/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. BLR’s Safety Training Presentations Safety and Health Program
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Goals Management commitment and hazard assessment Hazard controls and training Quiz
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. General Duty Clause Employers shall furnish employees with employment, and a place of employment, that is free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to the employees
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Core Elements Management leadership and commitment Employee participation Hazard identification and control Information and training Program evaluation
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Management Leadership Establish responsibilities for managers, supervisors, employees Designate person to respond to safety issues Delegate authority Provide information and training Provide resources such as time and money
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Management Responsibilities Support injury and illness prevention efforts Conduct safety audits and correct deficiencies Investigate accidents Provide effective training Enforce safety rules and procedures Maintain compliance with OSHA requirements
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Employee Responsibilities Report work-related injuries or illnesses Report unsafe conditions or work practices Wear required PPE Do not operate machinery unless trained Use safe lifting techniques Maintain good housekeeping
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Safety and Health Policy Goal is to provide a workplace free of recognized hazards Comply with all OSHA safety standards Provide PPE Encourage employee involvement
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Employee Participation Communicate workplace safety issues Provide relevant safety information Establish ways to report accidents and hazards Solicit employee involvement in safety programs
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Hazard Assessment Use a variety of types of examination Review safety and health information Conduct workplace inspections Evaluate equipment, materials, and processes Observe employees as they do their jobs
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Facility Inspections Inspect for unsafe working conditions Inspect regularly Document the correction of unsafe conditions Involve employees with developing forms and conducting inspections
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Facility Inspection Forms Machines and equipment Electrical components Fire safety equipment Walking and working surfaces Chemical storage and handling General safety
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Job Safety and Health Assessment Break down each job into component tasks Identity potential hazards of each task Determine hazard control measures Employee involvement is critical
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Safety Suggestions Employees are a valuable resource in identifying/controlling workplace hazards Designate a place to turn in suggestions Allow for anonymous suggestions Review and follow up on suggestions
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Safety Committee Consists of management and hourly employees Reviews safety programs and procedures Reviews accident investigations Discusses safety suggestions Reports observations of unsafe conditions
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Accident Investigation Include all injuries, illnesses, first-aid incidents, and near-misses Investigate immediately Include management and employees Develop and implement corrective actions
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Goals Management commitment and hazard assessment Hazard controls and training Quiz
Hazard Control Engineering controls Safe work practices Administrative controls PPE /0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc.
Safe Work Practices Develop safe work practices for each job function List steps to do the job safely Inspect equipment and work area List required PPE Reference other safety procedures
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Safety Disciplinary Policy Knowing or willing violation of safety rule or safe work practice 1st offense—verbal or written warning 2nd offense—written warning or suspension 3rd offense—suspension or termination
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Safety Incentives Motivate safe behavior by employees Encourage use of PPE Reward for safety suggestions Encourage reporting of near-miss incidents Reward involvement in the safety and health program
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Conduct Training As safety orientation for new employees When new processes or procedures are introduced As required by OSHA regulations When safety performance has been slipping To keep employee safety awareness at a high level
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Training Topics Contents of safety and health program How to recognize workplace hazards Hazard prevention and controls Specific job safety and health assessments Specific safe work practices
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Recordkeeping Document the following: Safety training JSHAs Safe work practices Facility inspections Safety committee and suggestions Accident investigations
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Program Evaluation Review the effectiveness of the program Update components annually Update if significant changes are made to facility or operations Involve employees
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Goals Management commitment and hazard assessment Hazard controls and training Quiz
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Summary Management’s committed leadership Employee involvement Hazard assessments Control of workplace hazards Employee training
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz 1.The General Duty Clause requires employers to provide a workplace free of what? 2.Name one thing that management can do to show commitment to the safety and health program. 3.Name one thing employees can do to be involved in the safety and health program. 4.The workplace should be inspected for unsafe conditions annually.True or False 5.Name two general items to look at when doing a facility inspection.
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz (cont.) 6.When identifying hazard control measures, control with PPE first.True or False 7.What is the goal of an accident investigation? 8.Name one way to encourage employees to follow safe work practices. 9.Name one of the topics that employees should be trained on. 10.Why is it important for employees to be involved in the safety and health program?
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz Answers 1.The workplace must be free of recognized hazards. 2.Conduct safety audits, investigate accidents, provide training, or support employee involvement. 3.Report injuries, report unsafe conditions, wear PPE, etc. 4.False; inspect the facility on a more regular basis, such as monthly. 5.Machines, electrical components, fire safety equipment, walking surfaces, etc.
/0203 Copyright ©2002 Business and Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz Answers (cont.) 6.False; first look at engineering controls. Look at PPE last. 7.Determine causal factors and corrective actions. 8.Safety disciplinary policy or safety incentives and awards. 9.Hazards of their job, control measures, or safe work practices. 10.Employees know best the hazards of their job.