LEARNING OUTCOMES Understanding Cities in the Global Periphery and Semi-periphery
WHERE ARE THE MOST POPULOUS CITIES? Mostly located in less prosperous parts Sao Paulo (Brazil) Mexico City (Mexico) Mumbai (India) Dhaka (Bangladesh) Delhi (India)
PULL FACTORS TO THE CITY Opportunities (More often imagined) Rural Persons Migrants Believe there are job opportunities Primate cities (so no other cities with opportunities) Stark contrasts exist between rich and poor.
PROBLEMS WITH SHANTYTOWNS No plumbing Lots of disease Ethnically isolated Typically are found on the out edges of the city Minimal transportation Means people congregate in an area Made of any material found
CORE COUNTRIES VS. PERIPHERY & TRANSPORTATION Rural migration occurred earlier Zoning laws prevent shantytowns Higher levels of transportation Transportation impacts how a city develops Developed before or after roads or railroads
GRIFFIN-FORD MODEL CBD district still present Transportation coordinator “Spine is part of CBD” /Elite live next to it Wealthy/middle class stay put and re-invest in their houses Disamenity sector (poorest)