’s wrong It is very difficult to check the application of new legislation and to verify the real saving of energy results. The Official National Census in 2001 declared that in Italy there were (at that time) of houses (29,4 Million in 2008) 2/3 of them were built before the Law 373/76 (without any criteria to save energy) The medium energy consumption in a house is about 160Kwh/m 2 ; in 2020 for the new house will be required to be 80 Kwh/m 2 In the next years there will be less than new houses per year (less than the 1% of the existing houses): this means that to reach “ ” goal (128 Kwh/m 2 ) it is necessary also to renew houses per year (*) (*) Fonte Cresme

21 The Crisis/1 After ten years of growth, in 2008, the construction sector started a negative trend: In 2009 the decrease in construction investment is expected between -8,1% and -9,4% (*) The reduction is more or less the same in all the construction sectors: New private houses, Retrofit (old houses), New public buildings, New private building In 2009 the decrease of building material production is expected between -18% and -34% (*) (it depends on the products)

22 The Crisis/2 What is going to happen in 2010? The decrease in construction investment is expected between -5,8 % and – 7,1% (*) With a wide application of the “Project House 2” the decrease could be between – 2,6 % and – 3,9 % (*) For sure investments in retrofit, in save energy measures and installation of renewable energy sources will lead the trend (*) Fonte Cresme-Ance

23 Eco- building to overcome the Crisis The crisis numbers and the needs of the environment (and the people health) can be combined for a positive change of the situation: It is clear the political will to overcome the crisis and to answer to environment demand coming at national and international level It is clear the importance of Mass Media to help people to better understand the situation It is clear the support that Universities, Agencies for Energies, Research Institutes etc. can give to develop new tools It is clear a new role that Designers, Contractors, Materials Producers, Certifiers can have in the future on these topics

24 Solutions and limits To overcome the crisis and improve energy performance of buildings the “must” is INNOVATION of: products, processes, systems. The Italian manufactures because of: enterprise size (small and medium) strong link with the local market a not easy access to credit bank have some difficulties to invest in innovation, even if….. A lot of them do!

25 The new market of energy saving/1 To save energy it is important to act on the different parts of the existing buildings because the best performance is of the whole system In the last five years 33% of the Italian families did something to improve the energy consumption in their houses (replacement of windows, roofs, insulations of walls, installation of solar and photovoltaic panels etc.)

26 The new market of energy saving/2 In the next 5-10 years a recent research showed that (*) : 23 Millions of windows are going to be changed 140 Millions of walls are going to be improved (coats, curtain walls, insulating plasters etc) 300 Millions of roofs are going to be renewed 424 Millions of attics are going to be improved 15 Millions of installations will be substituted (*) Fonte Cresme

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