OPC Today and in the Future Tom Burke - President and Executive Director, OPC Foundation Jim Luth, Technical Director, OPC Foundation
OPC : Past, Present, & Future Thomas Burke, OPC Foundation President
OPC Foundation International Industry Standard Organization 400+ Member Companies / 40+ end-users Members 2500+ Total Companies Build OPC Products = 15000+ Products The vision of OPC is to be the Foundation for interOperability for moving information vertically from the factory floor through the enterprise of multi-vendor systems (with stops in between…) For moving information horizontally between devices on different industrial networks from different vendors; Not just data but information……. Reliable, Secure Integration is not an Option Collaboration is key to pulling multiple “open” standards into unified open platform architecture….
hours min secs 1 sec msec sec The Plant : a Complex Environment with many opportunities for standards for interoperability Plant Servers Other Computing Devices hours PLANT INFORMATION NETWORK - Ethernet Personal Computer Network Manager min Archive Replay Module Area Servers Plant Network Modules Control Stations Additional CN Modules Application Module History Module secs Fiber Optics CONTROL NETWORK Network Gateway Network Gateway PLC Gateway 1 sec Subnetwork Gateway Network Interface Module Control Network Extenders Other Data Hiway Boxes PLC Other Subsystems msec Multifunction Controller Logic Manager Process Manager Subnetwork Extended Controller Basic Controller CONTROL NETWORK Advanced Process Manager Before we discuss Microsoft’s offering for the Manufacturing Industry I would like to review with you a typical IT infrastructure of a Manufacturing company. In the 1970’s, the central theme of information systems was hardware, and the result was almost always a hierarchical system centered on the company mainframe for commercial systems and perhaps manufacturing planning, with separate design, engineering and shop floor solutions. By the 1980’s, information systems for manufacturing had become more focused on applications, with numerous applications economically available for tasks ranging from process control and manufacturing planning to product design. PC networks and UNIX based systems appeared in large numbers. ‘Open Systems’ promised easy integration and access to data as well as vendor independence. If a new application needed a new Operating System, then, so ,long as enough ‘Open System’ standards were supported, the new Operating System could fit into the enterprise’s Information Technology (IT) architecture. The result of this is a variety of different systems on different hardware platforms difficult to interface and sometimes impossible to integrate. Each Operating System needs its own specialist. Even dialects of UNIX each need their own specialist Another common factor is that these systems are not only complex and expensive to support they are also very difficult to change. Meeting the requirements (in terms of IT infrastructure) for BPR projects has become a nightmare for many IT departments adding additional cost and complexity. Advanced Multifunction Controller LocalProcessors sec Transmitters Smartine Transmitters Asynchronous Processing Multiple Interfaces Mission Critical How To Manage Changes? Complex Information Flows Multi-vendor Proprietary
The Inter-Enterprise Nightmare Best-of-breed solutions Many different vendors Custom made solutions Proprietary technologies Point-to-point Integration Limited real-time information Risking future success Complex business environment Maintenance nightmare Multiple dependencies Multiple standards Manufacturer Plants Suppliers OPC started in 1995 providing a simple interface allowing the device driver problem to be solved. This slide reflects that the same problem now exist for interenterprise information communication. OPC is well positioned to solve the fundamental problem of moving data and information across the corporate firewalls via the new OPC unified architecture. The slide conveys the existing problem of the spaghetti nightmare of hundreds of millions of interfaces being currently required for interenterprise communication Customer value is lost
InterOperability InterOperability Performance Connectivity ... A standard object model and set of interfaces for applications and servers Performance Before OPC: With OPC: Custom interfaces Client and Server write to a standard costly inefficient risky reduce cost protect investment more choices increase productivity Connectivity Application X ... DCS Controller PLC Application Y Display Application Trend Application I put the slide in just a reemphasized the points of the previous slide more from an educational point of view, and is not intended to have to be part of the presentation in the keynote. Before OPC: Custom Interfaces COSTLY INEFFICIENT RISKY With OPC: Client and Server write to a Standard REDUCE COST PROTECT INVESTMENT MORE CHOICES INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY Before OPC No standard for interfacing with devices / tools / applications Vendors must each develop their own proprietary servers. With OPC Provides a standard interface for applications to communicate & exchange data & objects Vendors develop to one standard OPC interface OPC OPC PLC DCS Controller
