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Presentation transcript:


Sources of Stability: New England Colonies of the Seventeenth Century New Englanders replicated traditional English social order Contrasted with experience in other English colonies Explanation lies in development of Puritan families 2

Immigrant Families and New Social Order Puritans believed God ordained the family Reproduce patriarchal English family structure in New England Greater longevity in New England results in “invention” of grandparents Multigenerational families strengthen social stability 3

Commonwealth of Families Most New Englanders married neighbors of whom parents approved New England towns collections of interrelated households Church membership associated with certain families Education provided by the family 4

Women’s Lives in Puritan New England Women not legally equal with men Marriages based on mutual love Most Women contributed to society as wives and mothers church members small-scale farmers Women accommodated themselves to roles they believed God ordained 5

Social Hierarchy in New England Absence of very rich necessitates creation of new social order New England social order becomes local gentry of prominent, pious families large population of independent yeomen landowners loyal to local community small population of landless laborers, servants, poor 6

Definitions Gentry denotes "well-born and well-bred people" of high social class, especially in the past. Gentry, in its widest connotation, refers to people of good social position. The Yeoman was a social class in England from the Elizabethan era to the 17th century of a free man who owned his own farm

The Challenge of the Chesapeake Environment Imbalanced sex ratio among immigrants High death rate Scattered population 7

Family Life at Risk Normal family life impossible in Virginia mostly young male indentured servants most immigrants soon died in marriages, one spouse often died within a decade Serial marriages, extended families common Orphaned children raised by strangers 8

Women in Chesapeake Society Scarcity gives some women bargaining power in marriage market Women without family protection vulnerable to sexual exploitation Childbearing extremely dangerous Chesapeake women died 20 years earlier than women in New England 9

The Structure of Planter Society: The Gentry Tobacco the basis of Chesapeake wealth Great planters few but dominant arrive with capital to invest in workers amass huge tracts of land gentry see servants as possessions Early gentry become stable ruling elite by 1700 10

The Structure of Planter Society: The Freemen The largest class in Chesapeake society Most freed at the end of indenture Live on the edge of poverty

The Structure of Planter Society: Indentured Servants Servitude a temporary status Conditions harsh Servants regard their bondage as slavery Planters fear rebellion

How would a class system affect life in the Southern colonies? The Planter Class Owners of plantations- Elite Came from noble families in England Small population with great control Class System Planters Poor Freemen Indentured Servants Slaves How would a class system affect life in the Southern colonies? 14

Race and Freedom in British America Indians decimated by disease European indentured servant-pool wanes after 1660 Enslaved Africans fill demand for labor 12

The Search for Cheap Labor Percentage of Population What was causing this trend in the Southern Colonies? Year 16

Planters Turn to Slavery First- tried Native Americans Died of diseases Escaped into forests Turned to African Americans By 1750- more than 235,000 living in America 68% were in the Southern Colonies 40% of the South’s population As population increase, more laws arose Were checked for passes when traveling Living areas were checked for weapons Etc 17

Roots of Slavery First Africans to Virginia in 1619 Status of Africans in Virginia unclear for 50 years Rising black population in Virginia after 1672 prompts stricter slave laws Africans defined as slaves for life slave status passed on to children white masters possess total control of slave life and labor mixing of races not tolerated 13

Origins and Destinations of African Slaves, 1619-1760

Constructing African American Identities: Geography’s Influence Slave experience differed from colony to colony 60% of South Carolina population black Nearly half Virginia population black Blacks much less numerous in New England and the Middle Colonies 14

Constructing African American Identities: Slave Resistance Widespread resentment of debased status Armed resistance such as S. Carolina’s Stono Rebellion of 1739 a threat Runaways common in colonial America 16

The Enslaved Fight Back Worked slowly Damaged goods Deliberately carried out orders in the wrong way Pretended not to understand directions 22

The Stono Rebellion 1739 20 slaves killed planters and marched south Chanting “Liberty” Called out for others to join them as they marched Up to 100 total 7 plantations were burned and 20 whites were killed Fighting broke out Many slaves died Those captured were executed Led to stricter rules on slaves Needed permission to leave plantations Illegal to meet with free blacks 23

Africans in New England Only few slaves in New England 1700- only 2% of the population No large plantations Slaves House Servants Cooks Gardeners Stablehands Were hired out to work in shops or warehouses Could sometimes keep portion of wages Could possibly buy their freedom

Africans in New England New England had more free blacks than any other region Merchants, sailors, printers, carpenters, or landowners Still were not treated as equals

A Prosperous Region- Middle Colonies Productive Farms Long growing season and rich soil Cash crops Fruit Vegetables Grain- became known as “breadbasket” colonies 27

Growing Cities Excellent Harbors Hudson River= New York City Delaware River= Philadelphia Enormous trade Exported grain and other cash crops Imported manufactured goods Trade brought Wealth Large and beautiful buildings Independence Hall: Philadelphia 28

Importance of Location

African Americans in the Cities Economy did not depend on slave labor 1750 only 7% of population was enslaved (most lived in cities) Compared to Southern colonies 40% New York City was a big part of the slave trade Manual laborers Servants Drivers Assistants Built roads, houses, and public buildings 30

Racial Tension in New York City Lives of Slaves were harsh Fears of slave revolt increased 1712- group of slaves rebelled Burned several buildings Slaves faced defeat, torture, and death Did not prevent further rebellions Quakers condemned slavery Said it was immoral and against Christian principles Worked to prevent the slave trade from entering Pennsylvania 31

