Overview some ideas, Will lead to witnessing opportunities. 1. Ministries to meet the needs of the people. 2. Ministries to reach people with the gospel.
Community Evangelism: Implement ministry-based evangelism Ministries: Baptist Centers, Pregnancy Care Ministries, Homeless, Substance Abuse, Literacy, Community Ministries, Disabilities Awareness, Hunger, Welfare to Work, Medical.
His Heart, Our Hands Tool Kit
Community Evangelistic Ministries Recommend you read the chapter on Community and Ministry in “Effective Evangelistic Churches” by Dr Thom Rainer, dean of evangelism and church growth at Southern Seminary. A balance between ministry and evangelism. Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Have a continuous evangelism training, visiting, witnessing, and assimilation. Teach and preach on lifestyle evangelism. Church leaders, Deacons, Sunday School leaders, and spouses weekly evangelism. Must impact your culture, connect, Get outside the walls! Must create mission minded ministry.
Have a weekly prayer meeting where the lost are prayed for by name. Establish a prayer team to pray for visitation teams. Establish continuous prayer and evangelism training classes.
Ministries your Church can begin to meet social needs and share the gospel. Backyard Bible club Multi-housing Bible studies for kids Ethnic mission church Benevolence Ministry Support Groups Crisis Ministry Food assistance Clothing Store Church Planting ministry Taxi service
Crisis Pregnancy ministry – offer counseling not abortion. Home for unwed mothers Women’s (day time) Bible studies Mother’s morning out program Day Care ministry Women’s support/mentoring groups Single moms support groups/job skills training
Discipleship Classes – spiritual growth The Man God Uses, Henry Blackaby Disciplines of a Godly Man, R. Kent Hughes Accountability Groups Bible Study on how to love your wife, Ephesians Crisis Management
Both parents working; Children raised by other family members; Children raised by the TV. Opportunity to impact children, show God’s love and forgiveness. Latch-Key ministry After school program Tutoring ministry Introduce your Children to God Art classes Writing classes Sports ministry
Society lay wasted; Divorce dividing marriages Immigrants in our communities; Impact your community Divorce Recovery Addiction Recovery Eating Disorders Single Parents Children of Divorced Parents Parents of Divorced Children ESL – English as a second Language
Society is changing, pluralistic. The family to reach families Reach your neighbors Open doors to connect and share the gospel.
New Parents Class Potty Training Class New Mother’s Class New Neighbor’s Class Communication Classes for families Marriage Enrichment Classes Newly-Wed Class – NAMB materials Family supper ministry Laundromat Ministry: one night a week
One way to get to know your community is by offering a ministry that will provide for children. Pre- Christian parents will enroll their children in a Christian day school. The ministry will open doors to impact these parents during special holiday events.
Community: Ministry Open Doors to evangelize Day Care Wee School Home School Classes Basketball, Baseball teams & instruction Sports Evangelism Clinics Gardening Classes
Our community has grown up without knowledge of God. Expects call our society secular. A PSG will create opportunities to share with seekers and discuss and seek God in a non-offensive place. A PSG is an environment to meet God at your own pace.
Coffee House or gathering place where people can discuss spiritual matters Find a common ground to connect Point to God gradually Make gentle offers for salvation Pray for the individual(s) to be saved
An Attitude of Agapé Love God’s unconditional Love A burden and concern for your community You are in the community that God wants you to reach What are you doing to reach them?
Look for a need and define ways to meet that need. Seek God through prayer. Ask God to provide the funds, the workers, if you are the person If not you, then who? If not now, then when?
His Heart, Our Hands A Ministry Evangelism Tool Kit Purchase through Or call, 1 (866)
Every believer should serve Christ according to his or her spiritual gifts. 3 Basic facts: 1.Every believer has at least one. 1 Cor. 7:7 2.Know your spiritual gift(s). 1 Cor. 12:1 3.Use your gifts to serve Christ. Rom. 12:6
Why use your Spiritual gifts?
1.Prayer: provides direction, prepares the ministry for evangelism. 2.Share the vision: people must catch the vision. 3.Assess Community Needs 4.Determine Giftedness 5.Match Community Needs with Church gifts.
6.Plan the Ministry: Develop a Mission Statement. Core Values: Determine what ministries to establish; prepare objectives, goals, action plans. Implement actions. 7.Equip people to intentionally share the gospel. 8.Sponsor special events as a bridge to the lost.
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