OPC Data Access Architecture Software App provides a linkage between OPC Client(s) and devices MES and/or HMI Applications (OPC Client) OPC Server PLC OPC Client access to CIP (and other network) data is provided through OPC server functionality running in a PC today PLC Proprietary Messaging OPC Data Access
OPC Market Acceptance OPC $ Time Dramatic Market Acceptance & Growth Clear business benefits & risk mitigation Many vertical industry applications Source: Inside the Tornado by Geoffrey A. Moore, HarperBusiness, 1995 pages 14 & 19 Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Technology Visionaries Pragmatists Conservatives Skeptics Enthusiasts Chasm $ Time Technology Life Cycle Curve OPC OPC UA
OPC – Functional Areas
Today’s Integration Challenges Numerous incompatible protocols Complex configuration and maintenance Islands of automation Rigid infrastructure Vulnerability to system and network failures Security
Numerous Incompatible Protocols DDE RS-232 HART Lonworks UNICODE 802.3 ProfiBus V.35 Interbus CC-Link Bluetooth DNS IPsec DeviceNet RS-485 TCP OAGIS CAN Kerberos ControlNet CORBA RS-422 DHCP netDDE BAPI EBCDIC HTTP SNMP 802.11 SOAP DeviceLogix FIPIO ANSI FieldBus COM IPX USB With so many protocols and standards--some of which work together, some which do not, and all of which need to be configured properly--you can literally lose sight of the manufacturing process CANopen AS-I Industrial Ethernet RS-423 .NET Remoting DCOM OPC-HDA OPC-A&E ARP XML OLE Firewire WMI IPv6 Modbus 802.1x IPv4 UDP OPC-DA FDI RARP J1939 ICMP Ethernet FTP
Numerous Incompatible Tiers Section/Area material dispatch performance measurement SCADA quality systems production planning process history controllers area Enterprise ERP CRM SCP SCE PLM R&D Facility/Plant time attendance and maintenance management resource product genealogy WIP tracking PDM production planning Cell cell controllers HMI DCS operator interfaces Equipment sensors transmitters valves networks field NC machines robots Station continuous controllers batch controllers NC controllers discrete controllers process monitoring Viewed another way, the plant’s information architecture explodes into multiple tiers, each of which has its own class of devices, its own class of applications, and its own way of representing, storing, and communicating data.
OPC Unified Architecture Motivation .NET new Communication architecture DCOM retires Internet OPC-UA Better Integration (DA, HDA, AE) More Areas of Application (MES, ERP) Storyboard #0 – OPC UA: Why we started it (Slide 1 of 2) The Unified Architecture is the next generation of technology. We need to make clear that the current OPC is great but we still thought we start with a completely new technology. How can we sell this? We do not want users to stop buying products until UA. We also need a statement about compatibility. Allow existing servers to be plugged into UA. Keep established terminology and functionality Roadmap! Service Oriented
OPC Unified Architecture Web Services / XML Easy Configuration and Maintenance Increased Visibility Broader Scope Reliability Security Performance Platform Neutrality Legacy Products Plug Right In…
OPC Unified Architecture Base Integration of DA, A&E, Commands, Complex Data, and Object Types Designed for Federation abstract data/ information from the plant floor, through information models, and up to enterprise systems Information Modeling development and deployment of standard information models to address industry domains specifics Complex Data OPC Standard & Domain & vendor specific….. Storyboard Topics to Address with Posters Storyboard #1 – OPC UA Architecture This storyboard describes the technical architecture of an OPC server, highlighting the integration of DA, A&E, Commands, Complex Data, and Object Typing. Storyboard #2 – Server Chaining This storyboard describes how OPC UA servers can be designed to abstract information from the plant floor, through information models, and up to enterprise systems. Aggregation of servers will be highlighted. Storyboard #3 – Information Models This storyboard will emphasize the application of OPC UA to specific industry domains. It will encourage the development and deployment of standard information models so that interoperability will start to happen at the information level rather than at the bit level. Storyboard #4 – Complex Data This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how complex data can greatly expand the data accessible from a server. Examples to include alarm objects and trend objects. Storyboard #5 - Commands This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how commands can suppport the invocation of specific operations, such as calibrations. Storyboard #6 – Enterprise Integration This storyboard will emphasize the exchange of well-known objects (perhaps standardized) through the OPC UA standard messaging system. Storyboard #7 – Robustness This storyboard will describe how OPC overcomes the inherent problems associated with failed communications and failed clients and servers. Sequence numbers, keep-alives, resyncing, and support for redundancy will be highlighted. Storyboard #8 – Companion Standards This storyboard will describe the process by which industry groups can define how OPC UA can be used in a standard manner to access their data. Standard procedures for the development and registration of companion standards with the OPC Foundation will be highlighted.
