Pets not liking the public Pets not liking the public Pets eating kid’s lunches Pets eating kid’s lunches Pets attacking other pets Pets attacking other pets Pets not potty trained Pets not potty trained Pets running in the school Pets running in the school Pets distractin g kids Pets distractin g kids NO PETSNO PETS NO PETSNO PETS
DO YOU WANT TO KNOW 6 REASONS WHY NOT TO BRING PETS TO SCHOOL. Well hears one.1;Pets should not come to school because when you are arriving to school your pet probably doesn't like the public and could attack people.
Some pets are also not trained to like other and could attack them too, Like cats and dogs or cats and birds and other pets who like to attack or run around chasing each other.
Pets can run around the school chasing each other and the pets could break or tar things. That wouldn’t make the school happy and the pets could get hungry from the chasing and running.
At lunch time, if you take your pet with you the pets might run around eating kid’s food and you can’t get seconds, you and the other kids will starve but your pets will get full and will need to use the bathroom.
Some pets are not potty trained so the pets will do their everywhere. It will make the classroom smell smelly, the teachers wouldn’t want a dirty, smelly classroom the kids will be distracted with the dirty, smelly room.
When the children are in their classroom trying to learn the pets are going to ruin that. All the pet’s barking and yelling and running can distract the children from learning. It will block their concentration. That’s the biggest reason why I don’t think pets should be at school those are the 6 reasons I don’t want pets at school.
The end