January 7, 2013 Webinar Sponsored by the California Association of Food Banks Reaching Students with CalFresh
CalFresh Student Rules
Basic Rule No eligibility if a student, unless meet an exception Only applies to people between the ages of 18 and 50 who are –physically and mentally fit and –are enrolled at least half time (as defined by the school) in "higher education”
But remember! Rule applies to individuals, not household Many exceptions
Defining “fit” Issue is whether condition renders you “unfit” for employment No further definition, but regs permit granting “if evident” –Otherwise, county to require verification, such as temporary or permanent disability benefits, or a provider statement. (MPP )
Enrolled Enrollment is defined by the educational institution –Ex: if define FT as 12 units or more, 6 units would be ½ time Must be at “institution of higher education” Different rules for schools that normally require a HS diploma or GED for enrollment, and those that don’t Doesn’t apply when in job training portion of on-the-job-training programs, as opposed to the class attendance portion
Is Diploma Required? If Diploma/GED required, only issue is if enrolled ½ time If the program or course (not the institution) does not require a diploma or GED, the person is not a student subject to the CalFresh bar Example: A college may generally require a diploma or GED, but it’s business administration program may not have that as a pre-requisite. If the person is in that PROGRAM, s/he is not a “student” for CalFresh.
“Regular Curriculum” If in a junior, community, two-year or four-year college or university, or graduate school, the person must be BOTH enrolled half time AND in a “regular curriculum” –Regular curriculum means the course in which the person is enrolled meets the “standard requirements for graduation or certification/qualification in a particular field of study.” [MPP § ]MPP §
Exceptions On CalWORKs; or Students with children –FT student with a child < 12; or –PT student with a child < 6 or 6-12 years old and adequate care is not available; or Employed 20 hours a week –Based on reasonably anticipated monthly average [ACL 12-37]; orACL Receiving federal or state work-study; or Enrolled in a FSET program; or other state or local job training programs that USDA will accept; or Does not intend to register for the next normal school term. [ 7 C.F.R. § 273.5(c).] 7 C.F.R. § 273.5
“Getting work study” This is when the student is approved for the current school term, and anticipates working during the term. –The exemption begins the month the school term starts or the month work study is approved, whichever is later. –The exemption continues until the end of the month the school term ends [MPP § ]
“Dropping Out” (ACIN I-36-12) Normally, student enrollment deemed to continue through normal periods of classes, including vacation and recess, unless the student graduates, is suspended or expelled, or drops out. HH’s eligibility at application determined based on circumstances at the date of the interview If applicant states not continuing, must not treat as a student. –If later reports enrolling, will deem to be a student going forward only
Training Programs When a program places the person, or requires it for compliance in the program: FSET, even if voluntary JTPA JOBS program under Title IV –There is an argument that TANF funded programs qualify – contact Jodie or Jessica A “Section 236” Trade Act of 1974 training program, or A state or local employment and training program for low-income individuals, determined by the county welfare department to meeting a specified work prep component –Job search/club; workfare; OJT/work experience; Education/training
AB 12 Youth/CalFresh Eligibility determined on an individual basis, no blanket prohibition –Will look at income, include FC grant NMD as well as other HH members in a SILP Boarder or opt into unit for other settings –Will look at student status Should be eligible as a county approved training program if plan is for school 12AnswerQ1.pdf
CalFRESH Marketing/Outreach Strategies to College Students
SINGLE STOP USA Nationally recognized non profit organization –Contra Costa College is one of four community colleges that have Single Stop USA on site We provide benefits screening to determine potential eligibility of public benefits such as CalWORKs, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, PG&E Care Program. We also provide Financial Coaching, Legal Services, and Tax Preparation Services.
What Has Worked We meet students where they are: –Tabling events –Orientations for various programs on campus –Classrooms –Waiting Areas Provide assistance/support with applying for the benefits We give away free stuff –School Supplies, iPad, Transportation, and Gift Cards
What Have We Struggled With Marketing material geared towards college students Students going to the County Office during school- Students cannot afford to miss class Students providing us with different information than what they provide to the county worker determining eligibility Students not following up with our office if/when they receive a benefit