The Department of Social Protection (DSP) Supporting Jobseekers Information Session
What is the Process? Jobseekers are invited to a general information session Meet with a Mediator on a one to one basis Mediators can provide support and guidance to help you in your efforts to find work or training suited to your needs, skills and aptitudes Your responsibility to engage with the process
One to One Interview with a Mediator Opportunity to discuss skills, strengths and support needs May assist you to explore work options & supports Help you to consider other options such as: Training (FÁS/Other Vocational Training) Return to Education Work Experience Programmes (CE/JobBridge) Jobs Club Grants (Training/Education)
DSP Jobseeker Payments Jobseeker’s Benefit – insurance contributions (stamps) Jobseeker’s Allowance – means tested If you are entitled to JSB/JSA you may be entitled to other supports: Medical Card Rent Supplement Mortgage Interest Supplement Exceptional/Urgent Needs Payment
Part-time/Casual Employment Jobseeker’s Benefit (JSB) Work up to 3 days per week Rate of payment is based on number of days worked 5 day payment week
Part-time/Casual Employment Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) Work up to 3 days per week Rate of payment is means tested and based on a)Number of days worked b)Weekly income from employment c)Other sources of income such as spouse/ partner working
Other Employment Supports Part-time Job Incentive (PTJI) Scheme available if working less than 24 hours per week (15+ months signing) Revenue Job Assist (12+ months signing). Increase your Tax Credits Employer Job PRSI Exemption Scheme (6+ months signing) Medical card holders (12+ months signing) retain card for 3 years Medical card holders pay reduced USC 4%
Family Income Supplement (FIS) Family Income Supplement (FIS) is a weekly tax- free payment for families, including one-parent families at work and on low pay You may qualify if you work at least 19 hours every week Satisfy the income limit conditions have at least 1 dependent Claimant cannot also be in receipt of JSB/JSA
Self-Employment Support Services 1) Short-Term Enterprise Allowance To qualify you must be entitled to Jobseeker's Benefit Paid the equivalent of weekly Social Protection payment until entitlement to Jobseeker’s Benefit expires
2) Back to Work Enterprise Allowance To qualify you must be 12 months signing and have an entitlement to Jobseeker’s Allowance The scheme lasts for 2 years and you will receive >100% of your current payment in year 1 > 75% in year 2 Time spent on other payments taken into account Self-Employment Support Services
Jobseeker Self-Service Supports Computerised Guidance System Jobs Ireland - access to Job Vacancies by Internet & Freephone
Jobs Club 3 Week Part Time Course Group Work/1 to 1 Advice CV Preparation Interview Skills Cover Letter Writing/Application Forms Located in Galway Peoples’ Resource Centre
FÁS Training Programmes Full-time* (In Centre/Contracted) Part Time Evening Courses Blended Learning On-Line at * Training allowance for FÁS full time training replaces jobseeker payment
Community Employment Part-time Temporary Employment Schemes Community Based Non-Profit Organisations For Long Term Unemployed (12+ months signing) Re-Integration into the Labour Market 19.5 Hours per week or Week On/Week Off €208 per week
JobBridge National Internship Scheme Internship with a Host Organisation for either 6 or 9 months Must be currently on the Live Register And have been in receipt of JSB, JSA, DA, OPFP or signing for Credits for a total of 3 months or more in the last 6 months €50 top-up paid in addition to current DSP entitlement For information & current posts go to
Other Education & Training VEC Adult Learner Guidance Service ( ) City of Galway VEC Literacy courses Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) VTOS (Vocational Training Opportunities Schemes) Springboard Skillnets National Database of Courses
Training Support Grants A grant of up to €500 towards the cost of training that is not currently available in your locality from a national provider (TESG) Identified during Mediator interview Training must be certified – aligned to National Framework of Qualifications ( FETAC accredited or relevant industry Business set-up costs for people in receipt of an Enterprise Allowance
Back to Education Programme Must be 21 years or over Rate payable is equal to current Social Protection payment rate 2 nd level – 3 months in receipt of DSP payment (SLO) 3 rd level – 9 months in receipt of DSP payment (TLO) No qualifying period required if you have received statutory redundancy
National Framework of Qualifications
Jobseeker Payments - Conditions You must be available for & genuinely seeking full-time work You must attend the one to one appointment You must agree to participate in a course of training considered appropriate to your training needs and personal circumstances Or your jobseekers payment may be reduced
Further Information Department of Social Protection & Jobs Ireland FÁS National Internship National Organisation of the Unemployed ICT Skills, Education Advice and Budgeting Service Health Service Executive (HSE) Information Board Dept. of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation Commissioners of Education and Skills Government Services
Next Steps 1-to-1 interview with OBAIR/Local Employment Service
Thank you for your time If you have any personal questions, you can discuss at your one-to-one interview