March 2006DSpace Federation Governance Advisory Board Meeting Open Source Software Governance Case Studies
March 2006DSpace Federation Governance Advisory Board Meeting The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Apache software powers 65% of web sites worldwide 501(c)3 non-profit foundation Reasons for creating ASF Create legal entity Protect contributors from liability Protect Apache assets Membership: individual Apache Incubator Governance and Staffing Board of Directors Project Management Committees ASF Members Committers Contributors Funding All-volunteer staffing/development resources Donations Corporate investment
March 2006DSpace Federation Governance Advisory Board Meeting The Sakai Foundation Collaborative and Learning Environment software Started as a multi- university collaboration 501(c)3 non-profit foundation Membership Institutional only 100 member institutions and commercial affiliates Governance and Staffing Board of Directors Executive Director- TBH ~3 technical staff Funding: membership fees $10K/year, 3 year commitment for large institutions $5K/year, 3 year commitment for smaller institutions
March 2006DSpace Federation Governance Advisory Board Meeting The.LRN Consortium Collaboration and Learning Environment software Originally developed at MIT 501(c)3 non-profit foundation Membership Primarily institutional 25 paying members out of 120 registered users Governance and Staffing Leadership team, technical advisory board and user advisory board Volunteer Executive Director ¼-time release manager Funding Membership contribution: $250/year
March 2006DSpace Federation Governance Advisory Board Meeting MySQL AB Database management system For-profit company 8M installations Employs 275 platform developers Community contributes bug fixes and testing Business model Venture capital investment $40M in revenue (2005) Support and subscription services Sale of commercial licenses (dual-license model) Franchise of MySQL products and services to value-added partners