National Market Surveillance Strategy Document ( ) by Ministry of Finance Strategic Goal 2- Strenghtening the Implementation Infrastructure Strategic Target 3- Establishment of Accident-Injury Database and Putting it into the Use of Market Surveillance Authorities STRATEGY DOCUMENT OF MINISTRY OF HEALTH ( ) Strategic Goal 4- To Continue to Develop Health System as a Contribution Tool to Economical Progress of Turkey and to Global Health Strategic Target 4- To develop a multisectoral health responsibility policy towards ensuring that sectors are held responsible for the effects of their policies and actions on health LEGAL BASES
National Accident-Injury Database (UKAY) was adapted from IDB PAST ACTIVITIES
1.IDB Manual (VERSION 1.1 – JUNE 2005) was revised according to the needs of Turkish citizens Creating new codes Magnetic toys Air refreshers Coloring codes of (direct/underlying/other) objects according to responsible Market Surveillance Authority
PAST ACTIVITIES 2. Data entry form was prepared
PAST ACTIVITIES 3. Data entry software was developed Every single user (data entery staff) has his/her own username and password to enter the system Monitor performance
PAST ACTIVITIES 4. Web based data entry screen FDS Modules Data Elements
5. Information System Infrastructure EDs Operational database of MoH Data warehouse Data ETL RAPORT FIELD INFO Decision makers Web based data entry Data quality check Business intelligence application Data ready to momentary interrogation PAST ACTIVITIES
6. Pilot Implementation in one ED for 2 months Number of total persons taken to ED: Number of Injury Case: 936 PAST ACTIVITIES
6. Pilot Implementation in one ED for 2 months Striking Results 3 cases because of the fall of the lift 4 road accidents because of stray dogs Many injuries during the breaks in schools because of unsafe conditions of school areas
7. Official Launch of National Accident-Injury Database (UKAY) 26-27th Jan 2012 Introduction of database to relevant governmental authorities (future stakeholders) Briefing to head physicians of 14 EDs of hospitals PAST ACTIVITIES
Training of ED staff (for data entry) of 14 hospitals throughout Turkey: 21-23/28-30 June 2012 Sign protocols with hospitals: 25th week Data collection: Starting from 1st of July, 2012 Quality check of data: 1st week of August, 2012 Feedback meeting & performance evaluation: 1st week of October, 2012 Quality check of data, reporting and sharing with Market Surveillance Authorities: December 2012 FUTURE ACTIVITIES
CHALLENGES 1.Convincing decision makers 1. Emphasizing the gap for “current (Injury data collection is not a priority, situation analysis for injuries” which is its importance is not understood well) fundamental for undertaking many Strategic Goals for promoting public health 2.Establishing a bureu for UKAY 2. Still struggling against the difficulties, (well-supported staff is required, trying to do our best and trying to train it is not the only job we do) other staff (to build a help desk) who are not very enthusiastic (because it will not be the only job they will do) we’re searching for ways for their motivation 3.Convincing hospital managements 3. Trying to train as many data entry (staff is limited, 24 hours data staff as possible, looking for ways for collection is difficult, data collection enforcement to the hospital the only job that the data entry staff do, management to manage the data entry circulation of staff is very frequent in the staff efficiently and to motivate them. hospitals: loss of time and effords for their trainings SOLUTIONS
CHALLENGES 4.Market Surveillance Authorities ask for detailed injury information (i.e. For injuries caused by consumer products (direct/underlying/other object) they’d like to know whether the source of injury is from the user’s fault or from the product defect. Such demands complicate the data collection process. SOLUTIONS 4. Data entry staff was directed to note this distinction in the narrative part of the questionnaire when a product related case is encountered. Unless it works, this one more data element will be added to the questionnaire.