IRISYS Confidential Thermal Imaging Training
IRISYS Confidential IRISYS History Established April Low cost, multi-element arrays for commercial markets. Market areas –People counters and detectors –Thermal imagers
IRISYS Confidential Field of View (60 deg lens) What the Sensor ‘Sees’ People Sensing x x x
IRISYS Confidential Thermal Imaging
IRISYS Confidential Infrared Theory
IRISYS Confidential Heat Transmission In Measurement/manufacture: Temperature – most measured variable Heat transmitted by:- Conduction Convection Radiation Here we are concerned with radiation IRISYS Confidential
InfraRed Discovered In 1800 Sir William Herschel tested the relationship of radiated heat and light. He split white light into a spectrum and, masking all the colours but one, measured the individual temperatures of each color. He found the red end of the spectrum was hotter than the violet end, but also found that an area where he could see no colour, next to the red end of the spectrum, was hotter than the rest of the spectrum. He called this invisible area infrared or "below the red".
IRISYS Confidential Electromagnetic Spectrum ultraviolet Gamma rays X-rays Visible infrared microwaveRadio Visible VIBGYOR Infrared IR spectrum expanded 0.4µm0.7µm4 µm14 µm 100µm Region of interest
IRISYS Confidential Measuring Temperature Radiated heat is electro-magnetic radiation in the infra red band of the spectrum Absolute zero is -273 o C All objects radiate thermal energy above absolute zero As an object becomes hotter, its molecular activity increases, and it radiates more energy IRISYS Confidential
Stefan - Boltzmann Law Basic relationship between emitted energy, E, and temperature, T, ( = Stephan-Boltzmann Constant) Emitted radiation increases with temperature Proportional to: (absolute temperature) 4 Emitted radiation depends on emissivity
IRISYS Confidential Energy Plot – Scale 1
IRISYS Confidential Energy Plot – Scale 2
IRISYS Confidential Energy Plot – Scale 3
IRISYS Confidential Atmospheric Transmission Bulk of thermal energy, at ambient temperatures, is in the 5 to 14 micrometer region. Atmospheric absorption splits this region into a number of bands (IRI 4010 uses the 8 – 14 micrometer Long Wave band).
IRISYS Confidential Stefan - Boltzmann Law Relationship between emitted energy, E, and temperature, T, must include emissivity ε ( = Stephan-Boltzmann Constant) For real objects, emitted radiation depends on emissivity
IRISYS Confidential Emissivity - ε Emissivity (ε) is the ratio of energy radiated by an object to the energy radiated by a perfect radiator or blackbody. A Black Body has an ε of 1. Other objects have ε of less than 1. All ε values are between 0 and 1. IRISYS Confidential
Kirchhoff’s Law + + = 1 The imager “sees” all three components The sum of the radiation leaving the surface of an object = 1 Emitted Transmitted Reflected
IRISYS Confidential Rule of Thumb Emissivity + reflectivity + transmissivity = 1 Objects with Low emissivity usually have High reflectivity (as few common materials transmit IR)
IRISYS Confidential Emissivities Typical emissivities: 0.98 = Carbon - filed surface 0.64 = Iron - cast oxidised 0.05 = Aluminium - polished sheet Temperatures of low emissivity objects are difficult to measure accurately
IRISYS Confidential IR Transmitters Germanium NaCl (Sodium Chloride) Saphire Vacuum Air Zinc Selenide Thin Plastics
IRISYS Confidential Surface Roughness Emissivity will increase on a microscopic scale as well Roughing a surface will increase emissivity –Sandblasting –Roughing with sandpaper
IRISYS Confidential Emissivity Emissivity is not related to colour. The coloured labels below are all at the same temperature
IRISYS Confidential Emissivity A sharp thermal edge on an object in a thermal image is likely to be due to a change of emissivity, as temperature differences usually have a smooth temperature gradient. Emissivity change Temperature change
IRISYS Confidential Estimating Emissivity Unknown emissivity values can be estimated. Stick high emissivity labels or electrical tape to the object of unknown emissivity. Do this carefully if the object is hot. Give the label time to come into thermal equilibrium with the object.
