Why do humans communicate? We communicate to persuade We communicate in order to give or provide information We communicate seeking information We communicate to express our emotions
Communication Model
Communication Model
Types of Communication
Types of Communication Intrapersonal – talk to yourself
Types of Communication Interpersonal – between FEW people in which the people interacting are in CLOSE proximity, and feedback between the people is IMMEDIATE. Group – an interactional PROCESS that occurs among THREE or more people who are interacting in an attempt to ACHIEVE commonly recognized GOALS. Mass – The DISSEMINATION of information to large GROUPS of people. Public – A FORMAL speaking situation in which one person speaks in front of an AUDIENCE of many individuals to inform, to persuade, to entertain, or to create a common bond with or among others.
Fields of Experience Fields of experience can be defined as, “life experiences, attitudes, values, and beliefs that each communicator brings to an interaction and that shape how messages are sent and received” (McCornack, 2010, p. 10). What are some things in YOUR fields of experience that are unique to YOU, or different from others?” (What experiences have shaped you?)
Fields of Experience Everything you accept to be “right” / “true” is FILTERED through your own fields of experience. When fields of experience overlap, it creates UNDERSTANDING. How do you CREATE understanding with others who you have nothing in common with?
Culture’s Impact on Communication What happens when whole GROUPS of people have very similar or very different fields of experience?
Culture’s Impact on Communication Ethnocentrism – the belief that your culture/ethnicity is right/best
Culture’s Impact on Communication Talk to an Iraqi Part 1 Talk to an Iraqi Part 2
Culture’s Impact on Communication What Would You Do?
Culture’s Impact on Communication Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes Dr. Philip Zimbardo ABCNews Prejudice
Culture’s Impact on Communication Based on the videos … How much do you feel group behavior affects YOUR decisions? How much do you feel subconscious prejudice affects YOUR decisions?
Culture’s Impact on Communication We all come from different fields of experience (external factors), but we ALSO all have different “programming” (internal factors) that affect how we perceive our worlds.
Perceptions We all have different (ways we) …. Process Information Perceive the World Personality Styles
Perceptions Left Brain or Right Brain?? QUIZ TIME!!!
Perceptions Perceptions video …
Perceptions Process information We learn about and understand our world through our SENSES. We all have a DOMINANT sense. When we PROCESS INFORMATION our dominant sense takes over. Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
Perceptions 95% of conflicts are not due to the issues being discussed but the ways we VIEW the issues. Perceptions not always REALITY. Our brains want to organize, categorize, define, and make sense of information in the SIMPLEST way possible. PEOPLE are not as easy to organize and define as INFORMATION. We must BE CAREFUL with our perceptions and how we view and communicate with others based on our perceptions.
Personality Styles Survey Says …
Personality styles (It's a Zoo Out There).pdf
Personality Styles Assertiveness – how likely we are to be outgoing in a situation Responsiveness – how likely we are to express our thoughts in a situation
Personality Styles Four types: Analytical – “Busy Beavers” Analytical – “Busy Beavers” Driver – “Lions” Friendly/Amiable – “Loyal Labs” Expressive – “Playful Otters”
Personality Styles In your dominant style, highlight all the things you think really apply to you/describe you
Personality Styles Under pressure, ANALYTICALS become avoiders, AMIABLES become compromisers, DRIVERS become control freaks, EXPRESSIVES become attackers.