Angry Federalists New England Federalist grow worried LA Purchase deal will swing more power toward Jefferson’s dream of agricultural nation Give more power to the South Jefferson triumphantly re-elected 1804 Trouble on the horizon….
Most famous duel in history July 1804 Hamilton & Burr long time political enemies Burr running for Governor of NY Hamilton campaigns against him. Burr loses Tensions reached a bursting point with Hamilton's journalistic defamation of Burr's character Blaming Hamilton, Burr calls for a duel 10 paces. Burr turns & kills Hamilton. Indicted for murder; never brought to trial. Flees to the west
Aaron Burr…a Conspiracy Political hopes fading LA Purchase represents opportunity Plots to separate LA territory from US Pry land from the LA Purchase w/ a small, well-armed army & build his own empire Perhaps he might even get Mexico Befriends Gen. James Wilkinson, Commander in chief of US Army. He is Gov. Of No Louisiana territory
TREASON Burr proposes to Great Britain he’ll help them take western US territory in exchange for $$ & ships to help him w mission Travels across country looking for supporters Wilkinson “rats” him out; tells Jefferson Trial of the century. Burr’s act of treason not specific proof as directly stated in Constitution. He is acquitted! Career in ruins. Attempts to get French & Britain to launch joint attack on US.
EMBARGO Definition: An order of a government prohibiting the departure of commercial ships from it’s ports A legal prohibition on commerce
Embargo Act 1807 Britain & France still fighting for control of Europe. Britain’s royal navy shut down European harbors to American ships America caught in the middle Jefferson wants to remain neutral British system of IMPRESSMENT of American soldiers. Forcible enlistment of our soldiers. Over 6000 American soldiers impressed. Many die or are killed
Jefferson’s alternative Jefferson tries economic method vs. war Law forbids the export of all goods from the United States Embargo act is disastrous American people furious No exports = no business = no $$ Congress repeals act 3 days before Jefferson retires.
Activity Choose one. Complete cartoon analysis sheet for Embargo Act cartoon Research tradition of dueling and the code duello (written rules of dueling). Provide brief summary. Honorable or violent? Write 1-2 paragraphs on a current US embargo.
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