Quantities 2 Plans Prepared by Heath Bielefeldt Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Q2P Introduction Q2P is one file containing quantity calculations, the engineer’s estimate, and miscellaneous quantity plan sheet data, along with export capabilities to proposal & estimate systems
Benefits of Using Q2P Select items from current bid item catalog Utilize Excel functions for quantity calculations Link bid item computations to the miscellaneous quantity plan sheet tables Link this comp and plan sheets data to the Trnsport upload file ◦ Computation revisions are quickly pushed through the estimate and miscellaneous quantity plan sheets ◦ Redundant data sources are eliminated
Initial View of Q2P
Creating the Worksheets in Q2P Select bid items from the list, then create the Excel worksheets with a macro
Misc Quantity Worksheets Category total is linked to the cell two over from “TOTAL 00X0” cell
Individual Misc Quantity Worksheet Links to Main Bid Items Quantity is calculated by Excel from the Names and not just a particular cell Never enter quantities on this worksheet Never rename the Bid Items worksheet
Create Computations Always expand the computation – Don’t place data into a formula Use ROUND on formula results
Bid Item Prices in Q2P Enter prices directly on Bid Items worksheet Always use current dollars (if using Estimator remember to use today’s date and not the letting)
Contingencies & Delivery Enter project contingencies as “dummy” SPV items The delivery percentage is entered at the bottom of the Q2P Bid Items worksheet.
Combining Items into a Single Table Do not delete your individual item worksheets after combining them
Combining Items (cont’d)
Deleting Items in Q2P Always use Q2P commands to delete worksheets.
The Miscellaneous Quantity Plan Sheet Template A PowerPoint-based slide is used for the plan sheets
Edit Miscellaneous Quantity Plan Sheet Template Title Block Edit the sheet’s project title information on the Slide Master.
Copy Data from Q2P to the Miscellaneous Quantity Plan Sheets Always set Print Area first and then copy that rather than just the cell range.
Paste Data from Q2P to the Miscellaneous Quantity Plan Sheets Use Paste Special, as link
Formatting Miscellaneous Quantity Plan Sheets Tables Don’t size objects under 90%
Cost Report Bid items are sorted by category
Q2P Data Exchange with Estimator Q2P items, quantities and prices can be exported to Estimator and imported back into Q2P ◦ Special attention must be given to SPV items
Q2P to Trnsport File exported for upload to Trnsport
Best Practices Write equations for quantities off to the side (to the right of the remarks column) ◦ Be sure to show the data and never build a formula with data that may change ◦ Use ROUND function so the sum will match the quantities when added together on the paper plan sheet Use the Excel Name Manager to define ranges that can be pasted into PowerPoint to break up tables that must span multiple plan sheets Don’t use Excel undo/redo on the Q2P macros
Use of Q2P on WisDOT Projects Can be used anytime from 30/60/90 ◦ Also can be used for scoping estimate, with major items and % project contingencies
Frequently Asked Questions Common glitches: ◦ Security warnings ◦ Annoying green triangles Other issues: ◦ Grayed-out commands
Region Specific Guidance NW Region: Q2P is required to be used on 30/60/90% reviews ◦ An electronic copy of Q2P must be submitted in the Excel format ◦ Document in Q2P the source used for each major bid item unit price ◦ Required for both in-house & consultant designed projects
Confidentiality of Engineer’s Estimate Do not use public FTP sites for submitting the Q2P file for review Do not share the engineer’s estimate with contractors
Estimating Website - Tools (WisDOT Staff) Q2P Manual, installation help, distribution list sign-up details
Q2P Support WisDOT staff contact: ◦ Power users in office Consultant staff contact: ◦