IRISYS Confidential Estimating Emissivity Add 2 measurement cursors to the image. Put 1 on the label, and 1 on the object. Set emissivity = 1 and record the temperature of the label (e.g. 60.4°C).
IRISYS Confidential Estimating Emissivity Set the RTC (Reflected Temperature Compensation). Reduce the emissivity until cursor 2 measures similar to the value recorded before (e.g. 60.6°C). The emissivity of the object is approximately the value at which this happens (e.g. 0.77).
IRISYS Confidential Measuring Low Emissivity Objects Coat object with high emissivity material –Paint –Tape Take temperature readings from corroded, dirty, rough areas Take temperature readings from high emissivity object in contact with target
IRISYS Confidential Reflected Temperature Compensation Reflected Energy 2.Transmitted Energy 3.Emitted Energy The imager “sees”:
IRISYS Confidential Reflected Temperature Compensation - 2 The temperature information is given in the emitted radiation, but the imager also “sees” the reflected and transmitted components. Most materials are opaque to infrared, so we can usually ignore the transmitted energy. However, many materials (with low emissivity) reflect infrared radiation. Therefore with these materials we must make a “reflected temperature compensation” (RTC).
IRISYS Confidential Reflected Temperature Compensation - 3 As the imager is seeing some reflected radiation when looking at objects with emissivity less than 1, it is important to input the reflected temperature of the background. This temperature can often be input as the ambient temperature, but it may be different if hot or cold objects are in the scene opposite the target object. The RTC is entered into the imager in the imager’s “measurement settings” submenu. Reflected Temperature Compensation
IRISYS Confidential Circular Objects Radiation varies with angle, so temperatures are best measured perpendicularly. Edges of rounded objects can appear colder than they really are.
IRISYS Confidential Circular Objects
IRISYS Confidential
Correct temperature measurement incorrect temperature measurement
IRISYS Confidential IFOV The “Instantaneous Field of View” is the angle per pixel in mRad. 20°/160 pixels = degrees per pixel This is * 2π/360 radians per pixel The IRI 4010’s IFOV = 2.2 mRad
IRISYS Confidential FOV Table
IRISYS Confidential D-S Ratio tan(20/160) = X/1 X = m 1m) 1/X = 458 The IRI 4010’s Distance to Spot ratio is 458:1 Distance to Spot Ratio
IRISYS Confidential Load Correction What if during measurements, the load is only 50%? How can you tell what will happen at full load? P = I 2 R so R = P/I 2, and R is constant for a particular component P meas is radiation measured using the imager I meas is measured using a multimeter I max is the maximum possible load on the component P meas /I 2 meas = P max /I 2 max So P max = P meas *(I 2 max/ I 2 meas ) You can estimate the heat of a component when fully loaded
IRISYS Confidential Basic Temperature Measurement Set the emissivity to 1.00 Measure the reflected temperature Enter the reflected temperature Set the target emissivity Measure the temperature
IRISYS Confidential IR Thermography Test 1.Why is IR termed Infrared? 2.Where does IR sit on the Electromagnetic spectrum? 3.Write the equation for emission, reflection and transmission? 4.Can IR see through glass and Perspex? 5.E for a black body = ? 6.E for a typical motor or electrical cabinet = ? 7.Describe how you would determine an unknown emissivity? 8.Explain the X1, Freeze, SP+ and Auto buttons of the camera. 9.What is more important – temp accuracy or temp rise? 10.Above what temp rise would severe faults show?
