In your table groups, come up with three examples of modern scientific advancements that can be considered revolutionary. Be prepared to share.
You will first need to choose a topic. One of the topics provided or you can come up with one on your own (must be approved) You will then need to do some brief research on the topic, just to gain a better understanding of the innovation/invention. From there, you will then need to create a one page flyer about your topic.
3D Printing (Medicine and Industry) Robotics (Medicine and Defense) Stem Cells Organ Transplants Solar, Wind, Hydro, Nuclear Power Birth Control Vaccinations DNA (Evidence, Genetic Testing, Gene Therapy) Satellite TV Electric Car Commercial Jet Computers MP3 Smart Phones E Commerce Lasik Videogames Chemo Therapy LED Smoke Detectors/CO2 Detectors Electronic Book Microwave MRI GPS Contact Lenses Plastic Water Bottles Drones Drive-thrus Diet Foods Genetically Modified Foods WiFi Social Media Video Camera USB Drive Digital Camera Google Glass
A heading An image of the innovation/invention A one paragraph description of the innovation/invention A list of both pros and cons (3-5 for each – bullet points are fine) Finally, a 3-5 sentence summary of why this innovation/invention is revolutionary and how it connects to the Scientific Revolution. Please include a list of what each group member did somewhere on the poster/flyer.