Follow safety procedures for direct care work


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Presentation transcript:

Follow safety procedures for direct care work CHCOHS312A Follow safety procedures for direct care work

Element 4: Hazard Management Management of hazards includes: Identification e.g audits, inspection, reports, meetings, consultation 2. Modification of hazards 3. Modification of behaviours when around a hazard such as raising awareness ,training , signage, reporting and documenting

Types of Hazards Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical/electrical Psychological

What to do when you see a hazard! Complete a hazard report form or an accident /incident form Assess the risk/level of potential harm Eliminate or control the risk Monitor the control measures Review /evaluate effectiveness of control measures

Hazpak Risk Assessment Model

Hierarchy of Controls used in the Management of Hazards Designing Eliminating Substituting Isolating PPE Administrative Redesign Engineering

Element 4 Identify other hazards and assess risk Infection Sharps Accidental Exposure Hazardous substances Manual Handling Workplace violence Stress and psychological injury Fatigue

Workplace violence Harassment Bullying Verbal or Written abuse Physical or sexual assault Discrimination Challenging behaviours

Stress and psychological injury Work related stressors Inability to cope with stressors Access to support and training Reporting processes

Fatigue Affects: Affects on performance Affects safety of worker and client Impacts on Judgement Difficulty in dealing with stressors Ways of Managing fatigue: Analysing rosters ,duty lists and shifts Work practices Leave entitlements Monitoring fatigue

Infection Personal hygiene Training in Waste management Breaking the chain of infection Immunisation Policies and procedures Training in Waste management Equipment and resources Reporting and documentation Consultation

Sharps Identification Disposal Work practices Policies and procedures Reporting and documentation Injury protocol

Hazardous substances Storage PPE Labelling Material Safety Data Sheets Reporting and documenting Chemicals Policies and procedures

House keeping practice Know your workplace Slips trips and falls management Clean as you go Store items appropriately Report and document hazards Monitor walkways and exits

Emergency procedures Fire response procedures Bomb threat response Security response Natural disaster response Attend drills and training Follow emergency and evacuation procedures Good communication skills

Injury management Employer is required to have:- current workers compensation insurance a return to work plan Immediate first aid and medical assessment Report injury to supervisor and document MO- documentation , medical certificate if required Employer to be notified Case management continues until resolved

Standard Precaution Work Practices - Personal Hygiene practices/ Hand washing Use of PPE Safe handling of sharps and clinical waste Correct cleaning, laundering, disinfecting and sterilisation procedures Correct food handling Safe use of cleaning agents and spills management Design and maintenance of facilities and amenities

Additional Precautions Apply to infectious diseases transmitted by airborne or droplet transmission of respiratory secretions eg such as TB, chickenpox, measles, rubella, pertussis and influenza Isolate client Rare infectious diseases and outbreaks are reported to Public Health Unit of Area Health Service

Infection Risk Management Think - identify and assess Talk - assess the risk Do – practices and strategies Remove the infection hazard Substitute the infection hazard Isolate the hazard Design for safety eg lever taps Change work methods Review

Exposure to infection Report all exposures Body fluid contamination Sharps injury Eye Splash Degrees of exposure Follow workplace policies and procedures when exposure to potential reservoir of infection has occurred

Element 2 Identify manual Handling hazards, assess related risk and follow risk minimisation procedures

Manual Handling Any activity requiring a person to use any part of their body in their interactions in the workplace Lifting Repetitive actions Lowering Held postures and positions Holding Pushing Restraining Pulling

Management of Manual Handling Hazards Analysing workplace injury records Documenting incidents and near misses Conduct OHS consultation, inspections, Safety checks Audits Direct observations

Manual Handling Policy No lift policy Safer handling policy Minimal handling policy Adhere to OHS Standards Code of practice for manual handling Encourage independence and use of devices and aids Training

Manual Handling -Risk Assessment Actions and movements Layout of the workplace Posture and position Duration and frequency Sudden jerky movements Moving loads Experience and skills of worker Grips The worker Clothing

Manual Handling Principles At each interaction assess the client/resident Assess the risk Plan actions using the hierarchy of controls Implement the plan Evaluate the plan “What am I doing and how can I do it better or safer?”

Element 1 Identify risks to personal safety, assess the level of risk and follow risk minimisation procedures

Assessing risk in the delivery of aged care services Worker related risk Client related risk Environmental /ergonomic risks Equipment Task related Activity related Workplace hazards

Worker related risk Experience of worker General health and well –being Identified knowledge and skills deficits Recovering from injury and/or illness Lack of knowledge of client needs Work load Fatigue and stress Time pressured Unfamiliar environment

Client related risks Poor mobility Cognitive impairment Sensory loss Complex care needs Unpredictable physical movements Behaviours of concern Difficulty with communication

Environmental /Ergonomic Poor layout of workplace Lack of available space Poor lighting, ventilation, temperature control Slippery surfaces Slips, trips and falls hazards Pets Noise

Equipment Competent in use of equipment such as hoists, wheelchairs, assistive devices Poorly maintained equipment Repetition and strained postures Pushing and pulling Carrying and lifting equipment Electrical hazards

Task related Held positions and postures Repetitive movements Work practices related to task Work policies related to task Hazards related to techniques used during the task Poor habits and behaviours when carrying out task Distractions and stress while attending to task

Minimising risk Regularly carry out risk assessments and monitor and review frequently Encourage self awareness and self performance appraisal of workers Attend to, report and document changes following client assessment Follow workplace policies and procedures

Minimising risk cont Knowledge of job roles and responsibilities Reporting and recording incidents and near misses Attend work place safety audits and inspections Monitor the availability of sufficient resources and equipment OHS training and activities related to continuous improvement