Order of Worship 599 Lesson 800 Lord’s Supper Prayer Mat 5: Prayer 397
Stewardship: What is it? Why is it important? How can we be good stewards?
Steward: person who manages another's property or financial affairs
New Testament Passages 1 Timothy 6:6-10 Godliness with contentment Temptation and a snare Love of money is the root of evil Mark 10:24 Hard for those who trust in riches to enter heaven Romans 1:29; Eph 5:5 Covetousness is worthy of death Matthew 6:19-21 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
Wealth in itself is not condemned God blessed many great men with riches (Abraham, David, Solomon, Job..) They were not condemned for being wealthy Many good people living today are wealthy They gained their wealth honestly and without greed. Their riches should be viewed as a blessing from God.
What does God expect of us financially?
We are expected to work In order to provide for our own families (1Tim 5:8) In order to be givers (Eph. 4:28; 2 Cor. 9:6,7; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35; Prov. 3:9,10) In order to leave an inheritance (Prov 13:22) We should make good use of the $ we are blessed with. (Mat 25:14ff)
Tips on Good Stewardship from Dave Ramsey
What to Avoid
Avoid Credit Use debit instead of credit. Teens are now the #1 target of credit card companies. Payday loans, rent-to-own, title pawning, tote-the- note car lots, 90 days same as cash – all generally result in paying exorbitant interest and fees
Other Things to Avoid Get rich schemes /Infomercials Cash value life insurance Cosigning a loan – (Prov. 17:18 CEV)
Making Wise Decisions on Large Purchases
Items with Wheels Lose Value Quickly New Cars, Boats, ATVs, Trailer Houses, Motor Homes, etc.
More Cautions About Obtaining Vehicles Leasing = the most expensive way to operate a vehicle. Financing will cost you a lot of $. Better to save up and pay cash. Check KBB.com or NADA.com for values of used vehicles.
Home Ownership Should be a blessing 15-year or less note if at all possible Good down payment Credit cards not necessary to qualify for mortgage
Dave Ramsey’s Advice for Financial Responsibility
Dave’s Plan: Budgeting Have a budget, and put it in writing. Minimize expenses Plan for emergencies $1000 emergency fund (1 st ) and 3-6 month living expenses emergency fund (later) Murphy-repellent Men and woman usually see emergency funds differently "Even if you don't 'get' the emergency fund, get one"
What is an Emergency? EmergenciesNot Emergencies Deductibles on insurance Job loss Blown engine / transmission Christmas Starting a new business Something on sale A new car Vacation
Dave’s Plan: Insurance Be insured: Home & Auto Life Long term disability Health Long term care
Dave’s Plan: Planning for the Future Make a will Give Invest Save for first, then go to college if possible
Dave Ramsey’s Advice for Dealing With Debt
For Those in Debt Get Motivated Maximize income Sell unnecessary items “Beans and rice” diet Become debt free except the house (Debt Snowball) Collectors are not your friends! Avoid Bankruptcy; Pay your debts.(Rom13:8)
Debt “Fixes” to Avoid Debt consolidation Debt management Credit Report Clean-Up Kits
A Few More Words of Advice
Additional Considerations Perform Routine Maintenance Beware of timeshares. Avoid convenience store items Look for bargains on things you need Don’t shop around just looking for stuff to buy Don’t let treats become habits Save receipts Avoid expensive sodas at restaurants, theaters, stadiums, etc.
Extended Warranties: Bathtub Curve
Conclusion: Attitude of thankfulness, not greed Our hearts should be on spiritual things. Trust in God for our blessings. Work hard, but not overwork to be rich (Prov 23:4). Be givers. Think about the future but not worry. (Mat 6:34) Budget Avoid credit and debt Beware of pitfalls Remember that everything belongs to God. We are merely stewards.