OPC Unified Architecture Base Security Collaboration, Development & Reference Enterprise Integration OPC UA standard messaging system Robustness / Reliability Designed & Built in…. NO Failures Sequence numbers, keep-alives, resyncing, and support for redundancy Commands Companion Standards industry groups define what OPC Unified Architecture “transports” Storyboard Topics to Address with Posters Storyboard #1 – OPC UA Architecture This storyboard describes the technical architecture of an OPC server, highlighting the integration of DA, A&E, Commands, Complex Data, and Object Typing. Storyboard #2 – Server Chaining This storyboard describes how OPC UA servers can be designed to abstract information from the plant floor, through information models, and up to enterprise systems. Aggregation of servers will be highlighted. Storyboard #3 – Information Models This storyboard will emphasize the application of OPC UA to specific industry domains. It will encourage the development and deployment of standard information models so that interoperability will start to happen at the information level rather than at the bit level. Storyboard #4 – Complex Data This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how complex data can greatly expand the data accessible from a server. Examples to include alarm objects and trend objects. Storyboard #5 - Commands This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how commands can suppport the invocation of specific operations, such as calibrations. Storyboard #6 – Enterprise Integration This storyboard will emphasize the exchange of well-known objects (perhaps standardized) through the OPC UA standard messaging system. Storyboard #7 – Robustness This storyboard will describe how OPC overcomes the inherent problems associated with failed communications and failed clients and servers. Sequence numbers, keep-alives, resyncing, and support for redundancy will be highlighted. Storyboard #8 – Companion Standards This storyboard will describe the process by which industry groups can define how OPC UA can be used in a standard manner to access their data. Standard procedures for the development and registration of companion standards with the OPC Foundation will be highlighted.
Unified Architecture Evolution Asset Management Production Control Inventory Management Purchasing HMI Visualization SCADA The Enterprise paradigm The Automation paradigm Production Management Systems
OPC Unified Architecture Open Standards to Deliver Interoperability Device to Device and Device to the Enterprise MIS Enterprise Integration (ERP, Asset Management, Advanced Diagnostics, etc.) Device Data APPLICATION PACKAGES Configuration Subsystem Integration P L P L Device Integration (FF, Profibus, HART, etc)
ERP, SAP … Corporate Enterprise OPC Provides Industry-Standard interOperability, Productivity & Collaboration ERP, SAP … Corporate Enterprise OPC Unified Architecture Manufacturing, Production and Maintenance OPC Unified Architecture Adv. Control HMI MES SCADA Batch OPC OPC This is a sense of the picture that shows OPC and all the possible opportunities for OPC XML data access being used for a whole interoperability and connectivity between different applications. We may have used this slide many many times, but I think that the audience in a message that it conveys merits possible inclusion. Essentially what you’re talking about is as a wide variety of different applications that have the need for data and information being exchanged between themselves. Is data moves from the lower level devices, up through the various applications . The data gets transformed into information. A typical example as that a lot of times and HMI application becomes the alarm server for and operates on the data from the factory floor, in transposes the data on via rule processing to determine if the data on from the factory floor represents some sort of alarm condition that needs to be passed out the works changed between different applications. when alarm information needs to be passed between applications that are distributed and connected via the Internet the best technology to do that is by using XML and web services OPC PC-Based Control OPC PLC DCS Industrial Networks Data Acquisition ??.......??
