Unit Ten Transportation Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
To describe methods of transportation To grasp clauses of shipment Learning objectives To describe methods of transportation To grasp clauses of shipment To identify shipping instructing and shipping advice Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View 1 2 3 4 5 Modes of Transport Terms of shipment Shipping documents Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information 4 Shipping instruction 5 Shipping advice
General View Modes of Transport The delivery of goods is to be made possible by road, railway, inland waterway, sea or air. When goods are transported by road, rail or air, the contract carriage takes the form of a consignment Note or Airway Bill. In sea transport, chartering of ships or booking shipping space is involved. And the contract entered into between the ship-owner and shipper may take the form of either a Charter Party or a Bill of Lading. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View In practice,shipment involves a lot of complicated procedures. Before the goods are to be dispatched, the following must be seen to: send the Shipping Instructions to the seller by the buyer informing in writing of the packing and marks,mode of transportation,etc; book shipping space or chartering and sign the contract of carriage; register the cargo on shipping note and send the shipping note to a shipping company; Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View register details on customs entry forms and send them to Customs; arrange adequate packing, including shipping marks; receive the bill of lading from the shipping company; send the Shipping documents and Shipping Advice to the buyers immediately after the goods are loaded on board the ship. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View 2. Terms of shipment Terms of shipment generally contain time of shipment,ports of shipment and destination, transshipment and partial shipment,shipping documents and so on. Time of Shipment In the contract,several ways are used to state the time of delivery: the shipment with a fixed date, e. g. Shipment on or before June 25. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View Ports of shipment and destination (2) the shipment with an indefinite date, usually when the payment is made by L/C e.g. shipment should be made within 30 days after receipt of L/C. (3) the shipment with a date in the near future.. When the shipment can be made soon after the conclusion of the contract,the parties can adopt such terms: immediate shipment,prompt shipment. Ports of shipment and destination The port of shipment is the port of departure; the port of destination is the destination that the goods are finally designated to. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View Means of conveyance transshipment and partial shipment. Means of conveyance covers direct shipment, transshipment and partial shipment. In case of an export covering a large quantity of goods,it is necessary to make shipment in several lots by several carriers sailing on different dates. And this is allowable only if the clause “Partial shipment to be allowed’’ is agreed upon in the sales contract. In cases where direct sailing from one port to the other is unavailable, transshipment is necessary. In order to avoid dispute that might arise in future, the stipulation “transshipment is allowed” should be laid down in the L/C as well as in the contract. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View 3. Shipping documents Bill of lading (shortened as B/L) Shipping documents usually include bill of lading (shortened as B/L), commercial invoice, insurance policy, etc. Bill of lading (shortened as B/L) There are three parties involved in most movements of goods: the consignor---who sends the goods; the carrier—who carries them the consignee --- who receives them at the destination. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View In sea transport, chartering of ships or booking shipping space is involved. And the contract entered into between the ship-owner and shipper may take the form of either a charter party or a bill of lading (B/L). A charter party is the documents which state the terms and conditions of the contract signed by the ship-owner who provides the ship and the side who charters it. Ship chartering is usually arranged through shipbroker. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View companies to testify that the goods have been B/L is issued by the captain or the shipping companies to testify that the goods have been received or shipped on board for delivery to a certain place of destination. The seller must inform the buyer as soon as shipment is effected so as to get the buyer prepared for taking delivery of the goods. Under FOB and CFR term, it is for the buyer to arrange for insurance upon receipt of shipping advice. If the buyer fails to receive the shipping advice, any damage to or loss of the goods thus sustained will be for the seller’s account. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View 4. Shipping instruction Before Shipment, the buyers generally send their shipping requirements to the seller, informing them in writing of the packing and mark, mode of transportation, etc., known as the Shipping Instruction. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View 5. Shipping advice The seller usually send by fax a notice to the buyers immediately after the goods are loaded on board the ship, advising them of the shipment, especially under Fob or CFR terms so that the buyer will effect insurance to the shipment upon receipt of the notice. Such a notice is known as the Shipping Advice. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
