m Catalogue
What catalog all about? m Catalogue is a image based application which helps you in transferring the live image of product from one mobile to another mobile. What m Catalogue is all about? m Catalogue
Basic requirements of mcatalogue Basic requirements… A mobile phone must be with camera It must be GSM mobile phone It should have Java capability A mobile phone must be with GPRS service active Facility of uploading extra application should be there. m Catalogue
What catalog all about? It will help you get all the information of a product you require at anytime. Its mobility will help you serve your clients with facility to select a product from various different options and place a order to you. Catalogue consisting various colors, size, designs and brief description of a product of various different companies can be accessed. Live, saved as well as images from website can be sent. Images sent is directly uploaded to the website also. Features m Catalogue
How mcatalogue works Image is taken By Interior designer He sent the image to his client Client received the image
Useful to… Contractors and interiors People who are having exhibitions of their product in India and also outside India. People who wants to start export activity for their product. In big organization, at auctions, in manufacturing plants etc Housewife and small children where conveyance is problem. m Catalogue Jewellers Designers Busy executives, employees… Marketing people People who travel lot Old age people, ill and handicapped People living outside the country or state. mCatalogue is useful to people who are
Compatibility m Catalogue It is easily compatible to Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, mobile phones. It is also easily compatible to Java applications which is supported in every mobile phones.
Advantages It is less time consuming as in few seconds you can get the images of your desire product which will make your work more easy, fast and better. It can send the images at your conveniences. It also saves your transportation cost and helps choosing the best option from all the alternatives. Images are directly uploaded to website so you can also log it over at your convenience. Login and password remains same. m Catalogue
Limitations It does not serve the purpose in remote areas where GPRS activation is a problem. Some applications support some mobiles only e.g. nokia, sony ericsson, samsung,etc Speed, clarity and size of transferring the images depend on the mobile and GPRS services available. m Catalogue
Cost As this software provides a good service of transferring the live as well as saved images of a product which helps in selecting our desired product within few seconds. It will cost only which is more cheaper than any other such software. m Catalogue
How to place an order You can place your orders for this product to our dealers throughout India. You can also log on to: and register and purchase the product m Catalogue
Development (India) B-11, PREMIUM HOUSE, Opp. Gandhigram Railway Station, Ahmedabad (GUJARAT), INDIA Contact us Thank you for your interest in mCatalogue For contact please have a look at the addresses given below (Australia ) 23, Montebello Boulevard, Narre Warren South, VIC , AUSTRALIA. (USA) Ashish Kaul (Marketing Manager) 635 N. Dearborn, St #1204, Chicago. IL Please drop an Call us at: INDIA (079) (079) AUSTRALIA: +61-(043) USA: +1-(164)