Maniac Magee By Jerry Spinelli Published by Little, Brown and Company Copyright 1990 by Jerry Spinelli Genre: Young Adult Novel Report by Connor Roizman
Jerry Spinelli Jerry Spinelli is 70 years old, being born on February 1st, He was born in Norristown, Pennsylvania. He currently lives in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Also, one year, he handed out books by other children’s authors for Halloween. He got married to another children’s author, Eileen Spinelli, in They have 6 children and 16 grand children. His childhood was full of sports, bicycle races, yo-yos, girls, and comics. He read a few sports novels and Bugs Bunny comics. Before he wanted to become a baseball player, he actually wanted to be a cowboy. But then, Spinelli wanted to become a major league baseball player. Continued
When he was 16, he wrote a poem about a football game that got published in the newspaper. After he graduated from college, he wrote a few books but none of them were published. The first 4 books he wrote weren’t published, but he didn’t give up. His first book published was Space Station Seventh Grade. Some of the main awards he got were for Maniac Magee, his 4th book, that won the Newbery Award. He also got the Newbery Honor Award for his book, Wringer. And just last year, he released a book called I Can be Anything!. He gets his ideas from his children, his grandkids, and by hearing stories about other children. Jerry graduated from Gettysburg College in He got his Master of Arts (MA) at Johns Hopkins University in He has published a book about every 1-2 years since 1982! Jerry thought he did not read enough when he was a kid. But, when he was 16, he wrote a poem that got published in the news. Continued
Jerry’s parents were Louis Anthony and Lorna Mae Spinelli. Lorna Mae Spinelli was born on April 14, She died at the age of 94 on December 23, She originally lived in Norristown, Pennsylvania but then she moved to Lansdale, Pennsylvania. She was the last born out of 10 children. She has 17 great grandchildren! That is some information about the author of the book I’m reading, Jerry Spinelli. The following is Spinelli’s first published piece!
The first Ace bolted for the goal And nothing did he see But Branca, swearing on his soul. “You shall not pass by me.” The next two plays convinced all The ref would make the touchdown sign But when the light shone on the ball It still lay inches from the line. Said Captain Eastwood to his gents, “It’s up to us to stop this drive.” Said Duckworth, Avery, Knerr and Spence, “Will do, as long as we’re alive.” The halfback drove with all his might His legs were jet-propelled But when the dust had cleared the fight The Eagle line had held. GOAL TO GO The score stood seven-six. With but five minutes to go The Ace attack employed all tricks To settle down its stubborn foe. It looked as though the game was done When an Ace stepped wide ’round right An Eagle stopped him on the one And tumult filled the night Thirty-two had come their way And thirty-two had died Should number thirty-three, this day For one yard, be denied? Roy Kent, the Eagle mentor, said, “I’ve waited for this game, And now, defense, go, stop ’em dead And crash the Hall of Fame.”
Maniac Magee Interest Level and Reading Level The interest level for Maniac Magee is ages The reading level for this book is Level V.
The main theme of my book is racism, stereotypes, and how homeless Maniac Magee brought the East and West sides of the town together. The East side of town is where the African American people live and the West side of town is where the white people live. The people on the two sides of town do not interact, are afraid of each other and have many misconceptions about what life is like on the “other” side. The main theme of my book is racism, stereotypes, and how homeless Maniac Magee brought the East and West sides of the town together. The East side of town is where the African American people live and the West side of town is where the white people live. The people on the two sides of town do not interact, are afraid of each other and have many misconceptions about what life is like on the “other” side. First, Maniac Magee stays at someone’s house over at the East End and then he lives with someone in the West End, then he goes back and forth again. In doing this, the author has an opportunity to show what life is really like on both sides of town. First, Maniac Magee stays at someone’s house over at the East End and then he lives with someone in the West End, then he goes back and forth again. In doing this, the author has an opportunity to show what life is really like on both sides of town. At the end, Maniac brings an African American boy named Mars Bar over to the West End for a boy’s birthday party. When the people of West and East sides of town begin to talk to each other, they will find that they are not so different. At the end, Maniac brings an African American boy named Mars Bar over to the West End for a boy’s birthday party. When the people of West and East sides of town begin to talk to each other, they will find that they are not so different. Theme
This book is about a boy who can’t find a place where he belongs. He travels back and forth between the East and West Ends of Two Mills, trying to find a home. He solves many problems at the places he visits. He thinks that he will never find the place where he can feel at home. Does he ever find a home? In the end, the people that care about him solve his problem. This book is about a boy who can’t find a place where he belongs. He travels back and forth between the East and West Ends of Two Mills, trying to find a home. He solves many problems at the places he visits. He thinks that he will never find the place where he can feel at home. Does he ever find a home? In the end, the people that care about him solve his problem. Overview
