Office 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t The slides in this lecture have been originally created by the author of the book and partially modified by Dr. A. R Hadaegh and Sahar Mosleh at CSUSM Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 2 Objectives Enter a formula using the keyboard and Point mode Recognize smart tags and option buttons Apply the AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN functions Verify a formula using Range finder Format a worksheet using buttons and commands
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 3 Objectives Add conditional formatting to a range of cells Change the width of a column and height of a row Check the spelling of a worksheet Preview how a printed copy of the worksheet will look
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 4 Objectives Print a partial or complete worksheet Display and print the formulas version of a worksheet Rename sheets in a workbook
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 5 Starting and Customizing Excel Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to All Programs on the Start menu, point to Microsoft Office on the All Programs submenu, and then click Microsoft Office Excel 2003 on the Microsoft Office submenu If the Excel window is not maximized, double-click its title bar to maximize it If the Language bar appears, right-click it and then click Close the Language bar on the shortcut menu If the Getting Started task pane appears in the Excel window, click its Close button in the upper-right corner If the Standard and Formatting toolbars are positioned on the same row, click the Toolbar Options button and then click Show Button on Two Rows
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 6 Entering the Worksheet Title and Subtitle Select the cell A1. Type Blue Chip Stock Club in the cell and then press the DOWN ARROW key Type Investment Analysis in cell A2 and then press the DOWN ARROW key
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 7 Entering the Column Titles, Stock Data, and Row Titles Enter the values in their respective cells (or do the copy paste) as shown on the following slide. Use the ALT+ENTER key combination to move to the next line within a cell
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 8 Entering the Column Titles, Stock Data, and Row Titles CAT3/15/ KO8/1/ DD9/12/ GE12/8/ GM10/5/ INTC10/3/ MSFT1/15/ WMT7/9/
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 9 Saving the Workbook Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar When Excel displays the Save As dialog box, type Blue Chip Stock Club Investment Analysis in the File name text box Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 10 Entering a Formula Using the Keyboard With cell F4 selected, type =d4*e4 in the cell Press the RIGHT ARROW key twice to select cell H4
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 11 Entering Formulas Using Point Mode With cell H4 selected, type = (equal sign) to begin the formula and then click cell D4 Type * (asterisk) and then click cell G4 Click the Enter box and then click cell I4. Type = (equal sign) and then click cell H4. Type – (minus sign) and then click cell F4 Click the Enter box. Click cell J4. Type = (equal sign) and then click cell I4. Type / (division sign) and then click cell F4. Click the Enter box
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 12 Entering Formulas Using Point Mode
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 13 Copying Formulas Using the Fill Handle Click cell F4 and then point to the fill handle. Drag the fill handle down through cell F12 and continue to hold down the mouse button Release the mouse button. Select the range H4:J4 and then point to the fill handle Drag the fill handle down through the range H12:J12
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 14 Copying Formulas Using the Fill Handle
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 15 Determining Totals Using the AutoSum Button Select cell F13. Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar twice. Select the range H13:I13. Click the AutoSum button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 16 Determining the Total Percent Gain/Loss Select cell J12 and then point to the fill handle Drag the fill handle down through cell J13
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 17 Determining the Average of a Range of Numbers Using the Keyboard and Mouse Click cell D14 Type =average( in the cell Click cell D4, the first endpoint of the range to average and drag through cell D12, the second endpoint of the range to average Click the Enter box
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 18 Determining the Average of a Range of Numbers Using the Keyboard and Mouse
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 19 Determining the Highest Number in a Range of Numbers Using the Insert Function Box Select cell D15 Click the Insert Function box on the formula bar When Excel displays the Insert Function dialog box, click MAX in the Select a function list Click the OK button When Excel displays the Function Arguments dialog box, type d4:d12 in the Number1 box Click the OK button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 20 Determining the Highest Number in a Range of Numbers Using the Insert Function Box
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 21 Determining the Lowest Number in a Range of Numbers Using the AutoSum Button Menu Select cell D16 Click the AutoSum button arrow on the Standard toolbar Click Min Click cell D4 and then drag through cell D12 Click the Enter box
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 22
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 23 Copying a Range of Cells Across Columns to an Adjacent Range Using the Fill Handle Select the range D14:D16 Drag the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the selected range through cell J16 and continue to hold down the mouse button Release the mouse button Select cell J14 and press the DELETE key to delete the average of the percent gain/loss
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 24 Copying a Range of Cells Across Columns to an Adjacent Range Using the Fill Handle
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 25 Saving a Workbook Using the Same File Name Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 26 Verifying a Formula Using Range Finder Double-click cell J4 Press the ESC key to quit Range Finder Select cell A18
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 27 Changing the Font and Centering the Worksheet Title Click cell A1 Click the Font box arrow on the Formatting toolbar Click Arial Black (or Impact if Arial Black is not available) Click the Font Size box arrow on the Formatting toolbar and click 28 in the Font Size list Click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 28 Changing the Font and Centering the Worksheet Title Select the range A1:J1. Right-click the selection Click Format Cells on the shortcut menu When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Alignment tab Click the Horizontal box arrow and select Center in the Horizontal list Click the Vertical box arrow and select Center in the Vertical list
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 29 Changing the Font and Centering the Worksheet Title Click the Merge cells check box in the Text control area Click the OK button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 30 Changing the Font and Centering the Worksheet Subtitle Click cell A2. Click the Font box arrow on the Formatting toolbar Click Arial Black (or Impact if Arial Black is not available) Click the Font Size box arrow on the Formatting toolbar and then click 18 in the Font Size list Click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar Select the range A2:J2. Right-click the selection. Click Format Cells on the shortcut menu. When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Alignment tab. Click the Horizontal box arrow and select Center in the Horizontal list. Click the Vertical box arrow and select Center in the Vertical list. Click Merge cells in the Text control area. Click the OK button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 31 Changing the Font and Centering the Worksheet Subtitle
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 32 Changing the Background and Font Colors and Applying a Box Border to the Worksheet Title and Subtitle Select the range A1:A2, click the Fill Color button arrow on the Formatting toolbar Click the color Blue (column 6, row 2) on the Fill Color Palette Click the Font Color button arrow on the Formatting toolbar Click the color White (column 8, row 5) on the Fill Color Palette Click the Font Color button arrow on the Formatting toolbar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 33 Changing the Background and Font Colors and Applying a Box Border to the Worksheet Title and Subtitle Click the Thick Box Border button (column 4, row 3) on the Borders palette Click cell B16 to deselect the range A1:A2
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 34 Bolding, Centering, and Applying a Bottom Border to the Column Titles Select the range A3:J3 Click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar Click the Center button on the Formatting toolbar Click the Borders button arrow on the Formatting toolbar Click the Bottom Border button (column 2 row 1) on the Borders palette
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 35 Bolding, Centering, and Applying a Bottom Border to the Column Titles
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 36 Centering Data in Cells and Formatting Dates Select the range B4:B12 Click the Center button on the Formatting toolbar Select the range C4:C12 Right-click the selected range and then click Format Cells on the shortcut menu When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Number tab, click Date in the Category list, click 03/14/01 in the Type list Click the OK button Select cell E4 to deselect the range C4:C12
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 37 Centering Data in Cells and Formatting Dates When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Number tab, click Date in the Category list, click 03/14/01 in the Type list Click the OK button Select cell E4 to deselect the range C4:C12
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 38 Centering Data in Cells and Formatting Dates
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 39 Applying a Currency Style Format and Comma Style Format Using the Formatting Toolbar Select the range E4:I4 While holding down the CTRL key, select the range F13:I13 Click the Currency Style button on the formatting toolbar Select the range E5:I12 Click the Comma Style button on the Formatting toolbar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 40 Applying a Currency Style Format and Comma Style Format Using the Formatting Toolbar Click cell E4. While holding down the CTRL key, select cell G4 Click the Increase Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar Select the range E5:E12. While holding down the CTRL key, select the range G5:G12 Click the Increase Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar Click cell A12 to deselect the range G5:G12
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 41 Applying a Currency Style Format and Comma Style Format Using the Formatting Toolbar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 42 Applying a Thick Bottom Border to the Row Above the Total Row and Bolding the Total Row Titles Select the range A12:J12, click the Borders button arrow on the Formatting toolbar, and then click the Thick Bottom Border button (column 2, row 2) on the Borders palette Select the range A13:A16, and then click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar. Click cell E14 to deselect the range A13:A16
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 43 Applying a Thick Bottom Border to the Row Above the Total Row and Bolding the Total Row Titles
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 44 Applying a Currency Style Format with a Floating Dollar Sign Using the Format Cells Command Select the range E14:I16. Right-click the selected range Click Format Cells on the shortcut menu Click the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box Click Currency in the Category list and then click the third style ($1,234.10) in the Negative numbers list Click the OK button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 45 Applying a Currency Style Format with a Floating Dollar Sign Using the Format Cells Command
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 46 Applying a Percent Style Format Select the range J4:J16 Click the Percent Style button on the Formatting toolbar Click the Increase Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar twice
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 47 Applying Conditional Formatting Select the range J4:J12 Click Format on the menu bar Click Conditional Formatting When the Conditional Formatting dialog box appears, if necessary, click the leftmost text box arrow and then click Cell Value Is Click the middle text box arrow and then click less than
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 48 Applying Conditional Formatting Type 0 in the rightmost text box Click the Format button When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Patterns tab and then click the color Red (column 1, row 3) Click the Font tab and then click Bold in the Font style list Click the Color box arrow
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 49 Applying Conditional Formatting Click the color White (column 8, row 5) and then click the OK button Click the OK button Click cell B16 to deselect the range J4:J12
