Fall 2010 Organic Chemistry Lab CHML212 Lab Schedule, Course Policies, and Safety Information
Prerequisite and Required Materials You must have taken and received a passing grade in CHML211! You must be currently enrolled in, or have already taken CHM 212 lecture. REQUIRED TEXTS: CHML Laboratory Manual for Organic Chemistry (Fall 2009 Edition-blue cover) Organic Chemistry Laboratory Notebook You must also supply your own safety glasses!
Course Website
Lab Schedule
Attendance Policy You are expected to attend every laboratory session. There are NO make-up labs. You will receive a ZERO for every lab you do not attend, regardless of the reason for the absence. If you miss three or more labs (including those for which you were more than 10 minutes late) you will receive a grade of "F" for the entire course.
Grading Lab is graded separately than lecture! –Lab Exams (50%) –Lab Notebook Maintenance (~10%) –Final Lab Reports (~30%) –Lab Technique (~10%) Dress Code –You must bring goggles with you and wear them at all times while in the lab. –You must wear closed toed shoes! Sandals/flip flops are not acceptable in the lab. –It is recommended that you wear clothing that will cover the majority of your body to avoid possible skin contact with chemicals! –Failure to dress appropriately will result in dismissal from lab and a zero for the experiment!
Lab Quizzes There will be 4 lab quizzes throughout the semester. A full experiment will be performed after every lab quiz! No make-up quizzes will only be allowed, however the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Exam format can be any combination of multiple choice, true/false, short answer, calculation, and mechanism questions.
Lab Notebook Notice the LAB NOTEBOOK link on the course website. A list of notebook requirements are provided for each experiment.
Lab Notebook PRE-LAB notebook entry must be completed by the beginning of lab. Without a COMPLETE pre-lab, you will be dismissed from the lab for lack of preparation and will receive a zero for the experiment! Remember to use the cover insert when writing on the lab notebook pages! Read and obey BASIC RULES for maintaining a lab notebook! Use the LABORATORY NOTEBOOK FORMATTING on the course website, NOT in the lab manual appendix.
Final Lab Reports Due dates will be announced by lab instructor. Unless otherwise instructed, EACH STUDENT submits a copy of the final lab report. Late reports penalized 5% per day and can be submitted until graded lab reports are returned to students. Once lab reports are returned to students graded, NO MORE WILL BE ACCEPTED!
Lab Technique You are responsible for your own safety! –Dress appropriately! –Wear safety goggles! –Wear shoes! –Common sense and thinking are REQUIRED. You are responsible for coming to lab prepared and working efficiently! –Come to lab on time! –Have a plan of action! –Be familiar with safety hazards! You are responsible for cleaning up after yourself! –YOU. Not your lab instructor. If we clean, you pay.
Personal Electronics Cell phone use will not be tolerated in class. Turn them OFF before coming to class. –If yours rings, you leave and receive a zero. –NO TEXTING ALLOWED. Laptops and desktop computers use is allowed for lab related activities ONLY. –If you are caught engaging in non-laboratory activity, you leave and receive a zero.
Other Issues Please refer to the online syllabus for information regarding: –Learning Outcomes –Academic Integrity –Students with Disabilities –Violence and Harassment
Safety in the Organic Lab Always follow the instructor’s directions! Act responsibly! Do not touch any equipment or chemicals until you are instructed to do so! No food or drinks in lab! Report all accidents to the instructor, no matter how small.
Clothing DO wear –Goggles/safety glasses –Closed-toe shoes –Tie back long hair DON’T wear –Sandals –Jewelry –Loose or baggy clothing
Lab Safety Equipment Safety Shower Eyewash Safety Goggles
Lab Safety Equipment Fire ExtinguisherFume Hood
Hazard Symbols CORROSIVE Substance may destroy living tissue on contact. Causes burns. FLAMMABLE Substance may catch fire easily. OXIDIZING Substance gives off a large amount of heat when in contact with other substances. EXPLOSIVE Substance may explode if it comes into contact with a flame or heat. It may also explode due to friction or shock. HARMFUL Substance may cause harm in some way ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD Substance may damage or pollute the environment. TOXIC Substance is poisonous if swallowed or breathed in. It may even go through your skin! IRRITANT Substance may cause irritation to the skin, eyes or inside of your body.
Accidents and Injuries Report ALL injuries to lab instructor IMMEDIATELY, no matter how minor. Be aware of hazards associated with each chemical and technique you will use in the experiment! Complete and submit an Injury Report Form.
First Aid Eye accidents: Wash eyes in stream of water using eyewash station for 15 minutes! Chemical burns: Immediately flush the affected area with a large amount of water in the sink! Use safety shower if necessary! Thermal burns: Determine the type and extent of the burn. Take appropriate action. –1 st degree: red skin, no blisters. Immerse in cold water/apply ice. –2 nd degree: blisters. Immerse in cold water, then apply clean gauze. –3 rd degree: broken skin, tissue damage. Cover with clean gauze. Visit the Health Center.
First Aid Bleeding, cuts, and abrasions: –Clean wound with soap and warm water. –Apply pressure with clean gauze pad until bleeding stops. –Cover wound with bandage or clean gauze pad and secure. Poisoning: –If, after contact with, inhalation of, or accidental ingestion of a chemical, you experience discoloration of the lips, a burning sensation in the throat, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, or confusion, seek treatment IMMEDIATELY for chemical poisoning!
UNCW Safety Contract Please read the Laboratory Rules and Guidelines in your lab manual carefully (p. vii). The Safety Contract (p. xiii) must be signed and returned to lab instructor prior to the first experiment!
Waste Disposal Detailed waste disposal procedures are located at the end of the procedure for each experiment. If you do not know which waste goes where, ask your instructor, but one thing is for sure; DO NOT THROW ANYTHING DOWN THE SINK UNLESS YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO!
Waste Disposal
For next lab… No lab notebook entry for Experiment 14! You must have signed and submitted the SAFETY CONTRACT. Experiment 13 final lab report will be due at the beginning of the lab period!