OPC Unified Architecture Jim Luth, OPC Technical Director
Based on standards for the Web OPC-UA Fundamentals Based on standards for the Web XML, WSDL, SOAP, WS-* WS-Policy negotiates protocol and encoding WS-SecureConversation provides secured sessions Optimized for the Intranet OPC Binary encoding over TCP
OPC Interface Unification SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Single set of Services Query, Read, Write, Subscribe… Named/Typed relationships between nodes. Alarms & Events Data Access Historical Data Access Commands Storyboard #1 – OPC UA Architecture (Slide 1 of 3) This storyboard describes the technical architecture of an OPC server, highlighting the integration of DA, A&E, Commands, Complex Data, and Object Typing. Additional highlights: communication architecture: 3 layers: protocol, proxy/stub, API (.NET) fully based on public specifications (WSDL, SOAP, WS*) o platform independent o well supported with the next .NET version efficient enough to replace DCOM scalable Complex Data UA Server The UA Server embodies the functionality of existing OPC Servers using a single set of services
Unified Object Model Storyboard #1 – OPC UA Architecture (Slide 2 of 3) This storyboard describes the technical architecture of an OPC server, highlighting the integration of DA, A&E, Commands, Complex Data, and Object Typing. Additional highlights: communication architecture: 3 layers: protocol, proxy/stub, API (.NET) fully based on public specifications (WSDL, SOAP, WS*) o platform independent o well supported with the next .NET version efficient enough to replace DCOM scalable
OPC-UA Address Space Full Mesh – Network Model Storyboard #3a – Address Space (slide 2 of 5) Explain additional potentials: aimed to represent a “System” rather than independent tags Object classes and instances Relationships Meta data Items, alarms and commands Full mesh rather than simply hierarchical Views Browse and Query Configuration (AddNode, Import, Export, …) Full Mesh – Network Model Unlimited Named/Typed Relationships “Views” are used to present hierarchies
Subscription Update Features Robustness Subscription Update Features Keep-alive (heartbeat) messages Allows clients to detect a failed server or channel Sequence Numbers in each update message Allows client re-sync to obtain missed messages Decouples callback channel from notification mechanism, allowing callback channel to be reset without loss of data Redundancy Features Designed for easy (optional) redundancy of both Clients and Servers e.g. re-sync request can be sent to a backup server Storyboard #7 – Robustness This storyboard will describe how OPC overcomes the inherent problems associated with failed communications and failed clients and servers. Sequence numbers, keep-alives, resyncing, and support for redundancy will be highlighted.
UA Servers require authentication and authorization. Security UA Clients present credentials to UA Servers (x509 certs on both sides). UA Servers require authentication and authorization. Access control can be fine-grained down to the property level. Optional message signing and encryption. Storyboard #10 – Security (1 of 2 )
Communication Layering .NET (WCF) Version Portable C/C++ Version Java Version Tool or Language Dependent (e.g. .NET) Scalable Platform Independent Messaging Model Storyboard #1 – OPC UA Architecture (Slide 3 of 3) This storyboard describes the technical architecture of an OPC server, highlighting the integration of DA, A&E, Commands, Complex Data, and Object Typing. Additional highlights: communication architecture: 3 layers: protocol, proxy/stub, API (.NET) fully based on public specifications (WSDL, SOAP, WS*) o platform independent o well supported with the next .NET version efficient enough to replace DCOM scalable Business Model, Adaptable to Platform Independent Messaging Models (e.g. WSDL)
Specification Layering Vendor Information Models Information Model Specifications IEC, ISA, MIMOSA … DA A&E HDA CMDs OPC Information Model OPC UA Base Services All Necessary Services Storyboard #8 – Companion Standards This storyboard will describe the process by which industry groups can define how OPC UA can be used in a standard manner to access their data. Standard procedures for the development and registration of companion standards with the OPC Foundation will be highlighted. Clients written to just the base can still discover and access all data from the derived layers!