IRISYS Confidential Before You Begin… Check that your battery has been inserted: Also check that it has been charged: Remove the lens cap:
IRISYS Confidential Power Button: Press and hold for 2 seconds to switch on / off. Power
IRISYS Confidential Calibration When switching on, the IRI 4010 displays the time and date. If this is not correct, set it immediately (in the menus) so saved images are date-stamped correctly. The software version number is also displayed
IRISYS Confidential Default Screen Once the imager has begun imaging, the screen will be displayed with the following features (clockwise from top left): SP+ measurement Battery indicator Emissivity value Temperature units Max span indicator Thermometer Min span indicator 4 Hot Button labels SP+ cursor (centre)
IRISYS Confidential Controls: Hotkey 1: Controls the 2x digital zoom function. Hotkey 2: Controls the freeze and save image functions. Hotkey 3: Dictates the operation of the directional buttons (up, down, left & right). Hotkey 4: Toggles between auto & manual modes. Menu Button: This button opens the main menu. Directional Buttons: Depending on the selection of hotkey 3, these buttons move the selected measurement spot, adjust the level and span control in manual mode or the brightness and contrast of the auto mode. Hotkeys Directional Buttons Menu Button
IRISYS Confidential Focusing It is necessary to focus the IRI 4010 on your target object before using it for measurement. Focused Defocused
IRISYS Confidential Freeze/Save Press the “freeze” button to stop the live image. Now is a good opportunity to move the measurement cursor(s) to areas of interest using the directional buttons. You may want to add a second cursor, edit the colour palette, use area analysis, etc… In this case, open the menu.
IRISYS Confidential Menus Press the “menu” button to open the main menu There are 5 submenus: Measurement Options Camera Settings Image Browser Set Time & Date Language Menu Button
IRISYS Confidential Submenus Emissivity Reflected Temperature Compensation 2 nd Cursor (Spot X) Temperature Units °C, °F, K. Area Analysis Auto hot & cold spot tracker Colour Palette (4 palettes) Auto Power Shutdown Camera Reset Image Only Brightness & Contrast (for auto mode) Cursor Reset (to centre) Load Stored Image (& edit stored image) Set Time & Date Date Format (US/ROW) Time Format (12/24 hour) Language
IRISYS Confidential Manual Mode You may also want to adjust the temperature level and span. In this case press hot button 4 to switch from auto to manual mode. Press up and down to increase / decrease the level. Press left and right to adjust the span.
IRISYS Confidential Save Image to PC To save an image to PC you have 2 options: 1.USB cable 2.SD card & card reader
IRISYS Confidential Image Analysis Options Window Thermal Histogram Thermometer Image Menu
Menu Items & &
IRISYS Confidential Report Writing
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Power Utilities
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Equestrian
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities R & D / Production
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Predictive Maintenance
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Buildings New Building Regs. – UK / Ireland / EU Countries Insulation / Ventilation / CO 2 emissions What colour is your building?
IRISYS Confidential European Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) “legislation must be in place in all 25 EU Member States by January 2006.” Key provisions of the Directive are: minimum requirements for the energy performance of all new buildings minimum requirements for the energy performance of large existing buildings subject to major renovation energy certification of all buildings (with frequently visited buildings providing public services being required to prominently display the energy certificate) regular mandatory inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems in buildings.
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Marine SOLAS Two thirds of all ship fires start in the engine room
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Sick Building Syndrome
IRISYS Confidential Market Opportunities Other?