General View The shipping advice include the following: Contract and or L/C number, name of commodity, number of packages, total quantity shipped, name of vessel and its sailing date and sometimes even the total value of the goods, as the requirements may be. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Guidelines for Writing In letters concerning shipment, writers are advised to comply with the following principles: (1)Always remember to specify the shipment such as the name of goods, the quantity and value, the packing conditions, the date and number of B/L, the name of the ship used to dispatch the goods, etc. (2)When delay in shipment, partial shipment or transshipment is asked for, it is necessary to make adequate explanations so that the buyer may accept these requests with pleasure. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Guidelines for Writing (3)The exporter needs to notify the importer immediately when shipment is effected, especially when the transaction is on FOB basis and the buyer must cover insurance within 48 hours after shipment. (4)When the exporter receives a request for shipment, he must give a prompt reply no matter whether he is in a position to make the shipment immediately. If he is not able to ship the goods right away, he ought to give valid and sufficient reasons to justify his position. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Guidelines for Writing (5)Shipping documents, especially the B/L, plays a very important role in international business, so in letters notifying shipment or urging shipment, it’s better to mention the transfer of the shipping documents and the number of copies needed. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Guidelines for Writing Some common language features (A) Modes generally used Showing politeness: We shall be pleased to inform you that…etc. Showing instructions: We hope to have the pleasure of dealing with your shipment. Expressing insistence: These goods were wanted urgently and it is very disappointing to us. Using imperative sentences: Please make explanation to us upon this matter. Guidelines for Writing
Guidelines for Writing (B) Typical tenses Using Present Perfect Tense: The goods have been dispatched as expected. We have shipped the following goods to you by s.s~. Using Present & Future Tense: …and is due to arrive at…on (date). The goods will arrive to you by… Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Guidelines for Writing Here we take steps in shipping advice as an example: Inform the buyer that the goods under XX contract have been shipped via S.S.XX on(date): We are glad to inform you that we have completed shipment… The goods under Contract No. XX have been shipped via… (2) Advise the buyer what shipping documents have been sent. We are sending you one set of… Shipping documents have been sent to you. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Guidelines for Writing (3) Wish the goods to arrive in good condition. We trust the goods will reach you in sound condition. We hope you can take delivery of the goods… We are sure you will find our goods satisfactory. (4) Thank the buyer for his order and wish to receive his repeat orders. We appreciate the business you have been able to secure for us. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Asia Pacific Trading Company, Ltd. Specimen letter -1 (Shipping Instruction) Asia Pacific Trading Company, Ltd. Suite 302, Perison Plaza, Nelson Street, VancouverV5B7A3, Canada Tel: 1-604-7788993 E-mail:asia116@hotmail.com August 22, 2012 Universal Engineering Co., Ltd. 333 Yueliang Street, Changchun, Jilin, China Dear Sirs, We have received your letter dated August 20th in connection with the above subject. In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit No.7634, amounting toUSD3,500.00 has Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
been opened this morning through RBC Royal Bank. Upon receipt of the same, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay, we are informed by the local shipping company that S/S “Browick” is due to sail form your city to our port on or about the 10th September and, if possible, please try your best to ship by that steamer. Should this trial order proves satisfactory to our customer, we can assure you that repeat orders in increased quantities will be placed. Your close co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciated. In the meantime, we await your shipping advice by fax. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information Yours faithfully, J. Edward
Specimen letter 2 (Shipping Instruction concerning packing) June 12, 2012 Dear Sirs, S/C No.B428 We received your letter dated June 6 covering the above sales contract in duplicate but wish to state that after going through the contract we find that the packing clause in it isnot clear enough. The relative clause reads as follows: Packing: Seaworthy export packing,suitable for long distance ocean transportation. In order to eliminate possible future trouble,we would like to make clear before hand our packing requirements as follows: The sugar under the captioned contract should be packed in Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