Scalability OPC UA “Server Profiles” defined to allow servers with different capability levels Client can discover server profile Profiles and wrappers defined for migrating existing servers to UA More capable profiles also defined Storyboard #9 – Evolution/migration of servers
Server Diagnostics Standard “Server” node defined in address space Standard diagnostic data items defined for the server, such as “SubscriptionCount” Server specific diagnostics can be added, with semantics defined by object type definitions Storyboard #11 – Diagnostics in the address space
UA Server Chaining UA Client UA Client Enterprise Semantics “Aggregating” UA Servers extract and process data from lower level “Device” UA Servers. Data is recast using different information models appropriate for the clients at the higher level. “Aggregating” UA Servers extract and process data from lower level “Device” UA Servers. Data is recast using different information models appropriate for the clients at the higher level. Enterprise Network UA Server UA Client UA Client Operations Network Process Semantics UA Server UA Server UA Client UA Client Plant Floor Network Storyboard #2 – Server Chaining This storyboard describes how OPC UA servers can be designed to abstract information from the plant floor, through information models, and up to enterprise systems. Aggregation of servers will be highlighted. Device Semantics UA Server UA Server
OPC Address Space Today Storyboard #3a – Address Space (slide 1 of 5) Explain additional potentials: aimed to represent a “System” rather than independent tags Object classes and instances Relationships Meta data Items, alarms and commands Full mesh rather than simply hierarchical Views Browse and Query Configuration (AddNode, Import, Export, …) Pure Hierarchy Parent/Child Relationships Only
Data Items and Alarms Today Storyboard #3a – Address Space (slide 3 of 5) Explain additional potentials: aimed to represent a “System” rather than independent tags Object classes and instances Relationships Meta data Items, alarms and commands Full mesh rather than simply hierarchical Views Browse and Query Configuration (AddNode, Import, Export, …)
UA Coherent Address Space Storyboard #3a – Address Space (slide 4 of 5) Explain additional potentials: aimed to represent a “System” rather than independent tags Object classes and instances Relationships Meta data Items, alarms and commands Full mesh rather than simply hierarchical Views Browse and Query Configuration (AddNode, Import, Export, …)
UA Coherent Address Space Storyboard #3a – Address Space (slide 4 of 5) Explain additional potentials: aimed to represent a “System” rather than independent tags Object classes and instances Relationships Meta data Items, alarms and commands Full mesh rather than simply hierarchical Views Browse and Query Configuration (AddNode, Import, Export, …) Integrated data and alarms
Object Classes and Instances Top Layer Relationship Complex Data Top Base Types Schema Type Layer Instantiation (between layers) Subclassing (Inherit ance) Storyboard #3a – Address Space (slide 5 of 5) Explain additional potentials: aimed to represent a “System” rather than independent tags Object classes and instances Relationships Meta data Items, alarms and commands Full mesh rather than simply hierarchical Views Browse and Query Configuration (AddNode, Import, Export, …) Data Type Reference Standard and System - defined Other relation- ship such as “contained”, “operated by”, “controls”, etc. Data Type Definitions Instance Layer
Complex Data Features Tells clients how to parse structured data Allows use of XML Schemas for describing XML data Defines OPC Binary data description language that uses XML to describe binary data structures Allows client to access device specific data descriptions (e.g. Fieldbus Foundation OD) Storyboard #4 – Complex Data This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how complex data can greatly expand the data accessible from a server. Examples to include alarm objects and trend objects.
Methods vs. Programs Programs built on top of Methods Programs represent executable components of objects , e.g., DownloadProgram(Name, InitState) MonitorNetwork (From, Till, Interval) Execution time may vary from milliseconds to indefinitely. Asynchronous invocation is non-blocking. Results are returned using notifications. The client can control the execution. Storyboard #5 - Commands This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how commands can suppport the invocation of specific operations, such as calibrations. Methods part of UA Base Synchronous invocation similar to blocking function calls. AckAlarm()
Programs can have State State Machine UA defines the basic state machine. State transitions may cause notifications. 2 Executing Opening Sending Closing 3 Storyboard #5 - Commands This storyboard will supplement Storyboard #1 with examples of how commands can suppport the invocation of specific operations, such as calibrations. Sub-states can be defined in particular for the executing state.
