Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK) - Poland www.gugik.gov.pl Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK) - Poland Mrs. Jolanta Orlinska – Surveyor General of Poland Mr. Jacek Jarzabek – Vice President of GUGiK
Fields of Activity: 1/2 managing of National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource, coordination of SDI issues in Poland, establishing and maintaining geodetic and gravimetric networks, preparation of official topographic maps and topographical databases, national resources of geodetic and cartographic data, cadastral register of land and buildings, photogrammetry
Fields of Activity: 2/2 elaboration of principles concerning technical and organisational preparations for a cadastre and cooperation in its development, managing national register of borders and areas of the Republic of Poland and national register of geographical names, initiating scientific, research and development work, granting professional entitlements (licences) in geodesy and cartography.
Experience in EU programme: Phare/2003/004-379.01.11 „Integrated Cadastral System – Phase III” Phare/2003/005-710.01.08 “Vectorization of the cadastral maps in Poland” ERDF/WKP_1/1.5.0/1/2004/8/8/18/U (www.geoportal.gov.pl) ERDF/ASG-EUPOS „Multifunctioning system for precise satellite positioning” (www.asgeupos.pl) eTEN/NoC029433 EULIS Plus „European Land Information Service” eContentplus/NATURE SDI plus (www.nature-sdi.eu) INTERREG III/ EUPOS Interregional Cooperation (in the proceeding stage)
www.gugik.gov.pl THEMATIC AREAS OF CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME for GUGiK potential partnerships Georeferential Database of Topographical Objects (GBDOT) Building and maintaining of the Cadastral System Register of Territorial Division - TERYT 2 project The modernisation of GIS model of protected sites databases Adaptation, education and training concerning the implementation of international norms in the domain of Geographic Information System (GIS).
Georeferential Database of Topographical Objects as a tool for crisis management I. Thematic area No 3: Environment Areas of intervention: Reducing risks and impacts of natural and man-made hazards Possible countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Ukraine
Georeferential Database of Topographical Objects as a tool for crisis management Highlights: The aim of the project is modernisation of the Georeferential Database of Topographical Objects (GBDOT) for the needs of crisis management services. The main purpose of the database is to assigne unique IDs for topographical objects country-wide. The implementation of the system will be provided on the basis of multiresolution and multirepresentation conception of databases. This register constitutes the referential system for thematic and technical data of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), essential for the proper functionality of every part of the public administration.
Georeferential Database of Topographical Objects as a tool for crisis management Other potential benefits: define and obtain solutions by the use of GBDOT database for the crisis management (supporting of decisions in emergency management: the rescue missions in case of the threat of the life or danger of the environmental contamination, floodrisk- management). enable rational planning for the spatial development in regions by providing proper information to the public. This will also include forecasting changes and risk monitoring of natural and man-made disasters).
Georeferential Database of Topographical Objects as a tool for crisis management GBDOT can be also used a tool for the planning and coordination of preventive activities (ex. simulation of the range of flood zone or the evaluation of the condition of flood banks). GBDOT can improve risk assessments and risk management as it will develop an optimal solutions in the process of the decision making by delivering technical studies and analyses concerning the widely understood safety. It can be one of the tools for increasing risk awareness.
The modernisation of GIS model of protected sites databases (implementation of INSPIRE Directive). II. Thematic area No 3: Environment Areas of intervention: Developing a high quality environment by managing and protecting natural resources and heritage. Possible countries: Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Ukraine
The modernisation of GIS model of protected sites databases (implementation of INSPIRE Directive). Highlights: The aim of the project is to enable access to updated and interoperable datasets concerning such spatial data like: National Parks, Nature Reserves, Landscape Parks, Protected Landscape Areas, NATURA 2000 areas.
Building and Maintaining of the Cadastral System III. Thematic area No 1: Innovation Areas of intervention: Facilitating innovation across Central Europe Possible countries: Italy, Republic of Slovenia, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria
Building and Maintaining of the Cadastral System Highlights: The aim of the project is to prepare the new conception of the IT cadastral system in accordance with the European norms. Providing e-services to public administration, citizens and entrepreneurs with the use of the teleinformation systems and mobile solutions (e.g. Geoportal.gov.pl and ASG-Eupos mechanisms). Providing access to the integrated and harmonized system by e-services for the purpose of investment process and the real property market.
• Land and Buildings Register, Project TERYT 2 - National Official Register of Territorial Division of the Country Thematic area No 1: Innovation The aim of the project is building of the new TERYT 2 register, that will integrate and harmonize already existing data bases: • Land and Buildings Register, • National Register of Geographical Names , • National Register of Borders.
Project TERYT 2 - National Official Register of Territorial Division of the Country Thematic area No 1: Innovation TERYT 2 is a system of new quality that is to be supplied by following geometrical data: • boundaries of administrative units, • localization of towns, • streets, • address points, • spatial data describing boundaries of administrative divisions of the country integrated with many national registers.
Thematic area No 1: Innovation Highlights: Adaptation, education and training concerning the implementation of international norms ISO, European norms CEN and Polish Norms in the domain of Geographic Information System (GIS). Thematic area No 1: Innovation Highlights: Aims of the project are adjusting of ISO-CEN standards to Polish historical conditions of spatial developement as well as Polish organizational, legal, technical conditions of functioning for Geographic Information System (GIS) and geodetic-legal information. The project shall concern a series of training sessions on dissemination of awareness for implementation of international and European standards, in order to adjust the rules resulting from those standards to the very specific spatial data infrastructure developed in Poland and other countries.
Contact person: Malgorzata.Sypula@gugik.gov.pl