Clinton: From: Jansson, B., The Reluctant Welfare State
1992 Election Clinton 43% Bush 38% Perot 19% Campaign promises: – reduce budget deficit – reform health care – invest in education & public improvements –family and medical leave
1993 Budget bill passed to cut deficit, raise taxes and increase EITC Enacts Family and Medical leave Plan to reform health care with Hilary Clinton in charge of task force New policy on gays in military “don’t ask, don’t tell”
1994 Federal crime to intimidate abortion clinic workers Major crime bill strengthening local law enforcement and adding $$ for prisons
1994 Conservatives issue “Contract with America” Idea to continue Reagan revolution 1994 election Republicans control both houses of Congress Newt Gingrich becomes Speaker of the House
Contract with America Balance budget Strengthen national defense Middle class tax cuts Welfare reform Strengthen the family Curb civil litigation Anti-crime Incentives to business
Republican assault on social programs Major budget stalemate, including shutting down of government Clinton signs Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Act Clinton elected to second term in November 1996
1998 Allegations of sexual scandal – Lewinsky Major issue in 1998 Congressional election Tactic backfired, Republican majority in House cut Gingrich resigned as Speaker House impeached Clinton on perjury, but not convicted by the Senate
Social Policies in Second Term Private health insurance companies not to discriminate against mental health claims $20 billion to states for health insurance for uninsured children Budget surplus & deficits ended Clinton’s vp, Al Gore, very narrowly defeated by George W. Bush in 2000