Corporate Social Responsibility - A new way to communicate with stakeholders? Philip Dewhurst Director of Corporate Affairs, BNFL 10 February 2004
Developing a reporting programme for Corporate Social Responsibility Why do we report on CSR? How we do report on CSR? Our experience Best practice
Why? Economic Stakeholders Social Stakeholders Environmental Stakeholders STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS AND PRESSURE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE INCREASING EXPECTATIONS OF GOOD CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP Companies are increasingly being judged on more than financial performance
How we report? What do our stakeholders want us to report ? What do we currently measure ? What is current best practice in reporting ? How meaningful is the information ? How comprehensive is the information ? (organisational coverage) How consistent is the measurement of the information ? How accurate is the information ? How accessible is the report to stakeholders ? Is it a true and fair view of performance ? (Can the report be verified ?) 2. Ensure data quality 3. Prepare report Continuous improvement and maturity of reporting 1. Identify Reporting requirements
Our experience For BNFL’s first CSR Report What must we report on? What should we report on? What can we report on? Who is it aimed at? What do we want to say ? What do they want to know ?
Our experience We aimed at internal audience, key decision makers We wanted to describe what CSR means to BNFL; how it will be embedded in the company and how it will be managed We used the National Stakeholder Dialogue, key stakeholder research, MORI survey results to find out what our stakeholders wanted to know
What should we report on? It was recognised that the report must reflect the stage of development of CSR within BNFL. Report on –Strategy work on CSR –Data used for EH&S Report and financial report –Issues Report contents –our commitment; –performance reporting framework( triple bottom line); –issues; –CSR in our business operations and the next step Did not use a set reporting format e.g. GRI IN ORDER TO GAIN TRUST AND DEMONSTRATE TRANSPARENCY IT MUST BE A TRUE AND FAIR VIEW
Our experience: Verification VERIFICATION Considered essential in demonstrating transparency Used Ernst and Young because they are our financial auditors (consistency) Verification consisted of : corporate interviews site visits text verification Verification ensures that the report is based on fact rather than “myths and legends”. It can also identify areas where the report understates a companies performance
Our experience: The Next Steps THE NEXT STEPS –feedback form included in report –footprinting exercise to improve information on impact of sites –expanding the approach to stakeholder dialogue –increasing the role of verification ESTABLISHING A PLATFORM OF TRUST
Issues for the Nuclear Industry The industry has a clear role in sustainable development : –generation of carbon free electricity –cleanup of legacy waste (restoring the environment) However –Lack of trust of society in industry, governments, science –Society has a range of issues with the nuclear industry that they want someone to be accountable for In order to demonstrate to society that it can be sustainable, the industry must –show that it is effectively managing these issues –be transparent about its performance REPORTING IS PART OF THIS PROCESS
Issues for the Nuclear industry ISSUES for SOCIETY Companies Industry National Governments International Bodies Safety Waste Management Security Economics PollutionTRUST Who owns them ?
CSR Best Practice CSR reporting still relatively new Should be an integral part of an organisation’s operations Demonstrates that economic, social and environmental benefits are all possible at the same time. Not a fad - it is the way to do good business Of the UK FTSE 100 Companies in 2003*: – 55 have a full html CSR web section – 29 produced a printed full CSR report, 14 more than last year – A further 16 produced a printed combined environmental and social report * Research by CGI Brandsense
BNFL CSR strategy 2003/4