April 27, 2007 HIMMS Prototype Presentation 1 Home Inventory Matching and Management System HIMMS Prototype Presentation Prepared by: Red Team April 27 th, 2007 Location: E&CS Conference Room
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation2 Group Members Daniel Buhrman Daniel Buhrman –Project Manager David Pratt David Pratt –Financial Manager and Risk Manager Marnie Querimit Marnie Querimit –Research Manager and Prototype Tester Samuel Lamborgini Samuel Lamborgini –Marketing Manager and Prototype Developer Youssef Taghlabi Youssef Taghlabi –Technical Manager, Prototype Developer, and Webmaster
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation3 Overview Part I Problem and Background Problem and Background Product Components Product Components Product and Prototype Risks Product and Prototype Risks Part II Prototype Demonstration Prototype Demonstration Test Cases Test Cases
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation4 If this was your house…
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation5 …what can happen to it?
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation6 Problem Statement The insurance process is time consuming and open to inaccuracies. The insurance process is time consuming and open to inaccuracies. –Inadequate insurance coverage –Time it takes to complete and file a claim form –Lack of a home inventory
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation7 Inadequate Insurance Coverage 74 million homeowners in US 1 74 million homeowners in US 1 96% of homeowners have insurance 2 96% of homeowners have insurance 2 59% of American homes are underinsured 2 59% of American homes are underinsured 2 1 US Census Bureau 2 Insurance Information Institute
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation8 Why Homeowners Don’t Increase Coverage Insurance Information Institute Don't want rates to go up 14% Too expensive 4% Agent said I'm covered 21% Didn't know I needed to 21% Other 15% Didn't have time 25% survey of 1,154 homeowners: Don't want rates to go up 14% Too expensive 4% Agent said I'm covered 21% Didn't know I needed to 21% Other 15% Didn't have time 25% survey of 1,154 homeowners:
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation9 Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Declarations By Type
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation10 Inventories and Claim Forms State Farm Insurance
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation11 Goal Provide a tool that maintains a homeowner’s inventory, matches him with the Best-Fit coverage, and assists in filling out insurance claim forms Provide a tool that maintains a homeowner’s inventory, matches him with the Best-Fit coverage, and assists in filling out insurance claim forms
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation12 Customer Primary Primary –Insurance Companies Secondary Secondary –Homeowners
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation13 Objectives Inventory with UPC matching Inventory with UPC matching Best-Fit algorithm Best-Fit algorithm Claim form generation Claim form generation Accessible online via login Accessible online via login
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation14 Product Components
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation15 Phase 2: Critical Design Work Breakdown Schedule
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation16 Phase 2: Critical Design Organizational Chart
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation17 Phase 2: Critical Design Budget: Hardware, Software and Personnel Resources
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation18 Risk Probability/Impact Probability , Impact 1. Competition improving our product 2. Insurance companies making a similar product 3. Security and privacy 4. No growth area 5. Liability for keeping inventories 6. Customer non-use 7. Database failure 8. Difficulty of use 9. Potential misuse to commit fraud
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation19 Risks Risk Risk Description Mitigation Actions Competition improving our product Another company improving on our concept releasing their product before or near our product’s release date Research into acquiring a patent, make the product before the competition or improve on the competition Insurance companies creating a similar project Insurance companies doing their own version of our product where they control all of the aspects Maintain enough of the project ourselves that insurance companies would not attempt to phase out our company Security and privacy There is personal information that will be sent by our program to the insurance company’s database Use secure methods of transferring data across the internet to the insurance company’s database
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation20 Risks Risk Risk Description Mitigation Actions No growth area for our project Our project not being able to progress further than the first version in terms of major steps in development Research and develop new features, which our product could incorporate Liability for keeping inventories Legal issues associated with holding databases with personal inventories Consult a lawyer Customer non-use Customers will need to continually keep their insurance information up to date Insurance companies can provide incentives for customers who use our product
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation21 Risks Risk Risk Description Mitigation Actions Database failure We will be maintaining the database of inventories of items, which needs to be preserved Keep a backup database and keep a database support specialist on staff 24/7 in three shifts Difficulty of use This product needs to be able to be used by homeowners who are not computer literate Inputting of items should be quick and simple, so as not to become tedious Potential misuse to commit fraud Our product should not be able to be used to better facilitate insurance fraud Find out from an insurance expert what measures can be used (or are used) to prove ownership
