BSC Designer Implementation Why use the Balanced Scorecard? The Balanced Scorecard is a well known business performance management concept: o 80% of organizations using the Balanced Scorecard reported improvements in operating performance; o 50% of Fortune 1,000 companies use the Balanced Scorecard. BSC Designer is a ready-to-use software solution requiring a minimum of integration. It provides software support for Balanced Scorecard conception on all levels, from establishing top-level company goals to planning target performance values for specific indicators. Learn about Balanced Scorecard Designer software at CEO Investors Finance Sales Marketing Customer Service R&D HR Legal IT
We interviewed Balanced Scorecard experts and asked their opinion: “Should only top managers and CEOs use it? Should it be used company-wide? Should BSC be implemented in all departments or, for instance, only in HR?” Read the full interviews at in the “Interviews” category. Balanced Scorecard Implementation Opinions from Balanced Scorecard experts “For the BSC to be effective in facilitating the execution of strategy, it needs to be cascaded throughout the organization. Cascading requires the participation of managers at all levels of the organization to translate the strategy and articulate the relevance of strategic objectives to each department, team and individual. Cascading can and should result in the alignment (or connectivity) of the corporate, departmental, and individual levels of the organization. It is important to remember that strategy is communicated from top to bottom (executives to frontline employees) and that execution begins with the individual”. Henry Killackey, Jr., Managing Partner and Educational Services Manager at Global Institute for Management “The Balanced Scorecard is for everyone in the organization. This means that the Balanced Scorecard should be cascaded to all departments/business units and teams – both operating and support units.”. Sandy Richardson, President and Managing Consultant at Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. “Clearly it is easier to justify the cost of Balanced Scorecard design for a senior team... but in sufficiently large organizations, similar value from better decision-making can justify developing the Balanced Scorecard for lower-level management teams”. Gavin Lawrie, Managing Director 2GC Active Management.
With the Balanced Scorecard, business owners and top management implement company strategy into business processes. CEO Investors Finance Sales Marketing Customer Service R&D HR Legal IT The Cascading Balanced Scorecard provides collaboration at all levels of company. Investors and top management establish company strategy and provide VPs with a powerful business management tool – Balanced Scorecard. BSC Designer software provides technical support on all levels of Balanced Scorecard implementation. Learn about Balanced Scorecard Designer software at BSC Designer Implementation Use the Balanced Scorecard to improve business performance
Develop company strategy Delegate major indicators to department VPs with BSC Designer Develop Balanced Scorecard with BSC Designer Delegate indicators to managers with BSC Designer Create strategy map using BSC Designer Analyze past performance values, plan targets for future Learn about Balanced Scorecard Designer software at BSC Designer Implementation Implement Balanced Scorecard on all levels CEO Investors Finance Sales Marketing Customer Service R&D HR Legal IT
Delegate indicators to managers with BSC Designer Collaborate using HTML reports, PowerPoint reports, local Excel-based Scorecard Connect corporate database to BSC Designer Software using SQL for accurate reporting Control performance changes by date using stoplights Learn about Balanced Scorecard Designer software at BSC Designer Implementation Collaborate and improve business performance CEO Finance Sales Marketing Customer Service R&D HR Legal IT
Succeed with a Balanced Scorecard implementation: o 95% of the typical workforce does not understand organizational strategy; o 70% of organizations do not link middle management incentives to strategy; o 80% of organizations using the Balanced Scorecard reported improvements in operating performance; o 66% of these organizations reported an increase in profits. For factual references, check the Fact Sheet page at Learn about Balanced Scorecard Designer software at Download a fully-functional 30-day evaluation version of BSC Designer from: Purchase the full version of BSC Designer from our website: Check the latest case studies online: Ask your questions to BSC Designer support team: BSC Designer Implementation Download and try BSC Designer