international standard sugar boxes 24 boxes on a pallet,10 pallets in an FCL container. On the outer packing please mark our initials CNIEC in a diamond,under which the port of destination and our order number should be stenciled.In addition,warning marks like KEEP DRY,HANDLE WITH CARE should also be indicated. We have made a footnote on the contract to that effect and are returning herein one copy of the contract after duly countersigning it.we hope you will find it in order and pay special attention to the packing. We look forward to receiving your shipping advice and thank you in advance. Yours faithfully, Denel Ding Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Please send half of the 500 units of captioned order by air freight Specimen letter 3(Buyer Asking for Half of the Order by Air Freight) June 26, 2012 Dear Sirs, Our Order 2233 Please send half of the 500 units of captioned order by air freight as they are urgently required by our customers. You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for transport by sea for the rest of the 1,000 units of the consignment. We would ask you to be careful to seal the case into a watertight bag. Yours faithfully, Niles Parnell Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Specimen letter 4 (Booking Shipping containers) April 29, 2012 Dear Sirs, We have ten cases of art goods at the above address ready for dispatch to any European Main Port (EMP), and shall be glad if you will arrange for your shipping container to collect them. Each case weighs 60kgs. As our client requires us to ship the goods no later than June 12, please quote us for a shipping container from Karachi to the above mentioned port before that deadline. Your early quotation will be appreciated. Yours faithfully, Abdul Aqis Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Specimen letter-5 (Reply to Booking Shipping containers) Jumbo Shipping Company S.A. 4 Rue Petitot. 1211 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: 41-22-67890342 Fax: 41-22-67890343 E-mail:shipping112@swiss.com May 8, 2012 Vernon Gregory & Co., Ltd. 818 Nile Street, Alexandria, Egypt Dear Sirs, Thank you for your enquiry of April 29,asking us to quote for shipping container to any EMP for ten cases of art goods. The shipping containers we provide are of two sizes,namely 20 ft. and 40 ft. long and built to take loads up to 4 to 8 tons respectively. They can be opened at both ends,thus making it possible to load Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
and unload at the same time. They are both watertight and airtight and can be loaded and locked at the factory,if necessary. There is also a saving in freight charges when separate consignments intended for the same port of destination are carried in one container and an additional saving on insurance because of the lower premiums charged for container shipped goods. We enclosed a copy of our tariff and look forward to receiving your instructions. Yours faithfully, Ned Muller Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Shanghai Tianmao Trading Co.,Ltd. Specimen letter 6 (Asking for Transshipment and Partial Shipment) Shanghai Tianmao Trading Co.,Ltd. 578 Quyang Road, Shanghai 20073 China Tel:86-21-23559090 E-mail: tianmao@sina.com August 6, 2012 China Products Trading Inc. 100 Main Street, New Rochelle, N.Y10801,U.S.A. Dear Sirs, Order No. 668 for 500 Cases Tea Reference is made to your letter dated August 5th.We regret being unable to ship the captioned goods as requested. Since the selling season is approaching,we are heavily committed at present. We can hardly get the whole lot ready within half a month. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Also,the shipping space has been fully booked up to the end of next month. So we would suggest that you allow us to transship half of the goods via Hong Kong, which will not result in any delay in your receiving the goods if you confirm at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. Yours faithfully, Ali Abdullah Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
(Reply to Asking for Transshipment and Partial Shipment) March 6, 2012 Specimen letter-7 (Reply to Asking for Transshipment and Partial Shipment) March 6, 2012 Dear Sirs, We have received your request for transshipment and partial shipment today. Your request will put us to too much trouble. But it seems I have no other choice but to accept it. As far as I know,the Royal Shipping Agent Ltd. has a liner sailing from Hong Kong to America around Mid August,then you can transship the goods to America. If you could manage to catch this vessel, everything will be all right. Await your early reply. Yours faithfully, Ann White Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
We wonder what has happened to our above order for 2,500 Specimen Letter 8-Buyer Urging Early Shipment March 1, 2013 Dear Sirs, Our Order No.633 We wonder what has happened to our above order for 2,500 Butterfly brand sewing machines which should be delivered before March 18 as contracted. Now the shipment date is approaching rapidly, but so far we have not received any information from you concerning this lot. When we placed the order we explicitly pointed out that punctual shipment was of great importance because our Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
customers were in urgent need of the goods and we had given them assurance of an early delivery. We have been put to great inconvenience by the delay in delivery. In case you should fail to effect delivery in November,we will have to lodge a claim against you for the losses and reserve the right to cancel the contract. We look forward to your early reply. Yours Sincerely, Joey Bruise Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Specimen letter- 9(Shipping Advice) September 11, 2012 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that the following goods under our Contract No. SC303 have now been shipped by S. S. “Nanhai” sailing tomorrow from Nanjing to Kuwait. Order No.C121 10 Bales Grey Cotton Cloth Order NO.C153 10 Bales White Cotton Cloth Copies of the relative shipping documents are enclosed to facilitate your taking delivery of the goods when they arrive. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
