Business Plan Dušan Milutinović, M.B.A.
Why make a business plan? What is a business plan? Establishment/development needs Loan Investment Reporting to internal/external stakeholders Discipline of management action and reasoning
What are stakeholders and investors looking for? Form vs. content Visualization of all functions Management Team Good problem prediction Explain assumptions and predictions Explain critical factors of success/failure Explain major landmarks Provide proof of top management/entrepreneur commitment
Procedures and Methodology Detailed expert and business analysis Answer all questions Top management interviews Knowledge of micro/macroeconomic environment and economic laws that apply – theory and practice Qualifications of the presenter and analyst Consulting with experts Review and update
Formats Used europe EBRD World Bank USA EY model Northpoint model
Length of the Business Plan Depends on the stage of development of the firm Start-up Early stage Late stage Layers of business plan writing and presenting
Structure Executive Summary The Firm Market Analysis Competitive Analysis and Barriers to Entry Products and Services Sales and Marketing Operations Finances Appendix
Executive Summary Length – 1-2 pages Content – the essence A negative decision is made quickly Method of preparation Summary financial data Requested ammount Prospects
About the firm Vision and Mission Strategy and Value Propositions Legal forms – why, and breakdown of ownership. Technology and alliances Facilities and equipment Risks – in general
Market Analysis Market description – Critical needs Market research Focus groups Studies etc. The buyer Buying criteria – Who is the decision maker, influencer… Buying cycle Market size Today In one year In five years Market segmentation - criteria Geographical Demographical Psychographical etc.
Analysis of the Competition and Barriers to Entry Potential and existing competition Total market size and growth Analysis of major competitors Analysis of consumer perception based on focus group – perceptual map Comparative advantage SWOT analysis
Products and Services Product lines R&D, future plans Positioning Product life cycle Packaging The product/service delivery cycle Post sales services and costs
Sales and Marketing Sales characteristics and methods (internal or external) Training of sales reps Sales reps motivation Sales activities Prospect identification Prioritization of prospects Measurement of sales efforts by period (telephone calls etc.) and per product/services sold Average sale size Customer retainment rate Up-to-date sales successes and market penetration Graphical depiction of market share
Marketing Process and Communications Marketing Plan (4 P-s) Distribution Channel Strategy Results of market tests Distribution channels...internet Pricing Strategy (EDLP, Penetration, Value, Mark-up, lock-in) Growth strategy
Marketing Communications Promotion, advertising Printed materials Fairs Media and PR Conferences, Seminars Internet Professional and industry publications Direct mail and coverpage Telemarketing
Operations Analysis Characteristics of the production process - subcontractors Production process description Necessary facilities and equipment? Raw materials? Cost of production? Future capital investment needs? Production process and inventory management? Warehousing? Location Necessary time for investment to be operational HR needs
Financial Analysis Assumptions, Assumptions, Assumptions!!! Necessary reports and projections: Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, NPV, ratios Current and prospective ownership structure Exit strategies ...
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