1 Ministry of External Relations Department of Trade and Investment Promotion Investments Division Investment Opportunities Brazil-China
2 Growth Acceleration Program: Phase II (PAC II) HOUSING: “MINHA CASA, MINHA VIDA” PROGRAM US$ 42.9 billion to build two million houses POWER GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION Hydroelectric Power Plants: US$ 18.3 billion Regional transmission lines: US$ 24.0 billion OIL AND GAS Exploration and Production: US$ billion Refinement, Petrochemistry and Fertilizers: US$ 56.2 billion INFRASTRUCTURE Highways: US$ 3.8 billion Urban Mobility: US$ 32.8 billion Railroads: US$ 26.6 billion Ports: US$ 2.6 billion Airports: US$ 10.1 billion
3 TOTAL INVESTMENT: US$ 64,4 billion Logistics Investments Program (PIL) Highways and Railroads Highways: R$ 20,3 billion The bidding of the first highway concession (BR 116 MG and BR 040 MG/GO/DF) is due in December, Railroads: R$ 44,1 billion The bidding of railroads Group 1 will be on April, 2013.
4 Logistics Investments Program (PIL) Ports and Airports The SPECIAL PORT SECRETARIAT (SEP) and the SECRETARY OF CIVIL AVIATION (SAC) are analyzing changes in the legal framework, in order to launch, soon, rounds of bidding for ports and aviation concessions.
5 Bioceanic Railway Corridor Brazil- Paraguay-Argentina-Chile Railway corridor that will connect Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile, connecting the Brazilian port of Paranaguá to the Chilean port of Antofagasta. The corridor will be km long. It will generate more efficiency in the cargo transport and reduce logistics costs for the development and integration of the covered areas. Estimated costs: –BRAZIL: US$ 511 million –PARAGUAY: US$ 1,9 billion –ARGENTINA: US$ 300 million –CHILE: US$ 17 million
6 Linden-Lethem road If developed, it will become the first paved road to cross all Guyana and it will create a shorter access from the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Roraima to the Caribbean coast. The Boa Vista-Bonfim (125 km) section, in Roraima (BRAZIL), and the Linden-Georgetown (103 km) section, (GUYANA) are already paved. The road conditions in the Lethem-Linden section (GUIANA), however, vary from regular to bad, depending on the season. The costs to pave the Lethem-Linden section are estimated in US$ 270 million, which would include the construction of a large bridge over the Essequibo river. This value, however, goes beyond Guyana’s available resources.
7 Investments Cooperation It would be interesting for both countries to analyze the possibility of cooperation to invest in third markets, such as Africa.
8 Thank You! Ministry of External Relations Department of Trade and Investment Promotion Investments Division Phone: (+55-61) Fax: (+55-61)