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation22 No growth area for HIMMS No growth area for HIMMS –Many features of HIMMS can be expanded and developed Difficulty of use Difficulty of use –UPC auto-entry makes inventory creation easier Risks Addressed by the Prototype
April 27, 2007 HIMMS Prototype Presentation 23 Part II Prototype Test Plan Procedure
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation24 Group Members & Test Responsibilities Youssef Taghlabi: Test plan presenter Youssef Taghlabi: Test plan presenter Sam Lamborgini : Administrator test cases Sam Lamborgini : Administrator test cases Homeowner 1 test cases Daniel Homeowner 2 test cases Daniel Buhrman : Homeowner 2 test cases David Pratt : Database David Pratt : Database Marnie Querimit : Slides Marnie Querimit : Slides
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation25 Prototype Room Layout DatabaseProjector Screen 1: Presentation Slides TV1: DatabaseProjector Screen 1: Presentation Slides DatabaseProjector Screen 2: Prototype Demonstration TV2: DatabaseProjector Screen 2: Prototype Demonstration Room Layout Room Layout
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation26 Test Plan Outline Selected Test Cases Administrator: Administrator Login Administrator: Administrator Login 2.1 Add Homeowner 2.1 Add Homeowner 2.3 Delete Homeowner 2.3 Delete Homeowner Add Policy Add Policy Add Rider Add Rider 4.1 Add UPC Item 4.1 Add UPC Item Administrator Logout Administrator Logout Homeowner: Valid Homeowner Login Homeowner: Valid Homeowner Login Add Item with Known UPC to Inventory Add Item with Known UPC to Inventory Add Item with Unknown UPC to Inventory Add Item with Unknown UPC to Inventory 5.2 Add Item with No UPC to Inventory 5.2 Add Item with No UPC to Inventory 8.1 Concurrent Homeowners 8.1 Concurrent Homeowners View Inventory View Inventory Sort Inventory Sort Inventory 5.3 Modify Item in Inventory 5.3 Modify Item in Inventory 6.1 Best-Fit Policy 6.1 Best-Fit Policy 7 Loss 7 Loss Homeowner Logout Homeowner Logout
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Administrator Login Test ID: Test Name: Administrator Login Description: A number of invalid username and password combinations will be entered into the Administrator Welcome Screen to ensure that it handles invalid data entry. Afterwards, an administrator login is used to ensure the system accepts administrator logins and displays the Administrator Main Menu Test Initialization: The GUI must be complete. Administrator Welcome Screen is displayed in the Internet browser. The username, “Bob”, and password, “Bad Password”, are invalid entries. The administrator account “admin” exists Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.1, Test ID: 1.1.2
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add Homeowner Test ID: 2.1 Test Name: Add Homeowner Description: A homeowner will be added to the system Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The Administrator Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.2, Test ID: 2.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Delete Homeowner Test ID: 2.3 Test Name: Delete Homeowner Description: The homeowner “Kevin Smithsonian” is deleted from the system Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The Homeowner Display is displayed in the Internet browser. The homeowner account for “Kevin Smithsonian” exists Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.2, Test ID: 2.3
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add Policy Test ID: Test Name: Add Policy Description: A Policy will be added to the system Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The Administrator Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.3, Test ID: 3.1.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add Rider Test ID: Test Name: Add Rider Description: A Rider will be added to the system Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The Administrator Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.3, Test ID: 3.1.2
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add UPC Item Test ID: 4.1 Test Name: Add UPC Item Description: Adds a UPC to an item Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The UPC Display is displayed in the Internet browser. The item with a name of “DVD” and description of “Cars” does not have an UPC assigned to it. Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.4, Test ID: 4.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Administrator Logout Test ID: Test Name: Administrator Logout Description: An administrator account will be logged out. Then the tester will try to access the system without logging back in. Test Initialization: The GUI must be complete. Administrator Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.1, Test ID: 1.3.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Valid Homeowner Login Test ID: Test Name: Valid Homeowner Login Description: A number of invalid username and password combinations will be entered into the Homeowner Welcome Screen to ensure that it handles invalid data entry. Afterwards, a homeowner’s login is used to ensure that the system accepts valid logins in the database and uses the correct homeowner’s inventory Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory software components must be complete. Homeowner Welcome Screen is displayed in the Internet browser. The username, “Bob”, and password, “Bad Password”, are invalid entries. A homeowner account exists for the username, “Jsmith”. Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.1, Test ID: 1.2.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add Item with Known UPC to Inventory Test ID: Test Name: Add Item with Known UPC to Inventory Description: An item will be added to a homeowner’s inventory by entering the items known UPC The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. A barcode scanner is connected to the computer the tester is using. