Feedback from Assurance customers… Market timing is right for Assurance “Quad-Play” RiskView + WorkAssure + ServAssure + EventAssure More complexity in HFC and product offerings Increasing 7 x 24 reliance on 2-way plant and back office More data & customer touch points in connected home Multiple DOCSIS devices, % service availability Operations pressure to “Find and Fix” efficiently Correlate telemetry, calls & truck rolls over hours, days, weeks Operations pressure to reduce costs Identify and replace before break, transition MTTR MTBF 1
From Automated Outage Notification to Repair WorkAssure powered Field Tech Performance Management Proactive Outage Management Common Data Collection CMTSs and CPEs Network outage suspected at Node 0 EventAssure determines all devices offline behind Node 0 Workforce Management WorkAssure creates the work order and acknowledges with the assigned job ID WorkAssure determines the best resource to fix the issue (skillset, distance, equipment etc.) Automated Outage Interface EventAssure declares an Event with an automated notification for a Work Order The tech is dispatched and notified via his handheld of the outage details The tech fixed the outage and closes the job on his handheld. Common Periodic Data Collection for Performance and Outage Information 2 Financial Impact Analysis Rev2 RiskView® provides service outage analytics that enable prioritization of infrastructure issues based on their financial impact.
The Assurance “Quad-Play” RiskView + WorkAssure + ServAssure + EventAssure Enhance existing analysis capabilities -Supplement existing real-time alerting with ‘all-in’ over-time alerting Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually -Extend current ‘Node’ outage capabilities Analysis supports worst: Serving Group, Street, Premises, Port, Fix Agent, etc. Supplement “Network or Service Outage Alarms” to take action -Automated report creation and distribution by management area Easily support new inquiries -Enhance existing capabilities Customer Impact: Equipment/Make/Model/Rev Incorporate additional data sources -Non-Responders, device reset behavior, video quality monitors, … Greater insight across the enterprise -Spend vs. Risk 3
In real-time analysis, small and intermittent issues/outages may not exceed thresholds Issues may be missed for extended periods Some issues are precursors of larger outages GOOD NEWS: Clues clearly point operations teams to issues and concentrations of outage risk. CHALLENGE: Clues are needles in voluminous haystacks imprisoned in disparate databases. Prioritizing undetected outages with RiskView 4
RiskView leverages data from: ▪Call Center -Connectivity Calls & Repeats ▪WorkAssure -TC = Service Calls & Repeats -EC = Refer to Maintenance -DI = Voluntary Disconnects -Biz/Residential, 1/2/3 Services ▪Maintenance Activity -Planned, Demand ▪SAA ServAssure Advanced -Hourly Degraded CMs -US/DS Errors/SNR/Power/Util -On/Offline, Node Combining Find & Fix More Issues, Reduce Calls, TCs, Disconnects Field Activity Failed Telemetry Connectivity Calls Systematically correlate multiple inputs over time 5
6 ARRIS Confidential 7/12/12 RiskView Architecture Correlates data from the Call Center with data from ServAssure Advanced and WorkAssure.
7 ARRIS Confidential 7/12/12 RiskView Problem Identification by Geography Outliers represent most material risks.
RiskView Pilot Case Study Parameters of 18-Day Blind Study with Maintenance Department ▪500,000 subs in Region | 17,000 HFC miles | 90 technicians | 7 supervisors | 2 managers | 1 director ▪3,750 nodes in 1,500 DOCSIS Serving Groups (combinations of nodes) Hypothesis ▪[operating cost without RV – operating cost with RV] = Quantifiable Savings Data Inputs/Outputs ▪Business as Usual (BAU): Inputs from 10 different systems in four categories: 1.Connectivity Calls 2.Truck Rolls 3.Telemetry (ServAssure, Home Grown Telemetry, DOCSIS Tools) 4.Preventative and Demand Maintenance Activities ▪RiskView (RV): Correlation and outage analytics of all of the above BAU data inputs Departments Impacted by RiskView Discovered Issues ▪Service Department focuses on Non-Area Issues ▪Maintenance Department focuses on Area issues 8
Operating Cost Savings Savings Method RiskView correlated across DOCSIS Serving Groups then Alerted on unusual costs Weights applied Reputational cost was used to Trigger RiskView Alerts = Calls + (2*TCs) + RepTC + (3*ECs) + (2*DI) + CHG + TRB + Telemetry Fluctuation + ServAssure DnErr + ServAssure UpErr During Alert Periods, 50% of Financial operating cost was used to calculate savings = $.0535/min Calls, $45 TC & DI, $100 EC, CHG, TRB Example of Savings for a single Serving Group on Next Slide Alert Period = Prior Day RepCost >=15 AND (Same Day OR Next Day RepCost >=10) Total Operating Cost $2,466 = 71 Calls + 24 TCs + 2 EC s + 12 DI +1 CHG + 2 TRB Potential Savings $616 = 6 Calls TCs + 1/2 EC s + 3 DI +1/2 CHG + 1 TRB Savings for 100% of Region = $ 53,883 / 18 days = $1.1M / 365 Days 9
Typical Serving Group Behavior – RV Only Area Issue Total Fin Cost: $2,466 | Proactive Savings: $ Serving Group x of 1500
A Complementary Solution ▪Service delivery infrastructure analytics that help drive down costs by delivering the capability to move from a reactive, point-in- time view of data to an over time, cross-silo view of performance metrics. ▪Deployed in concert with ARRIS ServAssure Advanced™, Click and Clarify Key Features ▪Enables greater insight into service delivery infrastructure by correlating a wide array of service delivery infrastructure data sources. ▪Unprecedented level of operator analytics by including additional metrics such as Call Center Logs, Truck Rolls, Maintenance Work Orders, etc. ▪Provides Spend vs. Risk analyses. Use Cases ▪ServAssure makes detailed hourly measurements of the number of CPE in trouble on every upstream and downstream port and then feeds these values into RiskView for problem correlation, risk scoring, and prioritization. ▪WorkAssure, Click, and Clarify feed RiskView with detailed records of all Calls & Service Truck Rolls, from origination of work through final disposition, including disconnects and referrals to HFC Maintenance. Combined Value Proposition ▪Reduce cost/complexity in prioritization Issues ▪Isolate problems undermining performance. ▪Ensures a premium customer experience ▪RiskView Finds Issues missed by BAU ▪Correlates and scales more than humanly possible & transition to Real-time updates Summary: ARRIS & RiskView ® Outage Risk Analytics 11