Introduction to the IDA Programme Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Turkish State Planning Organisation Ankara, 25 September 2003 Paul E Murphy European Commission - DG Enterprise
Outline IDA’s mission and legislative contextIDA’s mission and legislative context IDA within eEuropeIDA within eEurope IDA’s activitiesIDA’s activities –Projects of Common Interest –Horizontal Action and Measures IDA OrganisationIDA Organisation The future of IDAThe future of IDA
IDA’s mission and legislative context
IDA objective To facilitate efficient, effective and secure exchange of information in order to support : –Implementation of Community policies –Achievement of the Internal Market –Inter-institutional communication and decision-making process Through the establishment of operational, interoperable, trans-European telematic networks between Member State administrations and the Community institutions
The legal base The “Guidelines” Decision N° 1719/1999/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 12/07/1999 (PCI’s), amended by Decision N° 2046/2002/EC of 21/10/2002 The “Interoperability” Decision N° 1720/1999/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 12/07/1999 (HAM’s), amended by Decision N° 2045/2002/EC of 21/10/2002 Amendments mainly stressing : –priority of eEurope initiative and related action plan –extension to Malta and Turkey (in addition to EEA, central and eastern Europe, and Cyprus)
eContent Promoting a dynamic economic environment Providing modern public online services in e-Government e-Learning e-Health Flanking measures: Generally accessible, affordable broadband services A secure information infrastructure. Political context: eEurope
Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) Horizontal Actions and Measures (HAMs) The two pillars of IDA
Projects of Common Interest Legal basisLegal basis –Community act –expresses the need for information t be exchanged Coordinating committee of representatives of the Member States, chaired by the CommissionCoordinating committee of representatives of the Member States, chaired by the Commission Included in IDA workprogrammeIncluded in IDA workprogramme
Projects of Common Interest Social Security Agriculture & Fisheries Employment & Education Translation Services Transport Statistics Justice & Home Affairs Consumer Protection Interinstit. Comm. Enterprises & Internal Market Humanitarian Aid Trade GENERIC SERVICES Environment Health Care EUPHIN SOLVIT PLOTEUS EudraNet PROCIV-NET SIMAP TESS
Co-ordination in case of civil emergenciesCo-ordination in case of civil emergencies Provision of communication and information systemProvision of communication and information system Identification/training/sending of intervention teamsIdentification/training/sending of intervention teams Creation of a training programmeCreation of a training programme Usage of IDA generic servicesUsage of IDA generic services PCIs - Example Prociv-Net
PCIs - Example PLOTEUS An EU database/portal on learning opportunities, linked to a database on jobs : –multi-lingual –Links to higher education institutions web sites and databases –Description of education systems in MS To be combined with EURES (in future)
EUPHIN: EU Public Health Information Network Communicable diseases Health Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (HSSCD)Communicable diseases Health Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (HSSCD) Health monitoring Health Information Exchange and Monitoring System (Hiems)Health monitoring Health Information Exchange and Monitoring System (Hiems) Injury surveillance Injury Surveillance System (ISS)Injury surveillance Injury Surveillance System (ISS) (EC - DG Health and Consumer Protection)
IDA in support of the internal market : SOLVIT SOLVIT Network of dedicated problem-solving “SOLVIT” centres (one per MS)Network of dedicated problem-solving “SOLVIT” centres (one per MS) Linked by an On-line multi-lingual database systemLinked by an On-line multi-lingual database system
IDA in support of the single pharmaceutical market EUDRANET An IT network between EMEA and competent national authoritiesAn IT network between EMEA and competent national authorities Handling marketing authorizationsHandling marketing authorizations Processing data in the event of alerts (faulty manufacture, serious adverse reactions, etc.)Processing data in the event of alerts (faulty manufacture, serious adverse reactions, etc.)
IDA in support of the environment eEIONET A collaborative network of the EEA and its competent national authorities Platform for reporting and public access to reliable and comprehensive information Aims at the drastic reduction of the reporting burdens via the eEIONET reporting system
Global figures - PCIs Total of projects presented: 46 (10 for info) Sectors represented: 15 New projects: 12 Total request : 11 M€ Total request for new projects: 5 M€ Percentage request for new projects: 45 %
Global figures - PCIs
With 2003 work programme, the section on horizontal actions and measures was restructured Horizontal actions and measures
EuroDomain EuroGate EU Agencies EU Member States Direct connected sectors Direct connected sectors EU Institutions PKIDIRDNS Mail relay PortalCircaDIR EU Agencies EU Member States Direct connected sectors Direct connected sectors EU Institutions PKIDNS Mail relay PortalCircaDIR Other services : TESTA Network HAMs - Example TESTA
CIRCA collaborative tool Click on the link of your CIRCA logical site
Total number of projects in 2003: 31 (8 for information) Total value: € 12.3 Mio. Technology solutions: € 8.7 Mio. Business applications: € 2.6 Mio. Global figures - HAMs
IDA Work Organisation Proposals for PCIs :Proposals for PCIs : –Commission services (DGs) –Sectoral Committess –TAC Proposals for HAMs :Proposals for HAMs : TAC PCIs TAC Commissio n services IDA Participating countries WHAM Expert groups Member States and other participating countries
IDA work organisation Yearly budget (2003) : 25M€ + ~2M€ (AC’s & CC’s)Yearly budget (2003) : 25M€ + ~2M€ (AC’s & CC’s) TAC : Telematics between Administrations Committee (composed of representatives of MS, AC)TAC : Telematics between Administrations Committee (composed of representatives of MS, AC) TAC WHAM : Working Group on HAMTAC WHAM : Working Group on HAM Working Groups of Experts per specific topicWorking Groups of Experts per specific topic Sectoral committeesSectoral committees
IDA working groups of experts IDA Interoperability Framework for pan- European e-government and e-linkIDA Interoperability Framework for pan- European e-government and e-link Open Source SoftwareOpen Source Software XMLXML E-procurementE-procurement TESTATESTA TESTA AccreditationTESTA Accreditation Portal of EU AdministrationPortal of EU Administration E-Government observatoryE-Government observatory Security : PKI, Bridge CASecurity : PKI, Bridge CA......
The future of IDA IDA II expiring on December 2004 Proposal for a new legal basis for the new Programme : IDA BC ( ) prepared by the Commission “Interoperable Delivery of pan-European eGovernement services to public Administration,Business and Citizens” Challenges ahead : –most competitive knowledge based economy –overcoming the distance between EU and its citizens –consolidation of enlargement –EU space of security, justice and freedom
The future of IDA Key Features of IDA BC : –An eGovernment programme –Building on A2A to promote A2B, A2C –Pan-European eGovernment services –Permanent dialogue with all stakeholders (including regional and local authorities, consumers and business’ associations) => Advisory Board to be created by Commission Decision proposal => NEED for active participation of Acceding and Candidate Countries
Web: Address:IDA Promotion Office DG Enterprise/D2 - SC15 2/50 European Commission B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Visit us.
Thank you Paul E. Murphy IDA programme European Commission rue de la Loi, 200 (SC 15 02/65) B-1040 Brussels, Belgium fax: