One of my favorite modern “western” movies is “Quigley Down Under.” In it, the hero, Matthew Quigley, had several great lines. One of them was: “God created all men, Sam Colt made them equal.” That is a great line-it isn’t original to the movie, but is the kind of dialog around which a movie can be made. The line is funny in its context, certainly true in a sense, and resonates with those of us who support the “right to bear arms” as recognized by the U.S. Constitution. But it isn’t exactly sermon material, so try this one instead:
“God created all men equal, but not identical.” Let’s take the first half first: “God created all men equal” in: Origin, Gen.1:26 We may speak of one being born with a “silver spoon” in their mouth, but the truth is all come into this life exactly the same way, and personally no better or worse than their fellowman in God’s estimation. This was even true of Jesus, Gal.4:4; and Ezk.18:20. Susceptibility to Sin, 1Cor.10:12-13a > Rom.3:23 We all can and do sin, period. We don’t have to, we just do! God did not create us impervious to sin, Eph.2:1-3.
“God created all men equal, but not identical.” Let’s take the first half first: “God created all men equal” in: Opportunity for Salvation, 1Tim.4:12; Rom.6:10 God desires all to be saved, and provided all with the opportunity to be save through Jesus. But all who will be saved must take advantage of the opportunity afforded, Rom.1:16-17; Acts 17: the End, Heb.9:27; 1Cor.15:22a Unless Christ should return first, all will die. It is the “end” of this life for everyone. And everyone will have to answer for how they have spent their life, 2Cor.5:10.
“God created all men equal, but not identical.” But the second half says: “not identical.” We are all unique in our: Talent or Ability I don’t mean musically or athletically, or anything like that, but understand that our abilities in the kingdom are all different, Matt.25: We have different strengths that we should use to God’s glory, Eph.4: Responsibilities Based on that Talent or Ability Note that the Master did not expect a five talent return from the one talent man, Matt.25: But He did expect everyone to use what had been entrusted to them to His benefit, cf. Rom.12:3-8!
“God created all men equal, but not identical.” But the second half says: “not identical.” We are all unique in our: Limitations Just as we have differing abilities- both physically and spiritually, we have differing limitations both physically and spiritually. God created us all and knows our limitations, 1Cor.10:13b. This is both good and bad for some of us. It’s good that He acknowledges our limitations and doesn’t expect of us more than of which we are capable. But it’s also bad in the sense that we can’t fool Him by saying “I can’t” when it isn’t true. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and doesn’t accept excuses!
“God created all men equal, but not identical.” Thus we are all equal in our: Origin- we all came from God and get here the same way. Susceptibility to Sin- we all can and do sin. Opportunity for Salvation- we can all be saved if we will believe, repent, confess, be baptized, and live faithfully. End- all will die and stand before God in judgment. But we are unique in our: Talent and Ability- this provides diversity to the work. Responsibility based on that Talent- God doesn’t the same from everyone, but does expect everyone to use what they have to His benefit and glory. Limitations- He knows both our abilities and our weaknesses, and accepts no excuses.