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. John Doe does not have “The Great Escape” in his inventory Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. A barcode scanner is connected to the computer the tester is using. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. John Doe does not have “The Great Escape” in his inventory Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.5, Test ID: 5.1.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add Item with Unknown UPC to Inventory Test ID: Test Name: Add Item with unknown UPC to Inventory Description: An item will be added to a homeowner’s inventory by entering the items unknown UPC. The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. A barcode scanner is connected to the computer the tester is using. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. There is no item in the system with the name of “DVD” and description of “I Robot” Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. A barcode scanner is connected to the computer the tester is using. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. There is no item in the system with the name of “DVD” and description of “I Robot” Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.5, Test ID: 5.1.2
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Add Item with No UPC to Inventory Test ID: 5.2 Test Name: Add Item with No UPC to Inventory Description: An item is added to a homeowner’s inventory that has no UPC. The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. John Doe does not have “Coffee Cup” in his inventory Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section 5.5, Test ID: 5.2
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Concurrent Homeowners Test ID: 8.1 Test Name: Concurrent Homeowners Two homeowners are logged into the system at the same time Description: Two homeowners are logged into the system at the same time All components of the prototype are complete. Two computers and two testers are needed for the test case. The Homeowner Welcome Screen is displayed in the Internet browser of both computers. The homeowner accounts for John Doe and Kevin Smith are both exist Test Initialization: All components of the prototype are complete. Two computers and two testers are needed for the test case. The Homeowner Welcome Screen is displayed in the Internet browser of both computers. The homeowner accounts for John Doe and Kevin Smith are both exist Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section 5.8, Test ID: 8.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation View Inventory Test ID: Test Name: View Inventory Description: An item is removed from an homeowner’s inventory The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.5, Test ID: 5.5.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Sort Inventory Test ID: Test Name: Sort Inventory Description: A homeowner’s inventory is sorted by name, description, and category Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The Administrator Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.5, Test ID: 5.5.2
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Modify Item in Inventory Test ID: 5.3 Test Name: Modify Item in Inventory Description: Information about an item is modified Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Display Inventory Screen is displayed in the Internet browser. John Doe has “Coffee Cup” in his inventory Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.5, Test ID: 5.3
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Best-Fit Policy Test ID: 6.1 Test Name: Best-Fit Policy Description: The Best-Fit algorithms are tested to ensure that they would correctly The GUI, Inventory, and Best-Fit algorithms must be complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Test Initialization: The GUI, Inventory, and Best-Fit algorithms must be complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.6, Test ID: 6.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Item Loss Test ID: 7.0 Test Name: Item Loss Description: A claim form is generated for a total loss and a partial loss All components of the prototype are complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. Test Initialization: All components of the prototype are complete. The tester is logged into the system as John Doe and the Homeowner Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser. Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.7, Test ID: 7.0
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation Homeowner Logout Test ID: Test Name: Homeowner Logout Description: A homeowner will be added to the system Test Initialization: The GUI and Inventory functional components must be complete. The Administrator Main Menu is displayed in the Internet browser Note: For more details about this test case, please refer to Prototype Test Plan Procedure, Section: 5.1, Test ID: 1.2.1
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation45 Conclusion Our solution will assist homeowners in maintaining a home inventory and determining the “Best-Fit” coverage Our solution will assist homeowners in maintaining a home inventory and determining the “Best-Fit” coverage
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation46 Questions ?
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation47 References: HIMMS Product Description HIMMS Prototype Product Specification HIMMS Prototype Test Plan Procedure HIMMS Prototype User Manual HIMMS SBIR Phase 2 HIMMS WBS
April 27, 2007HIMMS Prototype Presentation48 References Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agencyhttp:// Insurance Information Institute Insurance Information Institute US Census Bureau US Census Bureau qr_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_S2504&-ds_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_