School of Mechanical Engineering Global Engineering Professional Seminar ME 290 Week 7 1.Today: Intro, literacy articles—Part I; writing sample 2.Profile Assignment distributed: Global Profile—due Week 11 with revised ME Resume 3.China Maymester, return May 27—4 seats! ME 497, 3 creds. tech elect., great credential! 4.Next week: Guest Speaker Dr. Kenneth Haselby 5.Two weeks ahead: Quiz 1 (Week 9), March 12
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›Distributed last part of class today. ›Required in ME 290 but not calculated as part of ME 290 grade. ›“Diagnostic”: Reviewed, not graded ›Basis for recommendations about further coursework. ›Retained until you graduate from ME. Writing Sample
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring Connect with the assignment! 2.Follow the structure requested--use “formal report” format: the assignment hand-out provides format model. 3.Use major divisions that provide: Introduction Credentials and Experience Professional Future Profile – tips!
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›1. Provide specifics…what kind of project, provide titles and labels! ›2. Identify challenges and bring in the reader: Exactly what the problem? How was it solved? Was that problem solved? (provide a STAR narrative—What was the situation? The task? What action? What result?) ›3. Include ethical reasoning example! Right versus right requires reasoning! Use ethical reasoning vocabulary! ›4. Collaborate—standard professional practice! Add impact…
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›Allow time to elapse for “fresh eye” ›Provide “many eyes” for review ›“Document cycling” is standard professional practice! ›Use feedback and revise. ›Complete ahead of schedule! Lastly, collaborate and iterate!
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›1. Early profiles earn +1 bonus points! Go ahead and begin! Date for bonus: Class time, March 26! All other profiles due Thursday, April 2. Please bring printout with cover sheet to class Week 11, April 2. ›2. Remember to sign the cover page, provided in the assignment packet, and place on top of your profile and two resumes (draft and final)—please staple! An e-copy of that cover sheet is also available from the website, ›3. Note that basis for evaluation is provided in the assignment packet—20 points for “Global Profile” and 10 points for “ME Resume.” Turning in profiles…
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›1. To locate, go to ME 290 Blackboard “course content.” ›2. Part I and Part II list articles covered in Quiz 1 and Quiz 2, respectively.—the first quiz is in two weeks, Week 9, March 12. ›3. Quiz 1 is Thursday of Week 9, that is March 12, and consists of 10 multiple choice questions. Global Literacy Reading List
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›1. Friedman published the book “The World is Flat” in 2005—this article captures the heart of that story. Note the large time frame—from 1492! ›2. Zakaria published “The Post-American World” in 2008, anticipating a more collaborative world order. Our selected article updates that expectation. ›3. The “World Bank” provides basic data about the economies of the world. Biggest? Most expensive? Poorest per capita? Intro to Part I
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Spring ›4. Erik Brynjolfsson et al published “The Second Machine Age” in 2014, addressing the vast due to “digital” processes—power law distributions of rewards—”power law economy”, copies same as originals, etc. ›5. Wall Street Journal—John Koton, “Unleashing Innovation”: second industrial revolution, digital—lean and smart, with big data and cheap sensors, new additive manufacturing/3D printing. ›6.Time—Rana Foroohar, Made in the USA, advanced manufacturing returning to US, rising wages in developing countries high energy costs mean expensive transportation. Intro to Part I…con’t