Anila Angjeli 1 APARSEN - Interoperability of PI workshop, iPRES, Lisbon, 5 September 2013 VIAF and Member of the Board of directors of ISNI-IA
VIAF Merge of 32+ national level authority files 34 + million authority records million bibliographic records 23 + million merged clusters Persons, organizations, meetings, geographic names, works and expressions though young (less than 10 years) … from VIAF to ISNI
Libraries Text Rights Music Rights Trade Sources Encyclopaedias Researchers & Professional cross-domain bridging-domains
Figures + % confidence - % confidence Assigned ISNIs to VIAF July independent sources2,496, VIAF sources656,976 Unique name2,643,958 Total 5,797,075 Provisional: Unassigned 9,563,590 Provisional: Possible 580,738 Assigned 6.87 million Number of data contributors VIAF39 Others25 Total (in permanent growth) 64 Cross links among sources through local IDs Over7,6 million
Governance & control infrastructure Governance & control infrastructure ISNI-IA ISO Registration Authority (the governing body) Quality Team libraries data ISNI-AA Assignment Agency (manages the central database) Registration Agency Member enduser database
Samples data regularly – c. 2% VIAF clusters have mixed identities – Duplicate clusters are higher, nearer 5% Makes corrections at cluster level – Merges, splits, error notifications – Access to cataloguing client / macros Makes system recommendations Gives approval for single source assignment Responds to End User input ISNI Quality Team
differences – commonalities - complementarity
Interest forinteroperability VIAF – ISNI Interest for interoperability VIAF – ISNI Areas of interest Same referent (semantic) Communities of users sharing interests Same user operating in multiple communities 8
VIAF-ISNI inter Monthly updates Monthly updates ISNI s ISNI s Reprocessing after notification Error notifications Error notifications Quality Team Quality control matching Assignment Error detection Reminder: VIAF seed database for ISNI VIAF-ISNI Task Force Policy on pseudonyms Study notification work flows Participate in cluster sampling in VIAF and ISNI Help define new anomaly detectors, etc -relationship -operability
Linked 10 External Link
in BnF Catalog a library use case Workflows with publishers (Legal deposit) Bibliographic and authority products Out of commerce works Research and discovery Other uses… 11
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