Burs and Rotary Attachments for Handpieces
Bur Head Neck Shank To be used in high-speed or low-speed handpiece
Bur Shanks Round bur in straight shank Round bur in latch – type shank Round bur in friction grip shank To insert shank part of bur into handpiece
Round Bur To remove caries from tooth stucture To open tooth for endodontic treatment To place retention in cavity preparation
Pear – Shaped Bur To open tooth for a restoration To remove caries
Inverted Cone Bur To remove caries To establish retention in tooth for cavity preparation
Straight Fissure Bur – Plain Cut To cut cavity preparation To form inner walls of cavity preparation To place retention grooves in walls of cavity preparation
Tapered Fissure Bur – Plain Cut To cut cavity preparation To form angles in walls of cavity preparation To place retention grooves in walls of cavity preparation
Straight Fissure Bur - Crosscut To cut cavity preparation To form walls of cavity preparation To place retention grooves in walls of cavity preparation
Tapered Fissure Bur - Crosscut To cut cavity preparation To form angles in walls of cavity preparation To place retention grooves in walls of cavity preparation
Finishing Bur To finish composite restoration To finish restoration by restoring anatomy in tooth To equilibrate or adjust occlusion
Diamond Bur – Flat-End Taper To reduce a tooth for crown preparation when a square shoulder is needed
Diamond Bur – Flat-End Cylinder To reduce a tooth for crown preparation when parallel walls and flat floors are nedded
Diamond Bur - Flame To reduce a tooth for crown preparation for subgingival margins
Diamond Bur - Wheel To reduce a tooth for crown preparation on lingual aspect of anterior teeth and to reduce bulk of incisal edges
Mandrel – Snap On To attach disc to Mandrel for finishing and polishing inside of outside oral cavity (Mandrel is insert into handpiece.)
Mandrel – Screw On To attach disc to Mandrel for finishing and polishing inside of outside oral cavity (Mandrel is insert into handpiece.)
Sandpaper Disc With Screw – Type and Snap – On Mandrel To contour restorations To polish restorative material (extra fine grit)
Composite Disc To contour restorations To polish or smooth restorative material (extra fine grit)
Rubber Points To polish restoration, amalgam, composite, and gold
Laboratory Bur (Acrylic Bur) To cut models or trim acrylic in laboratory
Laboratory Bur (Diamond Disc) To contour or cut models in the laboratory