We hope this shipment will reach you in due course and turn out to your entire satisfaction. Yours faithfully, Zhen Xiao Enclose: Commercial Invoice NO.5566 in duplicate Packing List No.14282 in duplicate Non-negotiable Bill of Lading No.5566 Certificate of Quality Certificate of Quantity Insurance Policy NO. 4572 Survey Report NO. FT1234 Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Further Refinement Called the “Seven Cs” , the principles for business communication put forward by professor Emeritus Herta A. Murphy, University of Washington, and her two colleagues in University of Michigan are completeness, correctness, clarity, conciseness, concreteness, courtesy, consideration. “Seven Cs” refer to the evaluation of foreign letters in the word choice, sentence structure, content, tone, attitudes and other aspects of business letter writing. Effective application of the “Seven Cs” principles can create a miracle in business communication. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
Further Refinement As Chinese saying goes, “Courtesy costs nothing”, one won’t be blamed for being extra-polite. Still, to ensure a natural-sounding writing style for more smooth communication, the business letter writer is recommended being more direct, for instance, unnecessary to say sorry twice, and too exaggerate and impractical by saying “make utmost efforts to avoid such trouble”. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
The original mail Dear Sirs: We are sorry that we did not realize you’ve experienced such problems with customs clearance in Australia owing to the way of our documentation. I referred your suggestion to our shipping department and they agreed to improve the shipping procedures, as you asked. We are sorry for an inconvenience to you, and will make utmost efforts to avoid such trouble. Yours sincerely, …
The refined mail Dear Sirs: Thank you for your message of March 7 and advice about the shipping of advertising materials. We did not realize you were experiencing customs problems due to our method of documentation and will correct the procedure according to your instructions. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Yours sincerely, …
KEY TO UNIT TEN I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. You will please do your very best to hasten shipment. We hope that by the time you receive the letter, you will have the goods ready for shipment. 2. We have been put to considerable inconvenience by the long delay in delivery, we must insist on immediate delivery; otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the orders in accordance with the stipulation of the contract. 3. We shall appreciate it if you will manage to ship the goods by S/S East Wind sailing from August 5th. 4. It is stipulated that shipment should be made before…and, if possible, we should appreciate your arranging to ship the goods at an earlier date. 5. The above-mentioned order is prepared especially for the National Day (1st October). Please see to it that you effect shipment on time and advise us of the name of the vessel, the time of departure and the approximate time of arrival so as to enable us to arrange for talking delivery and selling of goods. Background created by m62 Visualcommunications, visit www.m62.net for more information
6. We would ship the goods by direct steamers if possible 6. We would ship the goods by direct steamers if possible. It is our duty to try every possible means to satisfy the need of our customers. 7. We are sorry that we are unable to advance shipment due to our heavy commitment. Please cooperate to extend the dates of the shipment and validity of the L/C to June 30th and July 15th respectively, with transshipment and partial shipment allowed. 8. We learn from the shipping agent that steamers for London due to sail before the end of March have been fully booked up. The best we can do is 10th April. 9. Please note that this is the first transaction we have concluded, and any delay in shipment will hinder our future cooperation. 10. Much to our regret, your amendment to the L/C hasn’t reached us yet though the goods are already ready for shipment. Please expedite it so that we can book shipping space and arrange for shipment. If not, you are responsible for any loss thus arising.
II. Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences. we advise you of the name of the steamer Upon receipt of your L/C with the least possible delay. if you will arrange to ship the goods at an earlier date. Your failure to deliver the goods
III. Refine the following business mail to achieve better effect. Dear Mr. Ashley, Subject 1: Delivery Inquiry of P.O. WS-75 According to your November 15 backlog report, your current delivery date is December 10. However, our customer urgently needs 89 pcs of auto part WS57C48 and 166 pcs of auto part WS57C64. Would you please let us know by e-mail if you can deliver by mid-November? Subject 2: Status of P.O. WS-78 Did you receive my message of November 18 concerning this order? If not, please let us know. I will resend it right away. Sincerely, Jones Cai
IV. Letter writing. Omitted.