Options for a Sustainable Future Ty Beresk Nicky Dhaliwal James Littley Rajeev Ruparathna Sumeet Sekhon.


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Presentation transcript:

Options for a Sustainable Future Ty Beresk Nicky Dhaliwal James Littley Rajeev Ruparathna Sumeet Sekhon

Introduction What is Peachland? Peachland is a good place to attract retirees that provides limited health, recreational and service industries.

Problem Context Large expected growth rate in relatively near future Larger population requires increased services and infrastructure Peachland is a retirement community Limited revenue stream outside of taxes, DCCs and grants 25% is a reasonable reduction target for water conservation Peachland is largely on its own

Our Team Multi-disciplinary team International perspective Combination of educational and professional experience

Our Lens Environmental and Social Context Options for solutions which are in Peachland’s control Strengths of the community, now and in the future Optimistic view - incremental progress is still progress

What We Propose Encourage environmentally, technologically, and socially sustainable living Promote economically feasible urban infrastructure Meet the social and economic needs of the residents Preserve the environment’s ability to support a sustainable approach Reconfigure the concept of a sustainable community

Building a Model Community City/ Municipality Growth Green Innovative Technology Quality of Life Employment & Revenue Generation

Building Community Regional, national, and international alliances Bottom-up participatory governance mechanisms Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms Infrastructure choices which resonate with existing and future residents Scales Geographical Governance/ Decision Making Implementation

Kuyasa, South Africa Participatory-based approach to develop a CDM system. Solar water heaters, energy efficient lighting and insulated ceilings in 2,309 homes. Households saved R150 per month on energy 87 jobs were created 6,580 tons of carbon were saved Solar water heaters in Kuyasa

Bogota, Colombia Building cities for people, not cars Public bicycle scheme and large scale pedestrianisation measures Car-free days and weekend street closures Public transport in Bogota

Linkoping, Sweden Funding, political backing and cooperation between the city, Linkoping University, transit authorities, and farmers’ associations. Bus system runs on biogas Fertilizers are produced as a by-product Landfill loads are alleviated Biogas-fuelled public transport in Linkoping

Kelowna, B.C. Managing urban sprawl Decentralised neighbourhood centres Mix of residential unit types with local commercial use Reduction in traffic congestion Lower costs of infrastructure – sewer, water, and roads Hubs and Spokes development scenario for Kelowna

Peachland as Model Community Attract a diverse population base Attract green businesses Manage urban sprawl Generate revenue through ecotourism Partnerships with research institutes Invest in cheap technology at unit level Adopt a regional leadership role Generate revenue through provincial and federal grants

Economic Viability 1.Engage with public and private institutions 2.Contribute to a fiscally sustainable growth strategy

Engagement Build strategic relationships between levels of government and various institutions Engage private and public knowledge for delivery of programs and projects

Fiscally Sustainable Growth Market a growth strategy Attract and retain diverse populations and businesses using incentives Build capacity for revenue generation

Fiscally Sustainable Growth Protect and invest in infrastructure for long- term cost savings Ensure an inelastic tax base Meet expenditure needs in varying conditions of economic activity

Research Collaborations Bring academic research into the community – University, colleges, industry, government, NGOs Can help bring in… – Human resources / jobs – Facilities – Funding and grants – Media and acknowledgement Examples?

ArcticNet (2004) Research network regarding climate change and modernization in the Arctic. Inuit communities 145 researchers 30 Canadian universities 19 governmental agencies 12 countries publications

RES’EAU WaterNET (2008) UBC-led endeavor Drinking water in small, rural, and First Nation communities 7 Canadian universities 7 industry partners 15 governmental agencies/NGOs 100+ trained HQP 114 published papers/reports

Community Circles - Partnerships Cowichan Valley Regional District and Lytton First Nation Habitat for Humanity model – Residents have time and are willing to work… – Benefit families, municipality, and neighborhoods while creating community cohesion

First Nation Partnerships Penticton and Osoyoos resources Historical sustainability and environmental practices Sense of place Solidify relationship

Other Possibilities Green/ eco-friendly art installations Conference and workshop hosting Research-based events – Solar decathlon in Washington, D.C. Eco-tourism!

Ecological Design Principles Biological wastewater treatment Brenda mines as a multi-discipline laboratory LEED standards Green roof (native vegetation) Storm water management and artificial wetlands Data

Lifecycle Thinking in Community Level PlanImplementMonitor Asset Management

Bottom to Top Approach AkQ_AUoAw&biw=1920&bih=911#tbm=isch&q=neighbourhood&imgrc=lGrKot- kRY7F4M%253A%3BRuzHeNAayuqaZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.gov.mb.ca%252Fhousing%252Fneighbourhoods%252Fimages%252Fclip_image001_0000.gif%3Bhttp% 253A%252F%252Fwww.gov.mb.ca%252Fhousing%252Fneighbourhoods%252Fprogs%252Fnrf.html%3B226%3B153 =Sd1VVe3tE4HHsQS3gYGYCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAw&biw=1920&bih=911#tbm=isch&q=neighbourhood&imgrc=06Xt44bQ82ZK8M%253A %3BEAQkwoVMcCbArM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Filanjoseph.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F02%252Ftop- neighbourhoods-best-neighbourhoods-toronto-ontario-canada-vaughan.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.ilanjoseph.com%252Ftop- 100-canadian-neighbourhoods-2013%252F%3B424%3B #tbm=isch&q=house+clipart&revid= &imgrc=iVFuLB0disJxoM%253A%3B-G-iNuuYK4- bTM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fpreviews.123rf.com%252Fimages%252Fofchina%252Fofchina1201%252Fofchina %252F Country-House-architecture-building-village-apartment-nature- Stock-Vector.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.fashions-cloud.com%252Fpages%252Fr%252Frural-house-clipart%252F%3B1300%3B1300 Unit Neighbourhood Community

Water-Energy-Waste Planning Least Preferable

Technologies for Sustainable Neighbourhoods Water Water conservation Minimizing the use Water reuse (Urban reuse, Agricultural irrigation, Industrial reuse, Indirect potable reuse, Direct potable reuse) Energy generation and Nutrient recovery Best storm water management practises Energy Creating energy efficient houses Passive heating and lighting Reuse Waste Heat Renewable Heating Renewable electricity Waste Waste reduction Waste reuse Waste recycling Waste to energy

Other Considerations Climate Change First Nations Senior governmental regulations

Conclusion Liveability District as a town centre Growth management Transportation Economic development Environment

Thank You!