IRISYS Confidential KPI - RAYTEK/FLUKE Ti 20 FEATURE PRICE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY CURSORS ∆T ARRAY SIZE SENSITIVITY FRAME RATE WEIGHT IRI 4010 €4,995 Yes; all pixels ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C Two - moveable Yes 160 X Deg C 7.5 Hz 0.75 Kg Ti 20 €5,500 Yes; centre point ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C One - fixed No 128 X Deg C 9 HZ 1.2 Kg
IRISYS Confidential KPI - RAYTEK/FLUKE Ti 20 FEATURE FOV IMAGE STORAGE LASER SIGHTING TEMP. RANGE DISPLAY CLARITY DISPLAY SIZE BATTERY REPLACEABLE BATTERY TIME IRI X 15 Yes; full res. Yes -10 To Deg C Excellent 3.5” ( 89 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 6 hours Ti X 15 50; flash memory Yes -10 to Deg C Good 2.5” ( 64mm ) Li-Ion or 6 X AA Yes 3 hours
IRISYS Confidential KPI – FLIR INFRACAM COMPARISON FEATURE PRICE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY CURSORS ∆T ARRAY SIZE SENSITIVITY FRAME RATE WEIGHT IRI 4010 €4,995 Yes; all pixels ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C Two - moveable Yes 160 X Deg C 7.5 Hz 0.75 Kg FLIR INFRACAM €5,950 YES; centre point ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C One - fixed No 120 X Deg C 9 Hz 0.55 Kg
IRISYS Confidential KPI – FLIR INFRACAM COMPARISON FEATURE FOV IMAGE STORAGE LASER SIGHTING TEMP. RANGE DISPLAY CLARITY DISPLAY SIZE BATTERY REPLACEABLE BATTERY TIME IRI X 15 Yes; full res. Yes -10 to Deg C Excellent 3.5” ( 89 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 6 hours FLIR INFRACAM 25 X 25 50; flash memory Yes -10 to +350 Deg C Excellent? 3.5” ( 89 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 7 hours
IRISYS Confidential KPI - RAYTEK/FLUKE Ti30 Ti 30 €10,000 Yes; centre point ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C One - fixed No 160 X Deg C 8 Hz outside of the US FEATURE PRICE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY CURSORS ∆T ARRAY SIZE SENSITIVITY FRAME RATE IRI 4010 €4,995 Yes; all ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C Two - moveable Yes 160 X Deg C 7.5 Hz
IRISYS Confidential KPI - RAYTEK/FLUKE Ti30 Ti X ; flash memory Yes 0 to Deg C Poor 2.5” ( 64mm ) Li-Ion or 6 X AA Yes 5 hours FEATURE FOV IMAGE STORAGE LASER SIGHTING TEMP. RANGE DISPLAY CLARITY DISPLAY SIZE BATTERY REPLACEABLE BATTERY TIME IRI X 15 Yes; full res. Yes -10 to Deg C Excellent 3.5” ( 89 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 4 hours
IRISYS Confidential KPI – FLIR E 25 COMPARISON IRI 4010 €4,995 Yes; all pixels ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C Two - moveable Yes 160 X Deg C 7.5 Hz FLIR E25 €10,000 Yes; centre point ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C One - fixed No 160 X Deg C 8 Hz outside the US FEATURE PRICE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY CURSORS ∆T ARRAY SIZE SENSITIVITY FRAME RATE
IRISYS Confidential KPI – FLIR E 25 COMPARISON IRI X 15 Yes; full res. Yes -10 T Deg C Excellent 3.5” ( 89 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 4 hours FLIR E25 19 X ; flash memory Yes -20 to +250 Deg C Good 2.5” ( 64 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 2 hours FEATURE FOV IMAGE STORAGE LASER SIGHTING TEMP. RANGE DISPLAY CLARITY DISPLAY SIZE BATTERY REPLACEABLE BATTERY TIME
IRISYS Confidential KPI - SAT (NEC) S SAT S – 120 €12,000 Yes; all pixels ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C One - moveable No 160 X Deg C 30 Hz FEATURE PRICE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY CURSORS ∆T ARRAY SIZE SENSITIVITY FRAME RATE IRI 4010 €4,995 Yes; all pixels ± 2 % or ± 2 Deg C Two - moveable Yes 160 X Deg C 7.5 Hz
IRISYS Confidential KPI - SAT (NEC) S SAT S – X 15 Yes; 2000 flash No -20 to Deg C Good 2.5” (64 mm) Li-Ion Yes 2 hours FEATURE FOV IMAGE STORAGE LASER SIGHTING TEMP. RANGE DISPLAY CLARITY DISPLAY SIZE BATTERY REPLACEABLE BATTERY TIME IRI X 15 Yes; full res. Yes -10 to Deg C Excellent 3.5” ( 89 mm ) Li-Ion Yes 4 hours