Mitigation Plan for Four New Jersey Counties Monitoring, Evaluation, & Updates prepared for: Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties prepared.


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Presentation transcript:

Mitigation Plan for Four New Jersey Counties Monitoring, Evaluation, & Updates prepared for: Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties prepared by: Stuart Wallace, LLC March 11-12, 2015

 Co-Founder & CEO, Water Works, L3C  Former Hazard Mitigation Specialist, City of New Orleans  Consultant:  Hazard Mitigation Planning  Stormwater Management  Green Infrastructure Monitoring, Evaluation, & Updates Miriam Belblidia, CFM 2

 Clarify contents of NJ4 HMP  Provide support for implementing risk reduction measures Monitoring, Evaluation, & Updates Workshop Purpose 3

 Commitments are established in the Adoption Resolution  Monitoring implementation of mitigation measures  Evaluating the effectiveness of the HMP and how to keep the plan current  Annual review process can keep HMPs current and reduce or eliminate (mitigate!) update burden Monitoring, Evaluation, & Updates Workshop Context 4

 Monitoring Implementation  Evaluating Effectiveness  Reviews & Updates  Additional Guidance & Resources What are your expectations for this session? Monitoring, Evaluation, & Updates Discussion Topics Outline 5

Monitoring Implementation Monitoring, Evaluation, and Updates 6

 Monitoring implementation helps:  Maintain that hazard and risk information is up- to-date  See HIRA Workshop and Webinars  Ensure that mitigation measures maintain priorities of jurisdiction and stakeholders  Comply with FEMA and NJOEM requirements to remain eligible for disaster assistance and mitigation grants  OEM Coordinator leads monitoring effort Monitoring Implementation NJ4 HMP Implementation 7

 Consistent with Section 4.4 of the RHMP, monitoring includes:  Soliciting and reviewing reports from Working Group members regarding status of implementation of mitigation measures  Tracking progress of sources of improved/revised data (incl. critical facilities and HIRA data, esp. for stormwater and drainage)  Preparing annual report of implementation status to municipal and county officials Annex F: Mitigation Measures – Implementation includes worksheets that can be used to record monitoring results Monitoring Implementation NJ4 HMP Implementation (cont.) 8

Evaluating Effectiveness Monitoring, Evaluation, and Updates 9

 Annual evaluations are preferred and recommended interval  At a minimum, within 4 years of NJ4 HMP adoption date OEM Coordinator will initiate comprehensive evaluation of jurisdiction’s Appendix Evaluating Effectiveness Conducting Evaluations 10

 Criteria include:  Criteria include:  Assessing whether goals & objectives address current and expected conditions  Determining any changes in risk factors and/or relevant data in NJ4 HMP region & jurisdiction Hazard and risk information – See HIRA Workshop and WebinarsHazard and risk information – See HIRA Workshop and Webinars Critical facility site evaluations – See Critical Facility Workshop and WebinarsCritical facility site evaluations – See Critical Facility Workshop and Webinars Evaluating Effectiveness Criteria for Evaluation 11

 Criteria include (cont.):  Criteria include (cont.):  Determining if capabilities have changed relative to the county and municipalities’ ability to plan and implement hazard mitigation projects  Determining if significant changes have occurred in the availability of funding at federal and state levels to support hazard mitigation planning and implementation  See Funding Options and Approaches Workshop and Webinars Evaluating Effectiveness Criteria for Evaluation 12

Reviews & Updates Monitoring, Evaluation, and Updates 13

 Requirement for annual review: included as a County and Municipal Mitigation Measure in each Appendix and specifically referenced in the Adoption Resolutions  Requirement for review following any natural hazard event that requires PDAs  OEM Coordinator or elected officials may initiate review and update at any time Keeping the RHMP and Appendices current during the five year period helps reduce the burden during the formal update process. Reviews & Updates Conducting Regular Reviews 14

 NJ4 HMP Proposed Process for Tracking:  Municipal OEMs and Working Groups will use on–line reporting mechanism  Results compiled and made available by County GIS for use by County or Municipal Working Groups Reviews & Updates Annual Reviews 15

Reviews & Updates Review Tools  Worksheets will be adapted from versions per FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook 16

Reviews & Updates Review Tools  Mitigation Action Progress Report Form 17

Reviews & Updates Review Tools  Plan Update Evaluation 18

Available Resources Monitoring, Evaluation, and Updates 19

Available Resources FEMA Guides  FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook 20

Available Resources FEMA Guides  FEMA State and Local Mitigation Planning “how-to” Guides Volume 4 (Publication 386-4) Volume 4 (Publication 386-4) 21

Questions? Stuart Wallace, CFM Stuart Wallace, LLC