Fergus Millan Health Improvement Strategy Division
Background In common with most of the developed world, Scotland is experiencing the obesity epidemic. Scotland has one of the highest levels of obesity in OECD countries. In 2008, 27% of adults in Scotland were obese and 65% were overweight; for children the corresponding rates were 15% and 32%.
Impact Attainment of the Government’s purpose of a flourishing economy requires a healthy population. The levels of overweight and obesity pose real risks to the health of the population in Scotland and our ability to meet the purpose of sustainable economic growth
Economic Cost to Scotland (in 07/08 prices) In 2007/08 – adult obesity was – 26% –Cost to NHS £175m –Cost to society >£457m By adult obesity to be - 41%. –Cost to the NHS - £312m. –Cost to society ~£3 billion. Much of this cost is avoidable.
Changing Society Obesity cannot be viewed simply as a health issue, nor will it be solved by reliance on individual behaviour change. A successful approach will require collaboration across policies and sectors and investment to make deep, sustainable changes to our living environment in order to shift it from one that promotes weight gain to one that supports healthy weight for all.
The Players The Scottish Government and COSLA are equal partners in the development and delivery of this Route Map. The policy direction set out is aimed at decision-makers from a wide range of partners to develop and lead the long-term solutions to this problem. Those responsible for delivery.
What we will do The Route Map groups the preventative actions we need to take over the next 20 years under the following four areas: –Energy consumption – controlling exposure to, demand for and consumption of excessive quantities of high calorific foods and drinks –Energy expenditure – increasing opportunities for and uptake of walking, cycling and other physical activity in our daily lives and minimising sedentary behaviour –Early years – establishing life-long habits and skills for positive health behaviour through early life interventions –Working lives – increasing responsibility of organisations for the health and wellbeing of their employees
Next Steps Scottish Public Health Network events held in May to allow stakeholders from all sectors an opportunity to be involved in helping shape action plan. Over 140 participants drawn from private, public and voluntary sector and included –38 participants (from 22 LAs), –48 participants (from 14 HBs/CHPs) –remainder from academia, industry, government and voluntary sector.
Results of Workshop
Joint Obesity Group Chaired by Deputy First Minister Cosla’s Health Spokesperson Includes other Ministers, representatives of the food and drink industry, Transport Scotland, Chief Planner, NHS Chair and LA CE. –Agree an action plan with key milestones –Agree suite of indicators to monitor progress –Communications and Research strategies
Scale of Change Delivering policy responses goes far beyond individual initiatives. It will require systemic and far-reaching change in infrastructure, environments, culture and social norms over the next 20 years. The combined effect of these actions will impact on the level of obesity in society, however, we cannot yet predict accurately the contribution of each element or precisely how much we need to invest in each area.
Fergus Millan Health Improvement Strategy Division