2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Julie Pope Nurs 4292 Spring I Columbus State University
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) were first implemented in healthcare by the Joint Commission on January 1, 2003 In order for a hospital to receive accreditation, the Joint Commission requires compliance with NPSGs Experts such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists, risk managers, clinical engineers, and other professionals make up a panel that address patient safety issues This panel gives recommendations to the Joint Commission on how to address safety issues in NPSGs Joint Commission, (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Goals Goal 1 Identify patients correctly NPSG : Use at least two patient identifiers NPSG : Correct blood during blood transfusions Goal 2 Improve caregiver communication NPSG Report critical labs/ test results to correct staff in a timely manner Goal 3 : Improve medication safety NPSG : Label medications prior to procedures NPSG : Anticoagulation therapy safety NPSG : Maintain and communicate accurate patient medication information Joint Commission, (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Goals Goal 6 Improve alarm safety NPSG : Ensure alarms are heard and responded to on time Goal 7 Prevent infections NPSG: : Comply with hand hygiene guidelines of CDC or WHO NPSG: : Comply with guidelines to prevent multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) NPSG: : Prevent central line associated bloodstream infections (CABIs) NPSG: : Prevent post op surgical infections NPSG: : Prevent catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) Goal 9 Decrease patient harm due to falls NPSG: : Decrease falls Joint Commission, (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Goals Goal 14 Prevent hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) NPSG : Assess risk for pressure ulcer development and institute prevention measures Goal 15 Identify patient population safety risks NPSG : Identify suicide risk patients NPSG : Identify home O2 therapy risks Universal Protocols: Prevent Surgery errors UP : Correct surgery; Correct Patient; Correct Site UP : Mark correct surgical site UP : Timeout prior to procedure Joint Commission, (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Older Adult Description The patient is a 75 year old African American female that takes multiple medications daily at home for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, coronary artery disease (CAD), GERD, and anticoagulation therapy The patient lives alone Decreased vision bilaterally Home health care aide weekly Good family support system
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Home Medications Nexium Tramadol Crestor Hydrochlorothiazide Xarelto MedlinePlus. (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Older Adult Patient Teaching on NPSG Using medications safely at home NPSG: : Label all medications and containers Name Strength Quantity Discard unlabeled medications A medication administration container with the days of the week will be utilized to ensure correct daily dosage of her morning medications A smaller separate medication container with the days of the week will be utilized for her night time medication Verify each medication before placing in container Place a check mark on her monthly calendar when she takes her morning medications and a X on the calendar when she takes her night medication Joint Commission, (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Older Adult Patient Teaching on NPSG NPSG : Anticoagulation therapy safety Utilize unit dose containers Utilize approved protocols Understand baseline coagulation status Manage food and drug interactions Patient/ family education Medication monitoring, medication compliance, understanding food and drug interactions, knowledge of food and drug interactions, home health monitoring Joint Commission, (2015).
2015 National Patient Safety Goals and the Older Adult Reference: The Joint Commission. (January 1, 2015). Retrieved February 16, 2015 from MedlinePlus. (2015). Retrieved February 16,2015 from