Scalability OPC UA “Server Profiles” defined to allow servers with different capability levels Client can discover server profile Profiles and wrappers defined for migrating existing servers to UA More capable profiles also defined Storyboard #9 – Evolution/migration of servers
Server Diagnostics Standard “Server” node defined in address space Standard diagnostic data items defined for the server, such as “SubscriptionCount” Server specific diagnostics can be added, with semantics defined by object type definitions Storyboard #11 – Diagnostics in the address space
UA Services Common services support DA, A&E, and HDA operations Protocol independence Timeless durability Integrated with the UA Data Model Partitioned into Service Sets
UA Service Sets Secure Channel Service Set Session Service Set Open & Close Channel, GetPolicies Session Service Set Create, Close, Activate, ImpersonateUser Node Management Service Set Add & Delete Objects and References View Service Set Browse, BrowseNext
UA Service Sets (2) Query Service Set Attribute Service Set QueryFirst, QueryNext Attribute Service Set Read, Write, ReadHistory, UpdateHistory Method Service Set Call Monitored Item Service Set Create / Modify / Delete Subscription Service Set Create / Modify / Delete, Publish, Republish
Putting it all together Abstract Services Type Descriptions Object Model Data Model SOA Model OPC UA DA, HDA, and A&E Protocol Independent Comms Model Platform Independent Plant floor and Internet Access
UA Programmers’ Interface Designed to provide an abstraction layer between the application developer and the SOAP stack/wire encoding Defined by UA to match the abstract specification instead of the WSDL Client Proxy Stub Server SOAP
Interoperability with UAPI Client Application UA Programmers’ Interface WSE 2.0 Indigo Java UA TCP UA Binary XML XML UA Binary Indigo Binary UA Binary WSE 2.0 Indigo Java UA TCP UA Programmers’ Interface Server Application
UA Programmers’ Interface UA Reference Server Extensibility Interface The UA SDK (II) WSE 2.0 Indigo Java UA TCP UA Programmers’ Interface UA Reference Server UA Reference Server Extensibility Interface COM Wrapper XML-DA Wrapper Native Vendor Specific
UA –Enable all OPC COM Servers UA clients can instantly connect to hundreds of existing OPC COM Servers UA Client UA Server Wrapper COM DA Server SOAP over UA HTTP or TCP
UA –Enable all OPC COM Clients Use the UA Client Proxy to connect existing COM clients to new UA Servers COM DA Client UA Client Proxy UA Server SOAP over UA HTTP or TCP
Disable Remote DCOM Use the UA proxy and wrapper to replace DCOM as remote communication protocol COM DA Client UA Client Proxy UA Server Wrapper COM DA Server SOAP over UA HTTP or TCP
Disable Remote DCOM Use the UA proxy and wrapper to replace DCOM as remote communication protocol COM Client UA Proxy UA Wrapper COM Server UA
OPC Unified Architecture Roadmap Architecture Vision Q4 / 03 Implementation Sub-Committee Formed Q1 / 05 Phase One Ref. Implementation Q4 / 06 OPC Unified Architecture Milestones UA Committee Formed Q1/ 04 Phase One Spec. Release Q2 / 06 Promote Phase One Worldwide Q4 / 06
OPC Unified Architecture Demo The UA Proxy and Wrapper: Enhancing the past, Connecting the future
Cross Industry Interoperability Strategy OPC used in process & discrete manufacturing OPC adopted in the following: Semiconductor Plant Maintenance and Production Management Industrial Ethernet ….. Security Building Controls RFID Retail/ Financial …. Collaboration with MIMOSA Collaboration with ISA (S88, S95, S99) Collaboration with OAGi Collaboration with IEC Collaboration with MS MUG & NAMUR Collaboration with …… (stay tuned) Markets Collaboration
OPC Vision OPC Domains OPC is the “HOW” for moving “WHAT” Automation (factory & process) Building Controls Security Semi – Conductor Financial / Retail ….. OPC is the “HOW” for moving “WHAT” OPC Collaboration Industrial Ethernet, WS - *, IEC, ISA SP95, ISA SP88, ISA SP99, EDDL, OMAC, MS MUG, …
Visit the UA ‘home’ page More Information … Visit the UA ‘home’ page http://www.opcfoundation.org/UA
OPC Success Success is measured by level of adoption OPC members’ participation Design, Build, and Deliver Products Compliance / Interoperability Testing End-users demand certification Industry Endorsement OPC is everywhere!