Mid-Term Review Miss Springborn Team 6 January 2013 Copyright 2008 PresentationFx.com | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for presentation.PresentationFx.com
Women’s Suffrage- The women’s movement that worked to get women the right to vote in all states Copyright 2008 PresentationFx.com | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for presentation.PresentationFx.com
What did women do to gain suffrage? Copyright 2008 PresentationFx.com | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for presentation.PresentationFx.com Women campaigned to get the right to vote state by state and later worked to get a constitutional amendment. They lobbied congress, wrote articles, protested in front of White House, hunger strikes, arrested, speeches, marches/parades
Mass Production The making of product in mass quantity, leads to the reduction in the price of a good because you can make more of it
Advantages and Disadvantages of assembly line Advantages: the price of goods will drop, more people can afford the product Disadvantages: Less choice with the product in terms of design, quality can be less when things are mass produced
Reasons immigrants came to the US- PULL FACTORS They wanted a start at a new life, they had the chance to own land, freedom of religion MORE JOBS!!! More opportunities
Reasons immigrants left their native country- PUSH FACTORS ‘Famines, hard luck, no jobs, war in their home country persecution by their own government of their beliefs Escaping Poverty
Who exposed child labor- Lewis Hine with his photographs
Primary Election When the people get to choose their parties candidates to run for office
Rockefeller Owner of Standard Oil Company Robber Baron Had a monopoly on oil industry Made millions with his company
Ida Tarbell Wrote the novel The History of Standard Oil Exposed Rockefeller’s monopoly With her writings she tried to break up this monopoly
Jim Crow Laws The rules in the south that kept blacks and whites separate in public facilities For example: Separate bathrooms for whites and blacks
Segregation The separation of blacks and whites in the south
Plessy v. Ferguson The legal court case that allowed the separation of the races in the south This made it legally ok to keeps blacks and whites separate in the south MAKES separate but equal ok
Seneca Falls The location of the first meeting of the Women’s Rights Movement Where they signed the Declaration of Sentiments demanding women’s suffrage
Grandfather clause, poll taxes, literacy tests The different laws and rules used to keep African Americans in the south from voting
Muckrakers- The group that wanted to expose corruption in business and government They dug up dirt and corruption
The Jungle Novel written by Upton Sinclair It exposed the Meat Packing Industry Lead to the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act Also lead to the passing of the Meat Inspection Act
Chinese Exclusion Act Law passed in 1882 that stopped Chinese immigrants from coming into our country Discriminating law
Emma Lazuarus poem Poem on the Statue of Liberty It welcomes in the new immigrants Words of hope and inspiration to the immigrants entering at Ellis Island
Immigration settled in large cities because- There were many jobs in factories There were housing opportunities with other immigrants in tenement houses That is where most immigrants entered the country
Ethnic neighborhoods- Where groups of immigrants settled together to be around each other and support each other
Ellis Island The place in New York City that processed new immigrant coming into our country
What was the economic impact of the transcontinental railroad? It allowed for settlers to move west and settle the frontier It allowed for goods to be shipped back and forth at an affordable rate Helped expand interstate commerce between states
Sherman Anti-Trust vs. Clayton Anti-Trust Act Sherman Anti-Trust act went after monopolies and trusts but was too weak to work It was replaced by the Clayton Anti- trust act that was stronger and made it easier for the government to go after monopolies
Why do people buy stock in a company? They want to invest in the company and make money when that company does well They share in the profits
Monopolies- Complete control over an industry
Rockefeller was a robber baron? He had a monopoly over the standard oil industry Put comepetitors out of business Charged too much for his product and made huge profits
Free-Enterprise System- Allowed for private ownership of business Government traditionally stayed out of business
Urbanization- The rapid growth of industry and cities Cities became large filled with immigrants and jobs This also leads to dirty conditions and crowded tenement houses
Industrial Revolution- The period of rapid growth in industry Machine labor begins to replace hand labor Mass production of goods
Why did the government give companies money to build railroad? They wanted the west to be completely settled and this allowed for this to happen rapidly
What helped settle the west? The Transcontinental Railroad The Homestead Act giving away free land
The frontier closed in 1890 because- The land give away slowed down and less people were moving west Immigration was also starting to slow due to new laws
Reservation- The places that Native Americans were forced to live when they were kicked off their homeland
Sod Houses were built on the Great Plains because- Other materials were not found that were needed to build their homes so they used this mud and grass mixture No trees meant they needed a different material to build with
Homesteaders- The settlers in the frontier They kept lived out west on the land they got from the goverment
Homestead Act This law gave settlers 160 acres of land out west if you farmed it for at least 5 years
Other things to remember: Barbed wire fences were invented to help out West on the Great Plains with the Cattle Native Americans were killed off by disease A strike is when workers stop working to try and get their demands met Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire led to safer working conditions for workers
Part 2 Advice Look carefully at the pictures, chart, graph, cartoon, etc… Answer ALL parts of a question Answer in Complete Sentences for all questions!! You will not get full credit unless it is a complete sentence It is always better to give me MORE on part 2 then less…I have more to look at and find points for you!