Strategic Planning for the Research Department Linda Kitchel, Director of Research Millie Erichsen, Research Coordinator KSU Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas
Introduction Developing a strategic plan is a way to set goals, state intentions to undertake certain activities, and measure outcomes. Strategic planning answers these questions: Where are we? Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Did we get there?
Introduction The plan directs the unit toward what is truly important. Strategic planning is a continuing process. The plan evolves as circumstances change. A strategic plan is a tool to help the unit make good decisions.
Reasons for a Strategic Plan Position the unit for the future Build on strengths and overcome weaknesses Commit to effective activities Ensure a steady flow of information Determine what work habits the unit needs
Mission Statement The mission statement is the basic description of the unit. A description of the unit’s business. What do you do? What is the fundamental unifying reason the unit exists? What are the needs the unit seeks to fulfill?
KSU Foundation Research Department Mission Statement The mission of the Research Department is to collect and manage information to: 1) identify prospects with high giving potential, 2) match prospects’ interests and needs with those of the University, and 3) plan personalized fundraising solicitations to maximize giving to the University.
Vision Statement Identify your vision for your program. General statement of what the unit aspires to. What do you want to be like in the future? What are your dreams for being a successful unit? Describe the Unit working extremely well.
KSU Foundation Research Department Vision Statement The Research Department will provide leadership in maximizing gifts to the university through information management.
Goals General statements that express broad, desired results. Set the direction of the work effort. What are the critical issues that must be addressed? What are the priorities?
KSU Foundation Research Department Goals Develop a strong prospect pool Enhance collaboration with fund raisers Develop the Research Department Develop professional researchers Strengthen leadership in the KSU Foundation Promote the field of prospect research
Characteristics Describe the goals. When these things have happened, the goals will be reached. Goals and characteristics provide the framework to develop strategies.
KSU Foundation Research Department Goals & Characteristics
Benchmarks Points of reference from which measurements may be made. Standards to measure against. What gets measured gets done.
Benchmarks Number of requests met Number of new prospects identified Number of preparations for visits Number of names handled Number of hours and output for them Response time Number of researched people who made gifts
Report How close did you come to meeting your goals? How did you compare to your benchmarks? Report periodically: yearly, quarterly, monthly.
Plans/Reports Campaign Reports Four years Analyze results –Number of major gift prospects not seen –Amount of gifts from prospects identified by screening service –Amount of gifts from prospects identified by peer screening
Plans/Reports Constituent analysis Identify prospects for next campaign Hire additional fundraisers? Emphasis on Individuals? Major gifts? Planned gifts? Corporations and foundations? Regions of the country? Stewardship?
Plans/Reports Personal strategic plans What is each person’s responsibility? What do you want to be like in the future? What steps do you need to take to reach your goals? What changes do you need to make to reach your goals? What is your timeframe? Review progress periodically.
Uses for a Strategic Plan Basis for job reviews Provides information for: Unit reports Unit budgeting Justifying requests for: Promotions Raises Additional staff Additional resources
Making the Strategic Plan Work Meaningful Content Effective Action
Leadership Understand the plan. Commit the necessary resources. Willing to risk, to try something new. Participate in the process. Celebrate achievement. Ensure the plan is carried out.
How do we feel about having a strategic plan? We know where we are going. Organized Confident We have a direction. We have a plan to do more and to get better.
A Strategic Plan can be your guiding light.