The problem in this book is that Maniac Magee cannot find a place where he belongs. The book begins with him living with his Aunt and his Uncle who won’t talk to each other. He runs away and after a while he ends up in a town where the East side of the town and the West side of the town don’t talk to each other. Maniac stays with families on both sides of the town. Near the end of the book he brings the two sides together and they start to talk with each other. The solution is that at the end, his friend Amanda of the East End “called him home”, or told him to go to the place where he belongs, her house. The problem in this book is that Maniac Magee cannot find a place where he belongs. The book begins with him living with his Aunt and his Uncle who won’t talk to each other. He runs away and after a while he ends up in a town where the East side of the town and the West side of the town don’t talk to each other. Maniac stays with families on both sides of the town. Near the end of the book he brings the two sides together and they start to talk with each other. The solution is that at the end, his friend Amanda of the East End “called him home”, or told him to go to the place where he belongs, her house. Problem and Solution
This book takes place in Two Mills, Pennsylvania. Maniac originally started out at Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania when he was living with his Aunt and Uncle, but he ran away after he yelled at his Aunt and Uncle during a school chorus concert. After running for a year, Maniac finds Two Mills, a town that has an East End where the African Americans live and a West End where the white people live. The point of view in this book is told by a narrator, so it’s third person. This book takes place in Two Mills, Pennsylvania. Maniac originally started out at Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania when he was living with his Aunt and Uncle, but he ran away after he yelled at his Aunt and Uncle during a school chorus concert. After running for a year, Maniac finds Two Mills, a town that has an East End where the African Americans live and a West End where the white people live. The point of view in this book is told by a narrator, so it’s third person. Setting and Point of View
Characters The characters in the book are both likeable and unlikeable. -The main character of the story, Jeffrey Lionel Magee, is a creative, strong kid who loves sweet treats. He is so good at sports that he beat an athletic kid in a race while running backwards! Maniac Magee winning the race while running backwards makes the kid he beat feel really bad. - Amanda is a caring black child, although she can be a bit aggressive at times. She is both caring and aggressive at the end of the book. -Old Grayson is funny and happy, but also a bit sad at times because he missed his chance to have a career in baseball. -John McNab can be nice, but he’s mostly a rude white boy. -Mars Bar as a pretty mean tough black kid, but when things go his way he is much nicer. -Russell and Piper are disagreeable, adventurous, and not too smart. They are John’s little brothers. By the end of the book, you find that most everyone is a good person no matter what color they are even if they seem bad sometimes.
When did Jeffrey (Maniac) run away? (Chapter 1) When did Jeffrey (Maniac) run away? (Chapter 1) Why did he stop running in Two Mills? (Chapter 2) Why did he stop running in Two Mills? (Chapter 2) Why is the town separated? (Chapter 3) Why is the town separated? (Chapter 3) Why are the kids so scared of Finsterwald’s? (Chapter 5) Why are the kids so scared of Finsterwald’s? (Chapter 5) Was Maniac nervous to walk up to home plate without a uniform or hat? (Chapter 7) Was Maniac nervous to walk up to home plate without a uniform or hat? (Chapter 7) Why didn’t the Cobras keep on throwing rocks even after Maniac crossed the boundary? (Chapter 9) Why didn’t the Cobras keep on throwing rocks even after Maniac crossed the boundary? (Chapter 9) Why did Mars Bar want the book from Maniac? (Chapter 11) Why did Mars Bar want the book from Maniac? (Chapter 11) Why did Maniac sleep at the zoo? (Chapter 12) Why did Maniac sleep at the zoo? (Chapter 12) How long were Hands Down and Maniac playing football? (Chapter 14) How long were Hands Down and Maniac playing football? (Chapter 14) Why couldn’t Maniac see that Mars Bar hated him in the beginning? (Chapter 16) Why couldn’t Maniac see that Mars Bar hated him in the beginning? (Chapter 16) Who wrote on the front of the house with chalk? (Chapter 18) Who wrote on the front of the house with chalk? (Chapter 18) How was Maniac so good at un-tying knots? (Chapter 20) How was Maniac so good at un-tying knots? (Chapter 20) If Maniac was only at the Buffalo pen at night, how did Grayson see him? (Chapter 22) If Maniac was only at the Buffalo pen at night, how did Grayson see him? (Chapter 22) Why was Grayson surprised that the East End was similar to the West End? (Chapter 26) Why was Grayson surprised that the East End was similar to the West End? (Chapter 26) Why didn’t Grayson know how to read? (Chapter 28) Why didn’t Grayson know how to read? (Chapter 28) Why was Christmas paradise? (Chapter 30) Why was Christmas paradise? (Chapter 30) How did Grayson die? (Chapter 32) How did Grayson die? (Chapter 32) Why did the McNab boys want to go to Mexico? (Chapter 34) Why did the McNab boys want to go to Mexico? (Chapter 34) Why did Maniac want the McNab boys to go to school? (Chapter 36) Why did Maniac want the McNab boys to go to school? (Chapter 36) Why didn’t Maniac come back after a short while from the East End? (Chapter 38) Why didn’t Maniac come back after a short while from the East End? (Chapter 38) When Russell and Piper stopped demanding Maniac to do things, did they still go to school? (Chapter 40) When Russell and Piper stopped demanding Maniac to do things, did they still go to school? (Chapter 40) Where did Maniac get money to buy a compass? (Chapter 42) Where did Maniac get money to buy a compass? (Chapter 42) Why was Mars Bar following Maniac? (Chapter 44) Why was Mars Bar following Maniac? (Chapter 44) How did Amanda know Maniac was at the zoo? (Last chapter, chapter 46) How did Amanda know Maniac was at the zoo? (Last chapter, chapter 46) Discussion Questions
If you liked this book, you’ll love… I enjoyed this book, and I would recommend it to people who like adventure and action books. Other books by this author that I recommend include Eggs, Fourth Grade Rats, Who Put That Hair in My Toothbrush?, and School Daze.