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 50 Changing the Widths of Columns Point to the boundary on the right side of the column A heading above row 1 When the mouse pointer changes to a split double arrow, drag to the right until the ScreenTip indicates Width: (96 pixels). Release the mouse button Drag through column headings B through D above row 1 Point to the boundary on the right side of column heading D
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 51 Changing the Widths of Columns Double-click the right boundary of column heading D to change the width of columns B, C, and D to best fit Click the column E heading above row 1 While holding down the CTRL key, click the column G heading and then the column J heading above row 1 so that columns E, G, and J are selected Point to the boundary on the right side of the column J heading above row 1 Drag until the ScreenTip, Width: (75 pixels)
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 52 Changing the Widths of Columns Release the mouse button Click the column F heading above row 1 to select column F While holding down the CTRL key, click the column H and I headings above row 1 so that columns F, H, and I are selected Point to the boundary on the right side of the column I heading above row 1 Drag to the right until the ScreenTip indicates Width: (89 pixels)
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 53 Changing the Widths of Columns Release the mouse button. Click cell B16 to deselect columns F, H, and I
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 54 Changing the Height of Rows Point to the boundary below row heading 3 Drag up until the ScreenTip indicates Height: (60 pixels) Release the mouse button Point to the boundary below row heading 14 Drag down until the ScreenTip indicates Height: (32 pixels)
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 55 Changing the Height of Rows Release the mouse button and then select cell B16
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 56 Checking Spelling on the Worksheet Click cell A3 and then type Stcok to misspell the word Stock Click cell A1 Click the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar With the word Stock highlighted in the Suggestions box, click the Change button As the spell checker checks the remainder of the worksheet, click the Ignore All and Change buttons as needed
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 57 Checking Spelling on the Worksheet Click the OK button Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar to save the workbook
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 58 Previewing and Printing a Worksheet Point to the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar Click the Print Preview button Click the Setup button When Excel displays the Page Setup dialog box, click the Page tab and then click Landscape in the Orientation area Click the OK button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 59 Previewing and Printing a Worksheet Click the Print button Click the OK button Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 60 Printing a Section of the Worksheet Select the range A3:F16 Click File on the menu bar and then click Print Click Selection in the Print what area Click the OK button Click cell B16 to deselect the range A3:F16
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 61 Displaying the Formulas in the Worksheet and Fitting the Printout on One Page Press CTRL+ACCENT MARK (`) When Excel displays the formulas version of the worksheet, click the right horizontal scroll arrow until column J appears If the Formula Auditing toolbar appears, click its Close button Click File on the menu bar and then click Page Setup When Excel displays the Page Setup dialog box, click the Page tab
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 62 Displaying the Formulas in the Worksheet and Fitting the Printout on One Page If necessary, click Landscape to select it and then click Fit to in the Scaling area Click the Print button in the Page Setup dialog box When Excel displays the Print dialog box, click the OK button After viewing and printing the formulas version, press CTRL+ACCENT MARK (`) to instruct Excel to display the values version
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 63 Displaying the Formulas in the Worksheet and Fitting the Printout on One Page
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 64 Changing the Print Scaling Option Back to 100% Click File on the menu bar and then click Page Setup Click the Page tab in the Page Setup dialog box. Click Adjust to in the Scaling area If necessary, type 100 in the Adjust to box Click the OK button
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 65 Changing the Worksheet Names Double-click the sheet tab labeled Sheet2 in the lower-left corner of the window Type Real-Time Stock Quotes as the worksheet name and then press the ENTER key Double-click the sheet tab labeled Sheet1 in the lower-left corner of the window Type Investment Analysis as the worksheet name and then press the ENTER key
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 66 Changing the Worksheet Names
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 67 One more Formula Can you add a column to represent the percentage of each share in this stock club? It is possible if you use absolute reference of sum of all shares The sum of all shares should be found in cell D13 first. The absolute reference of D13 is $D$13 that should be used in calculation. –Do you know why we need to use absolute reference?
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 68 Saving the Workbook and Quitting Excel Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar Click the Close button on the upper-right corner of the title bar
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 69 Summary Enter a formula using the keyboard and Point mode Recognize smart tags and option buttons Apply the AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN functions Verify a formula using Range finder Format a worksheet using buttons and commands
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 70 Summary Add conditional formatting to a range of cells Change the width of a column and height of a row Check the spelling of a worksheet Preview how a printed copy of the worksheet will look
Excel Project 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries Sahar Mosleh and Ahmad R. Hadaegh - CSUSM 71 Summary Print a partial or complete worksheet Display and print the formulas version of a worksheet Rename sheets in a workbook
Office 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t The slides in this lecture have been originally created by the author of the book and partially modified by Dr. A. R Hadaegh and Sahar Mosleh at CSUSM Excel Project 2 Complete