The History Of Constructivism What is Constructivism? It is a philosophy that views knowledge as something each of us creates.
Behaviorism In the 20the century Behaviorism dominated other theories in education and research. What is Behaviorism? What where it’s limitations which triggered the cognitive theory to Emerge in the 1950’s? Pavlov’s Dog…..
Who is responsible for developing the theories of constructivism? Jean Piaget John Dewey
Others who added new perspectives to constructivist learning: Lev Vygotsky Jerome Bruner David Ausubel Seymour Papert Modern educators who have studied and written about, and practiced constructivist approaches to education: John D. Bradsford John D. Bradsford Ernest von Glaserfeld Ernest von Glaserfeld Eleanor Duckworth George Forman Roger Schank Jacqueline Grennon Brooks Martin G. Brooks
How is constructivism used in classrooms today? Teacher guidance Problem solving Inquiry-based learning activities Students draw conclusions and inferences, and pool and covey their knowledge in a collaborative learning environment. An Old Chinese Proverb “Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Let me do it and I understand.”
References Retrieved July 20, 2009, from Stand up for America Web site: dewey.jpg Retrieved July 20, 2009, from Stand up for America Web site: dewey.jpg dewey.jpg dewey.jpg Retrieved July 20, 2009, Web site: et2.gif Retrieved July 20, 2009, Web site: et2.gifhttp://arbeitsblaetter.stangl- et2.gifhttp://arbeitsblaetter.stangl- et2.gif Llewellyn, Douglas (2007). Inquire Within. from PA73&dq=constructivism+today&source=bl&ots=0a4xVmLZev&sig= Fv5ONq4oKqym_3gt2YexJOPXEvY&hl=en&ei=tgJlSrT6KonQM8630Z4 M&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 PA73&dq=constructivism+today&source=bl&ots=0a4xVmLZev&sig= Fv5ONq4oKqym_3gt2YexJOPXEvY&hl=en&ei=tgJlSrT6KonQM8630Z4 M&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 PA73&dq=constructivism+today&source=bl&ots=0a4xVmLZev&sig= Fv5ONq4oKqym_3gt2YexJOPXEvY&hl=en&ei=tgJlSrT6KonQM8630Z4 M&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2