Diversity and Tolerance Very diverse population Germans were largest immigrant group Came as indentured servants To Pennsylvania for religious tolerance Brought many skills Farming Crafts Gunsmiths Ironworkers Makers of Glass, Furniture, and Kitchenware 32

Diversity in the Middle Colonies 33

Diversity Leads to Tolerance Dutch in New York and Quakers in Pennsylvania Laid foundation for religious tolerance Many religious groups settled in Middle Colonies Different groups had to learn to accept, or tolerate one another NYC is still a center of commerce and religious diversity. 34

Rise of a Commercial Empire English leaders ignore colonies until 1650s Restored monarchy of Charles II recognized value of colonial trade Navigation Acts passed to regulate, protect, glean revenue from commerce 17

Response to Economic Competition “Mercantilism” a misleading term for English commercial regulation Varieties of motivation crown wants money English merchants want to exclude Dutch Parliament wants stronger Navy—encourage domestic shipbuilding industry everyone wants better balance of trade

Mercantilism An economic theory that shaped imperial policy throughout the colonial period, mercantilism was built on the assumption that the world's wealth was a fixed supply. In order to increase its wealth, a nation needed to export more goods than it imported. Favorable trade and protective economic policies, as well as new colonial possessions rich raw materials, were important in achieving this balance.

The Navigation Acts Mercantilism Mother country benefits/ makes a profit from the colonies As colonies prospered, England wanted to make sure it made profits! So… England passed the Navigation Acts in 1651

The Navigation Acts 4 major requirements Colonists were angry All goods had to be carried on English ships or ships made in the colonies Products such as tobacco, wood, and sugar could only be sold to England or its colonies European imports to the colonies had to go through English ports Officials were to tax any colonial goods not shipped to England Colonists were angry Merchants ignored Acts when possible Problems Smuggling Pirates

Atlantic Trade 3 Types of Trade With other colonies With Europe Triangular Trade (involved slaves, rum, sugar, and molasses

Triangular Trade 41

Regulating Colonial Trade: The Navigation Act of 1660 Ships engage in English colonial trade must be made in England (or America) must carry a crew at least 75% English Enumerated goods only to English ports Certain essential raw materials produced in the North American colonies, such as tobacco, sugar, and rice specified in the Navigation Acts, which stipulated that these goods could by shipped only to England or its colonies. 18

Regulating Colonial Trade: The Navigation Act of 1663 Goods shipped to English colonies must pass through England Increased price paid by colonial consumers 19

Regulating Colonial Trade: Implementing the Acts Navigation Acts spark Anglo-Dutch trade wars New England merchants skirt laws English revisions tighten loopholes Navigation Acts eventually benefit colonial merchants 20

Civil War in Virginia: Bacon's Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon leads rebellion, 1676 Rebellion allows small farmers, blacks and women to join, demand reforms Governor William Berkeley regains control Rebellion collapses after Bacon’s death Gentry recovers positions, unite over next decades to oppose royal governors 22

Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon led group of angry settlers Demanded that governor help defend settlements in the west and stop favoring the elite 1676 Bacon entered Jamestown Took control of House of Burgesses Burned Jamestown to the ground 46

Bacon’s Rebellion Bacon got sick and suddenly died Rebellion ended Governor hanged 23 of the followers King and House of Burgesses angry with governor Passed laws to prevent governor from taking such power again 47

The Glorious Revolution in the Bay Colony: King Philip’s War 1675--Metacomet leads Wampanoag-Narragansett alliance against colonists Colonists struggle to unite, defeat Indians Deaths total 1,000+ Indians and colonists 23

King Philip’s War Europeans believed land could be owned Native Americans thought of land as available to the community Conflicts over land resulted in war

Fighting for Survival Native Americans were worried Loss of land Impact of European culture 1675-1676 uprising against Puritan colonies King Philip was the English name for Metacom- leader of Wamponoag tribe

Impact of War Many tribes became involved on both sides 12 Puritan towns destroyed 40 other towns including Plymouth and Providence were attacked Pequot and Mohegan showed New Englanders how to track down and ambush the rebel tribes Many Native Americans were killed and many others were sold to the West Indies as slaves English settlers expanded farther west into Native American land.

What do these pictures tell us?

Glorious Revolution: The Dominion of New England 1684--King James II establishes “Dominion of New England” colonial charters annulled colonies from Maine to New Jersey united Edmund Andros appointed governor 1689--news of James II’s overthrow sparks rebellion in Massachusetts 24

The Glorious Revolution in the Bay Colony: Outcomes Andros deposed William III and Mary II give Massachusetts a new charter incorporates Plymouth transfers franchise from "saints" to those with property 25

Contagion of Witchcraft Charges of witchcraft common accused witches thought to have made a compact with the devil Salem panic of 1691 much larger in scope than previous accusations 20 victims dead before trials halted in late summer of 1692 Causes include factionalism, economics 26

The Glorious Revolution in New York 1689--News of James II’s overthrow prompts crisis of authority in New York Jacob Leisler seizes control Maintains position through 1690 March 1691--Governor Henry Sloughter arrests, executes Leisler 27

The Glorious Revolution in Maryland 1689--news prompts John Coode to lead revolt against Catholic governor Coode's rebellion approved by King William Maryland taken from Calvert control 1715--proprietorship restored to the Protestant fourth Lord Baltimore 28


Local Aspirations Within an Atlantic Empire By 1700 England’s attitude toward the colonies had changed dramatically Sectional differences within the colonies were profound They were all part of Great Britain but had little to do with each other